Your Chinese Horoscope 2013: What the year of the snake holds in store for you. Neil Somerville. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Neil Somerville
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Эзотерика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007461028
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advance provision for more major expenses. With good management, he will be able to proceed with a lot of what he wants to do, and could also benefit from a gift or favourable terms on a major purchase, but the Snake year is very much one for planning ahead.

      Many Tigers will take the opportunity to travel this year and, again, would do well to save up for this in advance and plan their time away. With their adventurous nature, Tigers often enjoy travelling, and for quite a few, this could be one of the highlights of their year.

      With the Snake year favouring learning and personal development, the Tiger can also derive considerable pleasure from his interests over the year and may be attracted to a new recreational activity. The important factor this year is to allow time for himself and to enjoy relaxing rather than feel continually driven. The Tiger should step off the treadmill of activity every so often, especially if he leads a hectic lifestyle.

      With his active and outgoing nature, the Tiger knows a great many people and will enjoy a lot of his socializing this year. However, while a lot will go well, the year can bring its problems. A disagreement or clash of personality may occur or a jealousy or rivalry surface. A new romance may founder. Should any Tiger place himself in an awkward or embarrassing position, problems could ensue. While usually so expert in his relations with others, the Tiger will find the Snake year does require care, tact and discretion. Tigers, take note. This can be a pleasing year, but it is not one for lapses or risks. March, July, August and December could see the most social opportunities.

      As always, the Tiger will play a very full part in his home life and will be pleased with how many domestic activities proceed. However, this is no year for rush and although the Tiger may be keen for certain ideas to go ahead, he will need to allow time for these to take shape. To hurry could lead to less satisfactory outcomes and some pressured situations. Again, this is a year for planning and proceeding at a more measured pace.

      During the year the Tiger will also give important support to his loved ones, and when others may be facing decisions or have personal pressures, his advice and encouraging manner will be greatly appreciated. Also, with travel favourably aspected, time away with loved ones can do everyone a lot of good.

      Overall, the Year of the Snake may lack the activity and buzz the Tiger favours, but it can still be personally satisfying. It will give the Tiger an excellent opportunity to add to his skills and often find greater fulfilment in what he does. Many of his personal activities can also develop well, but he does need to allow himself time to pursue these. In his relations with others, he will need to be aware and attentive, but with care, he will be generally pleased with how the year develops and how its more moderate pace allows him to appreciate that much more.

      The Metal Tiger

      The Metal Tiger keeps himself active and has widespread interests. He is never one to be idle and in the Snake year he will take satisfaction from the possibilities that open up for him. However, during the year he will need to show patience and accept that not all his activities and hopes can be hurried along or achieved as quickly as he might like.

      At work, most Metal Tigers will be content to remain in their present position this year and put their skills and experience to good use. As new situations arise and pressures need to be dealt with, the Metal Tiger’s judgement will be particularly valued, with colleagues often seeking his advice. Over the year many Metal Tigers will be an integral part of a team and enjoy the respect of many.

      Some, however, could be offered the chance of early retirement or consider changing their role. These Metal Tigers do need to consider the implications of such a choice and seek the advice of loved ones and those able to offer expert advice. Important decisions should not be rushed and the Metal Tiger should be guided by what feels right for him.

      Metal Tigers who do decide to seek a position elsewhere or are looking for work should also make the most of the assistance available to them. By being active, following up enquiries and showing resourcefulness, they can find new possibilities opening up. Admittedly, these could represent considerable change and involve readjustment, but at the same time they will offer an interesting personal challenge. Late March to early June, September and October could see important developments.

      Financial prospects are encouraging and many Metal Tigers will receive a bonus, gift or funds from a maturing policy over the year. However, ‘more thought, less speed’ is very much the guiding principle of this year and to make the most of his position, the Metal Tiger will need to manage his finances carefully and rather than spend too readily, think over his plans and more major purchases.

      With travel favourably indicated, he should, however, make provision for a holiday. Not only will he enjoy seeing places that are new to him, but time away can do him a lot of good. Also, if he receives invitations to stay with friends or relations, he should follow them up. Some of the shorter breaks of the year can give rise to a great deal of pleasure and a surprising amount can be fitted into just a few days.

      With Snake years encouraging learning and personal development, the Metal Tiger should also consider taking certain personal interests further or starting something new. With his enquiring mind, he will often derive much satisfaction from what he sets out to do. Allied to this, if he considers he does not get sufficient exercise, he should take advice on the most appropriate activities he could start. By taking action, he not only stands to benefit physically but could also develop a new interest.

      In his relations with others, the Metal Tiger is a direct and no-nonsense sort. He speaks honestly and, while many respect him for this, his candour can sometimes lead to problems. In the Snake year he does need to be mindful of this and choose his words carefully in any potentially difficult situation. Words spoken in haste could be regretted later.

      However, while there is a need for increased mindfulness, the Metal Tiger will enjoy much of his socializing over the year. His interests can also have a pleasing social element, and for the unattached, a new friendship can add extra meaning to the year. March, July, August and December will be the busiest months socially.

      In his domestic life, the Metal Tiger will take a great deal of pleasure in some home projects he decides to tackle, possibly adding new comforts, tidying certain areas or redesigning certain rooms. The Snake year will see much practical activity in many a Metal Tiger household. However, plans should not be rushed and only carried out when time allows.

      The Metal Tiger will give valuable support to loved ones over the year and his assistance will be valued. However, while a lot in his home life will go well, there is a risk that certain issues will cause tension. Here good discussion and willingness to reach understanding will be of considerable help and handled well, these issues will not overshadow what can otherwise be a positive and rewarding home life.

      One of the main benefits of the Snake year will be the opportunity it gives the Metal Tiger to make more of his interests and ideas. By setting himself satisfying pursuits and seizing his opportunities to add to his knowledge or take up a new interest, he can gain much pleasure from what he does. In his relations with others, the Snake year calls for care, but by being aware of this need for increased mindfulness, many Metal Tigers will be able to minimize the more awkward aspects and can look forward to a full and pleasing year.


      Consult others and listen to their views. Being too independent could lead to problems. Be mindful. Also, set aside time to enjoy your personal interests. These can bring you considerable pleasure and benefit.

      The Water Tiger

      This will be an interesting year for the Water Tiger. Progress may not be swift and the year will have its challenges, but the Water Tiger can still draw a lot of satisfaction from his activities.

      As with all Tigers, in 2013 the Water Tiger will need to proceed carefully and steadily. Snake years do not favour rush and the Water Tiger should allow time to think over plans and activities and talk these through with others. The more preparation, the better.

      One important feature of the year will be the chance the Water Tiger will have to develop his skills and interests. Whether in his work or his own interests, by going on training courses, undertaking private study, joining an organization or setting