Your Chinese Horoscope 2013: What the year of the snake holds in store for you. Neil Somerville. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Neil Somerville
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Эзотерика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007461028
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Ox should try to make early provision for these as well as be disciplined in everyday spending.

      He can, though, derive much pleasure from his home and social life at this time, and will not only benefit from spending time with family and friends but also from their advice and encouragement. September, December and early January could be particularly active times, and for the unattached, affairs of the heart could add some excitement to the closing months of the Dragon year.

      The Year of the Snake begins on 10 February and the Ox will not only feel more comfortable with its more measured pace but can also look forward to making good headway. Snake years suit the Ox’s personality and in this one his prospects are bright.

      For Oxen who may start the year nursing disappointment or regret, this is a time to look firmly ahead rather than feel fettered by what has gone before. These Oxen should regard 2013 as the start of a new chapter, one offering scope and possibility.

      The Ox’s work situation in particular can present some excellent opportunities. In view of their recent endeavours, many Oxen will be well placed to be considered for a greater role. When opportunities arise, these Oxen should put themselves forward. Also, while the Ox is usually diligent and focused on his duties, he should also make a point of working closely with colleagues and taking the time to build up contacts. His efforts and dependable manner will impress many. Snake years reward effort and application.

      For Oxen who feel unfulfilled in their present position as well as those seeking work, again the Snake year can open up important opportunities. By giving careful thought to what they would like to do and investigating possibilities, these Oxen can see some interesting chances arising. To benefit, they need to be active in their quest, but persistence and tenacity will prevail. The positions some obtain will mark a considerable change in their duties and involve a steep learning curve, but a key feature of the Snake year is that it is a time of possibility. February, April, June and November could see particularly encouraging developments.

      Snake years also favour learning and if any Ox feels an additional skill or qualification could help his prospects, he should consider setting time aside to acquire this. Whether enrolling on a course, studying online or doing some reading and research by himself, he will find furthering his knowledge and skills can not only be satisfying but also an often valuable investment in himself. For Oxen with specific aspirations, this would be an excellent year to work towards these.

      This emphasis on personal development also applies to the Ox’s own interests. Whether he prefers creative pursuits, practical projects or something more outward bound, he can derive much satisfaction from setting himself projects and using his ideas and skills.

      Progress at work can help financially and some Oxen will have the chance to supplement their income through a hobby or interest. Hard work and enterprise will be well rewarded this year. However, the Ox should manage his money well, making allowance for his commitments and, if possible, reducing any borrowings. If he is able, he should take advantage of any tax incentives to save or contribute to a pension policy. His prudence and discipline will reward him in future years.

      The Ox’s social life is also pleasingly aspected. Although it can be some time before he feels properly at ease with another person, he will find he gels quickly with some people he meets through his interests or work situation and they will soon become part of his trusted social circle. For the unattached, romantic prospects are encouraging and quite a few Oxen will marry or settle down this year. For socializing, March, June to early August and October can be special months.

      One cautionary word does need to be sounded, however: the Ox does tend to immerse himself in his various activities and he needs to be careful that this does not cause him to be inattentive or preoccupied when in company. Also, if tired, he should ensure he does not to take out his irritations on others. No year is free of difficult moments and at such times the Ox does need to exercise care and be mindful.

      The Ox’s home life will be busy over the year, and with so much activity, it is important there is good co-operation. If the Ox has particular ideas about home improvements, purchases, a possible holiday or special occasions, he will find that mentioning these early on will often give them a better chance of happening. In addition, with the encouraging aspects surrounding the Ox this year, there may be personal successes to share.

      Overall, the Year of the Snake offers great possibility for the Ox. He sets about his activities with considerable resolve and this year he will see a lot open up for him. In addition, he will benefit from the support, goodwill and encouragement offered by others. In 2013 he will have a lot in his favour and his purposeful actions will help make this an often special year.

      The Metal Ox

      The Metal Ox has a determined nature. He is a doer and is also highly perceptive, and in the Snake year his abilities can reward him well.

      To help get the most from the year, he should give some serious thought to what he would like to see happen over the next 12 months. Having some ideas in mind will not only give him something purposeful to strive for but can also help motivate and inspire him.

      Work prospects are particularly encouraging. Metal Oxen who are well established in a particular profession will now have an excellent chance to take their career to a new level, either through a promotion, perhaps one the Metal Ox has been working towards for some time, or through being offered greater responsibilities or a different role. For many Metal Oxen, this will be a year of progress and their commitment will be recognized and rewarded.

      The aspects are also encouraging for those who would welcome more major change as well as those seeking a position. Although the job-seeking process will be difficult, by keeping alert, making enquiries and considering different ways in which they could use their skills, these Metal Oxen could see some interesting possibilities opening up. To strengthen their application, they should find out more about the position they are applying for and emphasize their experience. Their initiative and tenacity can often lead to a new opportunity. February, April, June and November could see particularly good possibilities, but chances could arise at almost any time this year.

      An important aspect of the year will be the way the Metal Ox is encouraged to make greater use of certain skills. He should take full advantage of any training offered as well as keep informed about developments in his industry. Such knowledge can not only be useful now but also as he looks to progress or considers other possibilities.

      The progress the Metal Ox makes at work can help financially and he may also receive funds from another source. Nevertheless, he should manage his situation well, budgeting for commitments and making provision for future plans. He could find it helpful to review his position and if he is able to reduce borrowings, move funds to a more suitable account or take advantage of tax incentives to save or supplement his pension policy, he should consider this. With care, and advice where necessary, he can improve his financial situation as well as benefit from more major plans and purchases.

      With his personal interests, again he should make the most of the encouraging aspects of the year. By allowing time to enjoy and develop his interests or setting himself purposeful new pursuits, he will be pleased with what he gets to do and the benefits that follow on. For Metal Oxen who enjoy more expressive activities in particular, this is a good time to explore new ideas and take their skills further. Metal Oxen who have let their interests lapse should consider starting something new over the year. They will enjoy the possibilities that this can open up.

      The Metal Ox’s activities can also lead to meeting new people, and although he may sometimes be guarded in manner (a typical Ox trait), he should still make the most of such opportunities. By getting to know others and, in his work situation or with certain key interests, raising his profile and networking, he can do himself a lot of good. This is no year to keep himself to himself or be too independent in approach.

      For Metal Oxen who would welcome new friends or romance, the Snake year again offers bright prospects, although these Metal Oxen will need to take the initiative and go out more. Positive action on their part can help make this an interesting and improved year. Late February, March, June to early August and October could see the most social activity and, for some, romantic opportunities.
