Easy Way to Get And Stay Slim. Mindset For Weight Loss. A. Ovechkin. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: A. Ovechkin
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Здоровье
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785449871503
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The women continue to eat more, including high-calorie foods that they have added to their diet. During maternity leave, women start to eat more high-calorie foods, as their physical and mental needs for nutrition increase significantly. That’s when a false hunger appears, and you feed it with excess food. Why is it considered to be excess? That’s because false hunger does not need food! It needs fellowship, love, solitude, rest, self-development, fun and pleasure, peace, and security.

      Just as you said, Nika, when you finished breastfeeding, you started to gain weight. You needed more food before, but now the same amount of food exceeds the needs of your body. But you continue to overeat and, as a result, gain weight.

      Endocrine diseases. In this case, it takes more time to lose weight.

      For some people, it doesn’t slow down the process. They lose weight as fast as others. So even if you have some endocrine disorders, you shouldn’t worry about it.

      As soon as energy balance and eating behavior get back to normal, excess weight will start to decrease.

      Metabolism acceleration

      – That’s so simple. The metabolic process of overweight people is slowed down and malfunctioned, to a high or lesser degree. That doesn’t mean you’re doomed. We can accelerate it. By the way, your metabolism didn’t use to be slow before. It slows down gradually for a variety of reasons. One of the reasons is irregular meals. Some people have accelerated metabolism. Many people on the planet are thin, they can eat anything, in any quantities, but they never gain excess weight. Even their bellies stay flat.

      – It’s just the opposite for us.

      – The others have a slower metabolism. You throw an eye on a bun…

      – ☺

      – …and it sticks to your hips! That’s how it works.

      What are we going to do with our metabolic processes? We will boost them.

      First of all, I highly recommend walking. Walking outdoors accelerates metabolism. Another great option is various thermal procedures like saunas. But consult your doctor in advance. Breathing techniques! We’ll try a special breathing technique. Then, of course, regular meals are especially important. It’s the main tool for boosting metabolism. And finally, your improper diet should become rational and balanced.

      We will learn how to do it in our classes. You’ll have new “slimming” mindsets and information on how to build up your diet. We will do different exercises and apply distinctive methods. That’s what we are going to do.

      But the most critical task is to dispel the myths and legends associated with obesity and overweight, adopt the mindsets and behavior of a slim person.

      Nikolay Ivanovich Kosenkov, member of Petrovskaya Academy of Sciences and Arts, Ph. D. of medical science

      What happens to the metabolism of an obese person? As a result of weight gain, a change in cell metabolism occurs. Metabolism skips from the Krebs cycle, which leads to the formation of lots of energy, to the pentose cycle characterized by low energy release and reduction of oxygen consumption. This type of metabolism leads to the fact that even consumption of water leads to the accumulation of hydrogen in adipose tissue. So, a person can gain weight even when drinking water.

      This feature of metabolism is applied in cattle production. They give forty liters of water to pigs for efficient weight gain. If it is necessary to have a layer of meat in fat, then they give to the pig only five liters of water for several days. As you see, it’s possible to gain weight even by drinking water. It occurs because hydrogen contained in water saturates unsaturated fatty acids. We’ve got saturated fatty acids and, as a result, weight gain.

      Group session of psychologist

      Artyom Andreyevich Ovechkin:

      – Imagine your extra pounds as weeds in a vegetable garden. Has anyone of you got cottages with gardens?

      – Yes.

      – Tell us, Nadezhda, what do you usually do with weeds?

      – I pull them.

      – What else? If you pull weeds, after a while, they appear again.

      – Yes. Then we pull them again!

      – Has anyone tried to exterminate weeds? Tell us about it, Anzhelika. What did you use?

      – Special chemical agents.

      – Do you still have weeds?

      – No, I have neither weeds nor vegetable plants now.

      – ☺

      – You put too much effort into it. OK. ☺

      Look, these “weeds” are excess pounds, their “roots” are psychological and social reasons. You used to pull these weeds, mowed them, dug them out, trampled them down, and did all the other things. No matter what you did, they are still here. The “roots” stay in the “ground”. What’s so great about our program?

      N.B.! What is the secret of the high efficiency of our approach? We fight against reasons for weight gain and eliminate them by working together. When reasons are eliminated, consequences – your excess pounds – disappear either.

      The average rate of weight loss is from four to nine pounds per month. The World Health Organization considers it to be the optimal and safe rate of weight loss. Multiply it by six months. What do we get? From twenty-four to thirty-six pounds! It’s not fast. But this gives your skin time to tighten up and for the spine to redistribute the load.

      – In my opinion, it’s not so much.

      – You can lose more pounds in the first month than over the next ones. Water gets away, swelling disappears. If you drink properly, everything will be fine. Thus, the problem of losing excess weight is complex.

      – Yes, it’s obvious.

      – What about the responsibility for the process of weight loss and the results achieved?

      You are the only person responsible for your weight loss.

      We provide psychological and informational support, and you follow our recommendations.

      Please, consult your doctor regularly during our program on the psychological correction of eating habits, mindsets, and behavior.

      Olga Vladimirovna Tsyganova, 28, economist, lost 110 lbs I lost sixteen and a half pounds in the first month. I felt triumphant. I followed all the recommendations, walked, and indulged myself. In the next month, I lost another sixteen pounds. When I returned to the University in September after summer vacation, my result was minus thirty-seven and a half pounds.

      Imagine how proud I was. My fellow students did not recognize me. They asked what had happened, whether I was sick. I just smiled back. This was such a strong incentive for me to see the surprised faces of those who knew me.

      Due to the training, my life became brighter and more enjoyable. It helped me to settle my mental problems. I realized that life is beautiful. All I need to do is to change my habits. The best is yet to come. So, I must not give up.

      I have to say that it was essential for me to find allies among my relatives and friends who treated me with understanding, supported my endeavors, and didn’t troll me. My pals did great!

      Group session of psychologist

      Artyom Andreyevich Ovechkin:

      If you follow our recommendations daily, and we help you if necessary, you’ve got the result. Got it?

      – Yes!

      – Before