nyakur to paw, claw at;
nyakuri to claw repeatedly;
kecakur to get pawed accidentally. See also thakur.
cakut 1 in preparation for hard work; 2 to start working hard.
cal shawl.
cala I or cecala 1 a messenger or a message sent around to invite guests to a celebration; 2 opening words; to begin talking.
II lit mountain (shtf of acala, ancala).
III lit defect, flaw
IV lit cunning, shrewdness.
calabéka lit to change into bad thing; to destroy s.t. valuable intentionally.
cala-culu repr bursting in.
calaina partially or totally blind.
calak I a man who performs traditional circumcisions.
II, calakan person of many talents, one who learns easily
III flippant;
calak cangkol kendhali cemethi tai to interrupt the conversation with s.t. trivial.
calang or cecalang to prepare; to be ready for carrying out;
nyalangi to prepare before s.t. happens;
panyalang advance guard, scout.
calapita I lit a sudden rapid movement.
II 1 a certain gamelan melody; 2 bamboo whistle that produces fine sounds.
III a certain grasshopper.
calathu ng, wicanten hr, ngendika h.i. to say, to talk, speak;
pacalathon speech, talking, what s.o. says. See also celathu, clathu.
calawenthah immorality, profligacy.
calek 1 reg near, close; 2 reg short. See also cedhak, cendhak.
calik I 1 (to make) a one-day excursion; 2 to come and then go straight away.
II nyalik(aké) to turn over; to turn the other way around.
calo I a small edible ocean fish.
II var of calok.
calok 1 ticket scalper; 2 passenger recruiter for public vehicles;
nyalok to work as a ticket scalper.
calon or calonan 1 candidate, prospective; 2 applicant;
nyaloni to nominate, designate;
nyalonaké to appoint s.o. as a candidate.
caluk I reg a cutting knife, chopper.
II young tamarind fruit.
calung I a certain bamboo music instrument.
II shank of a horse's leg.
cam I appearance;
ngecamaké to consider advisable; to bear in mind;
cam-camé it appears, it seems.
II ngecam reg to calculate, estimate.
camah not respected, in disrepute;
nyamah to show disrespect (for);
nyenyamah to treat with a lack of disrespect;
nyamahake (act of) showing disrespect;
kecamah to get a lack of respect;
panyamah (act of) showing disrespect.
camat head of a subdistrict, i.e. an administrative officer having authority over village heads;
kecamatan subdistrict, territory under the above official.
cambah bean sprout (shtf of kecambah).
cambang 1 (of sideburns) long and wide; 2 side whiskers.
camben reg kr for candu.
cambeng or cecambeng advance preparations, arrangements, provisions;
nyambengi to prepare;
nyambengaké to provide, prepare s.t. for.
cambil reg coconut. See also kambil I.
cambor, nyambor to mix;
camboran 1 a mixture; 2 compound; 3 gram compound word.
cambuk reg var of sambuk.
cambur var of cambor, campur.
camcao a certain vine, the leaves of which are used for cool drinks and gelatinlike foods.
camèh, nyamèh (of the lower lip) drooping; fig talkative.
camik, camikan or nyamikan snacks, refreshments.
campah I reg insipid, tasteless.
II or cecampah criticism, ridicule;
nyampah or nyampahi to criticise, ridicule.
III (of roof) not aslant enough, almost level.
campaka frangipani.
campleng reg to break instantly.
camplong a crude ladder consisting of a notched board.
campreng, comprang-campreng chronically short of money.
campuh 1 to link up; 2 to fight, duel; 3 to gather.
campur to mix (with); mixed; - adhuk all mixed in together; - bawur 1 mixed up; 2 a mixture of flower fragrances for perfume; 3 medley; 4 confused; - sari to menstruate;
nyampur to mix;
nyampuri 1 to mix s.t. in; 2 to meddle in, interfere;
nyampurake to mix s.t. (up) with (s.t. else);
kacampuran mixed (with), mingled with;
campuran 1 (a) mixture (of); 2 meddling, interference.
camu unit of ten billion;
sacamu ten billion.
camuk, camuk-camuk or nyamuknyamuk or nyomak-nyamuk (to eat) with the mouth stuffed.
canang a certain variety of yellow betel leaf.
cancala I 1 lit to shake violently; to unsettle; 2 lit lightning.
II reg to have troubles, filled with obstacles; disturbance.
cancalan reg a scapegoat. See also sangsalan.
cancang, nyancang 1 to tie up, tether; 2 to give a down payment; to pay (as) a deposit;
panyancang act or way of tethering;
cancangan 1 tethered; 2 pole or s.t. used for tethering an animal.
cancing or cancingan 1 handy and quick; 2 to wear practical clothes.
cancao var of camcao.
cancut with sleeves rolled up or cloth tucked up, in preparation for hard work; - tali-wanda lit to gird up one's loins, to get set for some hard work;
nyancutaké to tuck up one's sleeves or clothes before starting to work; to gird o.self for work.
candhak the next, continuation, sequel; - cekel to take possession of s.o.'s property as a payment on a debt;
kulak credit system for small investors;
nyandhak 1 to take, catch, grasp, seize; 2 to understand; 3 to reach;
nyandhakaké to continue, resume;
kecandhak 1 to get caught, seized; 2 to be found; can be picked up;
candhakan 1 to understand things easily; 2 solution;
candhake the next one;
sacandhake or sakecandhake