Easy Way to Get And Stay Slim. Mindset For Weight Loss. A. Ovechkin. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: A. Ovechkin
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Здоровье
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785449871503
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Easy Way to Get And Stay Slim

      Mindset For Weight Loss

      A. Ovechkin

      N. Kosenkov

      A. Trenogov

      © A. Ovechkin, 2020

      © N. Kosenkov, 2020

      © A. Trenogov, 2020

      ISBN 978-5-4498-7150-3

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system


      “Easy Way to Get And Stay Slim. Mindset for weight loss” is based on the integrative lost-weight counseling successfully applied by Artyom Ovechkin for over eight years (“fusion” of cognitive, behavioral and humanistic approach), Ultraparadoxical Psychotherapy developed by I. Kosenkov, “I see you” (mirror neurons techniques) by A.V. Trenogov, and “Mind format” technique by A.G. Lyamin.

      This book contains a step-by-step description of the training course accompanied by comments of N. I. Kosenkov, Ph. D. in medicine science, member of Petrovskaya Academy of Sciences and Arts, Ph. D. of medical science, head of psychotherapeutic chamber of Gastroenterology department of Kirov Military Medical Academy; A.V. Trenogov – psychiatrist, psychologist with over ten years of experience in group counseling (psychological correction of weight). There are also comments of those who have already lost excess weight and stay slim successfully due to counseling of psychologist Artem Ovechkin – Olga Tsyganova (lost 110 pounds) and Gennady Arustamov (lost 90 pounds).

      In our opinion, our experience of counseling and other information contained in this book allow making decisive progress towards solution of the issue of great public concern – overweight and obesity, which leads to many other coexistent diseases, decreasing quality of life. About 50 percent of Russia population and more than 1.7 billion people in the world suffer from excess weight. For various reasons, professional help of weight loss specialists – a therapist or a psychologist – is not available to many people. The book can be used (and we believe it WILL be applied!) as an important tool not only by overweight people seeking recovery but also by counseling experts: physicians, psychologists, massage therapists, and others.

      A combination of effective methods applied during the training described in this book, absence of necessity to count daily calories, or impose strict bans on high-calorie foods make our approach more effective compared to previous ones. At the same time, simplicity, clarity, and effectiveness of the techniques make this approach more comfortable both for people who lose weight and for assisting specialists. According to this book, the problem of excess weight is a complex issue, inherent to a person who shall be considered as a bio-psycho-social being, seeking not only to adapt but also to realize his potential in full. Therefore, losing weight and long-term preservation of achieved results are impossible without self-development, which is described by the authors of the book and confirmed by people who comment on the training after dropping dozens of pounds and successfully preserving the result.

      “Easy Way to Get And Stay Slim. Mindset For Weight Loss” won the nomination “Psychology to people – Educative psychology project of the year” of the national psychological contest “Golden Psyche” 2017.

      Chapter 1. Day one

      – Hello there! We are live on the air again!

      My name is Ovechkin Artyom Andreyevich. I am a psychologist, instructor at the Institute of Practical Psychology “IMATON”, author of several books and TV show consultant. I provide weight loss counseling and all kinds of mindset training. Occasionally I conduct seminars all over the world but mainly provide personal, family, and group counseling in Saint-Petersburg. I am 41. I hope I will be able to work as a counselor for a long time. Do you think it’s easy?

      – Probably not.

      – You are right. Have you already tried to fight against overweight?

      – I do it every day of my life! ☺

      – You are experienced fighters then. Great! Let’s wait a few minutes for Victor. He will come soon. We are going to have a man in our group. Lucky you! They say it’s easier to succeed with weight loss if there is at least one man in the group. Our plan for success is like that: we will swap places every day to ensure that each of you will have been sitting by the man for a while. It will contribute to weight loss.

      – ☺

      – Have you ever heard about people who studied the mindset of a slim person at my group sessions?

      – My daughter attended the group and took personal consultations.

      – How is she doing?

      – Fine. Her weight is one hundred forty-three pounds now.

      – What was her weight before?

      – Two hundred nine.

      – So, she lost over sixty pounds. How much time did it take?

      – Let me see… Ten months!

      – Great! Perhaps someone else has friends or relatives who passed my seminars? Did they succeed?

      – My colleague attended your group session. She has lost forty pounds.

      – Thousands of people attended my training on practical psychology of being slim. They succeed in weight loss and stay slim. Who can’t get slim? Only the one who does nothing or starts to distort recommendations saying: “Why shouldn’t I try something else?” Actually, everything is easy. During our session, I’ll tell you what to do. You’ll try the technique and start to change your habits. It’s impossible to learn how to drive or ride a bicycle in one day, right?

      – Right!

      We are in the beginning of never-ending journey of self-improvement

      – One stage of this journey is to drop excess weight and stay slim. It’s a long-term process. During our course, we will build a relationship that is similar to the one that is established between a coach and an athlete.

      Athletes keep on training. They need to take many efforts to win the competition. But the coach makes his contribution to success either.

      He trains the team, corrects mistakes, encourages, and provides moral support to the athletes. Sometimes he even gives them, you know, a swift kick in the pants. As you can guess, it makes athletes redouble efforts, and they achieve success faster. ☺

      If you have any questions during our course, you can schedule an appointment for personal counseling on-site or via Skype.

      Does anyone else have friends, relatives, or acquaintances who attended our weight loss training course?

      – My girlfriend.

      – When?

      – In 2008.

      – Has she lost some weight?

      – Yes.

      – How much?

      – About thirty pounds.

      – Does she maintain the weight?

      – Yes.

      – Any other people?

      – My acquaintance attended a group session in May.

      – Was she in my group?

      – Yes.

      – What is her result?

      – She told me that she had lost sixty pounds. She definitely looks slim and fit. She is my fellow-student.

      – I remember her. She attended another training recently.

      So, here is the thing. If you follow our recommendations, you succeed. If you ignore them, you get nothing. Let’s write down a few things.

      Olga Vladimirovna Tsyganova, 28, economist, lost 110 lbs Everyone, even the strongest people, has concerns that it won’t work for them. But you have to find