aradan 1 one forced into labour; 2 forced labour, slavery; 3 victim sacrificed to the spirits.
arag, ngarag 1 to sieve, sift; 2 to sort (sand, gravel);
ngarag-aragi 1 to sort (pebbles, gravel) according to size by screening; 2 to clean weeds and debris after harrowing a rice-field.
arah I 1 direction; 2 plan, aim;
ngarah 1 to aim (toward), reach tof for intend; - pati to plan on killing; 2 to aim s.t in a certain direction;
ngarah-arah to attain a certain aim;
ngarahaké to aim, direct, point;
pangarah expectation, aim. See also angkah.
II arahan obs temporary worker; prajurit irregular soldier.
arak I 1 rice wine, alcoholic beverage made of distilled sap; 2 liquor (brandy, whisky, gin etc);
ngarak to ferment (of ripe fruits, sticky rice).
II ngarak to take s.o. around in public; - penganten to form a procession which accompanies the bride and groom publicly;
arak-arakan a parade, procession, review;
pangarak 1 act of parading or forming a procession; 2 people who take part in a procession.
III or harak excl inviting agreement or confirmation, var of rak I.
aral obstacle.
aran 1 ng, nama or nami kr, asma hi. personal name; 2 name (what s.t. is);
dadi - or kari - dead (see also dadi, kari); - aran gram noun (see also tembung);
ngarani ng mastani kr, 1 to call, name; 2 to regard, consider; 3 to accuse;
karan what s.o. or s.t. is called or known as;
aran-aran mockery, ridicule; dadi - to be a laughing-stock(see also dadi);
ngaran-arani to try to accuse s.o.
arang I ng, awis kr 1 (or arang-arang ng, awis-awis kr) scarce, infrequent, rare, seldom; 2 widely spaced; - kerepé comparative space, frequency; - kranjang very closely spaced, 'even a closely woven basket is more spacious';
ngarang to become less numerous/ scarcer;
ngarangi to make/become less numerous/frequent; to space out;
ngarangaké to thin out;
arang wulu kucing prov very closely spaced, 'even a cat's fur is more widely spaced'.
II mangarang lit sad, pining, languishing.
aras I 1 a kiss (k.i. for ambung); 2 seat, place to sit, throne; - kembang a favourite among one's superiors;
ngaras to kiss (k.i. for ngambung);
pangarasan cheek (k.i. for pipi).
II aras-arasen listless, enervated.
arcapada or ngarcapada lit world, earth;
titah - creatures (see also titah).
arda see harda.
ardana lit money. See also redana.
ardacandra 1 lit crescent (moon); 2 way name of a magic arrow with crescent-shaped point.
ardawalepa way ill-bred, failing to follow rules of proper conduct by answering back; impudent, impertinent.
ardawalika name of a dragon-shaped item of regalia.
ardaya heart, mind, (var of wardaya).
aré 1 or ngaré valley, lowland; 2 coll var of jaré(né).
arèh coconut milk that has been simmered until thick;
ngarèhi to put such milk on s.t.
arèk reg 1 child; 2 a native of.
arem, arem-arem 1 s.t. that soothes; 2 name of a food made of rice with mincemeat in it;
marem satisfied, content;
ngarem-aremi to soothe s.o.;
pangarem-arem s.t. that soothes; sawah - ricefield turned over to a retired village official as a pension (see also sawah).
areng charcoal; - bathok charcoal made from coconut shell; - stingkul or - watu coal;
ngareng 1 to make charcoal; 2 to become charcoal;
pangareng-areng s.t. used to produce charcoal;
asok glondhong pangareng-areng way to offer logs for fuel, fig tribute paid to a sovereign power.
arep I ng, badhé fer, arsa, karsa k.i.
ajeng md, to want, intend to; going to, in order to;
arep-arep gambling stakes;
ngarepi 1 to want, covet; 2 reg to be willing to pay (a certain price);
ngarepake to wish, desire;
arepan 1 to want everything one sees, covetous; 2 reg to be willing to do (go);
ngarep-arep 1 to expect; 2 to look forward to;
pangarep-arep 1 hope; 2 expectation.
II ngarep 1 in front; - (m)buri in front and behind; 2 earlier, before; 3 the coming (time, period); taun - next year (see also taun);
ngarepake 1 before; to precede; 2 to face (toward), face s.t. toward;
ngarepan 1 the front; 2 front section of a Javanese house, where guests are received;
pangarep rig, pangajeng kr, pangarsa k.i., leader, one who presides, chairman;
kasebut ing ngarep mentioned before/ above;
arep jamure emoh watange to want the advantages but avoid the difficulties.
arès I inner part of banana stalk.
II ares-aresen reg to have a certain disease of the fingernails or toenails.
arga lit mountain.
ari I lit 1 day; 2 sun.
arian or aren paid by the day;
kuli day labourer (see also kuli).
II lit enemy.
III lit younger sibling.
IV reg if, whenever.
ari-ari, aruman k.i. afterbirth.
ariaya var of riyaya.
arih I var of arèh.
II ngarih-arih 1 to cheer up or comfort s.o.; 2 to coax, wheedle, persuade;
pangarih woman who assists the bride during the wedding ceremony;
pangarih-arih comfort, solace;
tan lilih saka pangarih-arih lit any comfort is in vain.
arik, orak-arik a name of food made of scrambled egg and sauteed vegetables;
ngorak-arik 1 to make such a food; 2 to disarrange, mess up, scratch around;
morak-marik messed up, in disarray.
aring I having recovered (from, calm); napasé recovered one's breath;
ngaringaké to bring about recovery in; to restore s.o. to calmness;
ngaring-aring to play around happily;
ngaring-aringi to comfort s.o. to stop them crying;
pangaring wedding attendants;
kakaring to get a breath of fresh air;
pakaringan balcony;