Easy Way to Get And Stay Slim. Mindset For Weight Loss. A. Ovechkin. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: A. Ovechkin
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Здоровье
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785449871503
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canteen? Drink.

      – May be yogurt?

      – Precisely! Zina ate herbs and covered it with some yogurt.

      – ☺

      – Then, while everyone returns to the office, she runs straight to the ‘throne room’. She spends a lot of time there, getting slimmer and slimmer.

      – ☺

      – Zina thinks: “Well, I guess everything is going fine.” Five minutes – normal flight, ten minutes – normal flight. OK, she’s done. It was a hard day in the office. She needs some encouragement. Zina sees a large mirror in the toilet room. She comes closer and checks for some signs of a weight loss.

      – ☺

      – Yeah, her cheeks are getting smaller. Ass looks firm. You can easily convince yourself of anything if you need some support!

      Then Zina returns to work. So, in the evening she is super-hungry!

      Zina goes to a store. She has no choice. Her hungry children, hungry husband, and hungry cat are waiting for her at home. So, of course, Zina goes to a store. What does she do because of her hunger?

      – She buys everything she sees!

      – She eats everything!

      – Have you ever seen snowplow? A huge shovel sweeping snow. She is just like this snowplow, sweeping all foods from shelves! Of course, she ignores a small basket. She takes a huge cart and fills it with food. It’s not for her. It’s for them! For her hungry family!

      – ☺

      – On the small shelf in the cart, where people use to seat a child, Zina puts low-calorie sugar-free yogurt, laminaria, some crisp-breads marked as… Any ideas, Lena?

      – “Dietetic”.

      – Yes. Or maybe “Fitness”. “Healthy”.

      – Yes.

      – Really? Eat crisp-breads and lose weight. What else will she choose? Perhaps, some tropical fruits?

      – Pineapples.

      – Pineapples? Why, Nadezhda?

      – They are burning fat.

      – Of course, everyone knows that pineapples contain bromelain. Do you know what part of pineapple contains bromelain?

      – Yes, pineapple peels.

      – There are scales on the peel and small buds on the ends of the scales.

      – ☺

      – Yeah, they contain bromelain. To get at least one therapeutic dose of bromelain, you have to cut buds from twenty-five pineapples. If you see nibbled pineapples in a supermarket, perhaps Zina was there.

      – ☺

      – Finally, she is almost at home with all these packets, heads to the fourth floor to her apartment. She stands by the door, breathing hard. Zina doesn’t really want to get inside. As soon as she entered, all the family members run straight to her and ask: “Where were you?” Even the hungry cat is looking at her with reproachful eyes. Zina drops her bags and runs to the kitchen – to cook dinner! She slices cucumbers for salad. Zina cuts off both ends of the cucumber and puts them into her mouth.

      – ☺

      – Then she slices tomatoes, sausages.

      – And takes a few bites.

      – It’s hard to slice sausages nicely. Many slices get crooked.

      – ☺

      – It’s not good to put imperfect slices on the plate for family dinner. Put it into mouth! Can we feed our hunger by eating a few pieces?

      – No!

      – Certainly not! Finally, Zina laid the table. She fried hamburgers, potatoes, made salads. She called her husband, children. Even the cat got some yummy pieces. What about Zina? She’s got a peeled carrot and sugar-free yogurt. If it worked out in the daytime, then it should help her to feel satiety again!

      Now, let’s do out fairy-tale a bit cruel. Her husband is skinny. And children are just like their Daddy!

      – ☺

      – So, they all come to the kitchen, sit around the table, and say: “I want more potatoes! And another hamburger, please!” And then they cover their foods with mayonnaise. Children ask: “Do we have some ice-cream for dessert?” Zina looks at this feast, thinking: “Oh my God…”

      The woman is so hungry that she is about to faint. The others sit at the table, eating. They are chewing so hard that their ears are moving!

      What should she do?

      Zina goes to the living room, turns on the TV, and watches series. Johanna, Peter, episode three hundred thirty-five. They meet in some restaurant for a romantic dinner! Orange juice, a slice of cheesecake. Food is everywhere!

      Zina is watching series dreaming about the time when she becomes slim and beautiful, just like Johanna. At this moment, her husband enters the room. He sits down by her side. Even though he hasn’t brought any food with him, he smells like fried steak. The women’s sense of smell is significantly sharper than men’s! Her husband says: “Zina, give me the TV remote I want to watch…” What?

      – Football!

      – Of course. Or hockey championship, or something…

      “Are you watching the movie? Who cares? Anyway, you have some chores to do. Give me the TV remote and go to your favorite room to wash dishes!” Sad Zina goes to the kitchen. What does she see there?

      – Leftovers on plates!

      – Of course! There should be at least half of hamburger on one plate, left to its fate. And some potatoes. Zina thinks of… Well, actually, she doesn’t think at all at this moment!

      She just sees food.

      What if it is not the first day of her diet? What if it is the twentieth day? No thoughts, only instincts. She hasn’t made any decision yet. Zina closes the door, turns on water. She has come here to wash the dishes.

      – ☺

      Just one last piece!

      – Nobody sees or hears what she is doing. Zina sits down in front of the hamburger and looks at it. The hamburger looks back at her. Nietzsche wrote: “And if thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee.”

      So, the “abyss” is gazing into Zina. What is she thinking about at this moment?

      – I’ll eat only half of the hamburger. It won’t change anything.

      – Exactly!

      Everybody knows: half of a hamburger can’t ruin your life.

      She thinks: “No, I shouldn’t do it.”

      Zina has so-called withdrawal syndrome. She takes half of the hamburger and thinks: “I’ll finish this piece – and stop eating.”

      – Then she takes another hamburger, and then the third one…

      – Wait a little, of course, it will happen, but a little later! ☺

      Zina starts chewing hamburger and… How does it taste?

      – Amazing…

      – It is magnificent! Zina got a blackout. She is totally out of order. Now all her thoughts are about…

      – Potato.

      – Why about potato? Zina is like a vampire, who has tasted the blood and then attacks anyone