candhang, nyandhangi to retard, check; to catch. See also cadhang.
candhen see candhi.
candhet, nyandhet to restrain, check, hold;
panyandhet restraint, control, prevention.
candhi 1 ancient Hindu or Buddhist temple or shrine; 2 stone floor-tile;
bentar temple gates with the appearance of a single facade split in the middle;
nyandhi 1 to enshrine in a temple; to bury s.o. in such a temple; 2 fig to cherish, take scrupulous care of; to hold in esteem;
candhen having the appearance of such a temple.
candhik I counting unit for the leaves used in betel quid;
nyandhiki to make betel leaves into a betel-chewing packet;
sacandhik one betel-chewing packet.
II candhik-ala (-kala) twilight, dusk; the spirits that emerge at dusk.
candhuk I a liquid measure. See also canthuk I.
II nyandhuk reg to drain blood.
III candhuk to meet each other; meeting; - lawung to come into contact with. See also canthuk.
candhung reg a certain type of sickle or scythe.
candra I 1 lit moon 2 lit month. II a description couched in figurative terms; - sengkala chronogram used as a cryptic way of expressing dates, esp the year a building was constructed;
sengkala memet complex chronogramatic representation of the year;
nyandra to describe s.t. figuratively;
cinandra lit described;
panyandra a description couched in beautiful figures of speech;
candra kalamukan buda 'the moon covered by a star'; the wrong finding of a court.
candramawa a cat with a certain coat and eye colouring, said to have the magical power of stopping a mouse in its tracks by merely staring at it.
candrasa lit sword.
candu opium; - gelap black market opium;
nyandu 1 to have become addicted to; 2 (of smoking tobacco) to produce tars.
canéla sandals, slippers. See also cenela.
canès reg var of sanes.
canik, nyanik (of face) small and cute.
cangak a heron-like bird.
cangap 1 a wide opening; 2 reg water-channel into a ricefield; 3 var of cangar;
nyangap to force open the mouth of (e.g. a child, an animal);
nyangapaké to open s.o.'s mouth.
cangar, nyangar var of nyangap;
cangaran act of opening s.o.'s mouth.
cangcalan pretext, subterfuge, excuse.
cangcang var of cancang.
cangcing handy, skilful, adroit.
canggah I 1 forked stick or branch; 2 having a forked shape.
II great-great-grandchild; 2 great-great-grandparent.
canggal a dead tree or stump.
canggeh 1 apt to tease or pester; 2 prone to steal.
Cangik way name of a tall and thin female clown-servant;
nyangik resembling this wayang figure;
cangik-cangik tall, thin and long of neck.
cangkah a forked branch (var of) canggah.
cangkang 1 eggshell, nutshell; 2 seashell.
cangkel stubborn, headstrong.
cangkelak to return with a quick motion. See also cengkelak.
cangkem ng, kr, tutuk k.i. 1 mouth; 2 cr talk, chat; bad words;
nyangkemi cr to speak to angrily or accusingly;
cangkeman 1 resembling a mouth; 2 with a mouth, oral;
nyangkem kodhok to have/get a three-cornered tear in fabric;
cangkem rusak, godhong jati krasa enak prov to eat indiscriminately; gluttonous.
cangkerem var of cengkerem.
cangket reg pretty, pleasing.
cangking, nyangking to take or carry in the hand or arm;
nyangkingake to carry for s.o.; nyangking-nyangking to involve; to drag s.o.'s name into;
kecangking to get picked up or carried off inadvertently;
cangkingan 1 handle; 2 s.t. used to carry things; 3 s.t. carried in the hand.
cangkir cup (for tea or coffee).
cangklak, nyangklak 1 to feel sore in the armpit area; 2 rebellious, disobedient; cangklakan armpit.
cangklek, nyangklek (of distance) very close.
cangklek, nyangklèk to carry on the waist or hip;
cangklèkan a wooden sickle-holder tied to the waist or hip.
cangklèt var of cangklèk.
cangklong I a long wide band, worn over the shoulder, with pockets at either end for carrying small things;
nyangklong to carry s.t by hanging it over (the shoulder or arm);
nyangklongake to hang s.t. over the shoulder.
II pipe;
nyangklong to smoke a pipe.
cangklung one's reach; one's stride;
cangklung-cangklung long-armed, long-legged.
cangkok 1 outer shell, esp of molluscs; 2 tray of a balance scale; 3 landowner, as contrasted with sharecropper (indhung); 4 basic, fundamental, original;
nyangkok to transplant, graft; to take a cutting from a living plant;
cangkokan 1 a transplant, a graft; transplantation, transplanting; 2 grown from a cutting.
cangkol 1 hook; benik - hook-and-eye fastener (see also benik); 2 var of cangkul;
nyangkol to catch on; nyangkoli to hang s.t. on;
nyangkolake to hang up (clothing);
cangkolan hook, hanger.
See also canthel, canthol.
cangkrak 1 repr a sudden swift movement; 2 or cangkrakan to act impulsively or irresponsibly.
cangkrama lit to relax and enjoy o.s.;
nyangkramani to make love to (a woman).
cangkrang chickenpox;
cangkrangen to have or get chickenpox.
cangkreg, cangkreg-cangkreg to keep sticky.
cangkrim, cangkriman a riddle, an enigma, a conundrum; to say a riddle;
nyangkrimi to ask s.o. a riddle.
cangkring a certain thorny-trunked tree; bamboo branch;
cangkringan thorny underbrush.
cangkul I a hoe-like farm tool for loosening soil;
nyangkul to use or work with this tool;
nyangkuli to keep hoeing a soil;
nyangkulaké to hoe a soil for s.o.;
cangkulan work done with this tool. See also cangkol, pacul.