Your Chinese Horoscope 2013: What the year of the snake holds in store for you. Neil Somerville. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Neil Somerville
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Эзотерика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007461028
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a new personal objective, he will be able to benefit from his actions. Where recreational pursuits are concerned, quite a few Water Tigers could be tempted by something new. The Water Tiger is blessed with an enquiring nature.

      He would also do well to give some consideration to his well-being over the year. If sedentary for much of the day or tending to rely on convenience foods, he will benefit from seeking advice and making some modifications to his lifestyle.

      At work, many Water Tigers will be content to remain where they are, especially in view of some of the more recent changes they may have experienced. These Water Tigers will often be glad to concentrate on their duties and use their skills to good effect. Though they may now have considerable experience behind them, when new procedures or objectives are introduced, they should take the time to familiarize themselves with what is involved, including taking up any training that may be offered. This may not be a necessarily progressive year, but it is not one for standing still.

      While the Water Tiger enjoys positive relations with many of his colleagues, it may be that a disagreement, clash of personality or rivalry surfaces this year. If such a situation occurs, the Water Tiger should be careful it does not escalate or cast a shadow over what he does. Fortunately this will only apply to a few Water Tigers, but relations with colleagues can sometimes be problematic in the Snake year and the Water Tiger needs to be careful and aware.

      For Water Tigers who would welcome change or are seeking work, the Snake year can bring some interesting possibilities. However, Snake years do move slowly and the job-seeking process can be long and protracted. In their quest, these Water Tigers should not be too restrictive in what they are prepared to consider. By thinking over different ways in which they could use their skills, they could identify new types of work to put in for. By seeking advice, taking care over their applications and preparing well for interview, they will see their discipline bringing results in the end. Late March to early June, September and October could see encouraging developments.

      In money matters, the Water Tiger’s astute nature can serve him well this year. If wanting to make a major purchase, by planning ahead, making comparisons and keeping alert, he could benefit from an attractive offer. It could also help his situation to carry out a review of his financial position. This could alert him to expenses which may no longer be necessary as well as allow him to manage his budget more effectively.

      Where possible, he should try to take a holiday over the year. A visit to an area new to him could be of particular interest and he may be able to combine this with an attraction or event he is keen to see. Again, early planning can help.

      The Water Tiger’s various activities can also introduce him to many new people this year. However, while there will be good times to be had, Snake years can bring their problems and an indiscretion, misunderstanding or clash of personalities could cause an upset. Water Tigers, do bear this in mind and be careful. Similarly, those who find love this year will need to remain attentive and let any romance build gradually rather than rush into things.

      In his home life, the Water Tiger will find his talents in demand. With busy lifestyles going on around him, work pressures to consider and family members facing important decisions, he will be called on to support and advise others. Here his ability to view matters from different perspectives and to come up with solutions will be particularly valued. And while the year will be busy, there will also be domestic plans, shared interests and joint family activities to enjoy.

      Overall, the Snake year can be a satisfying one for the Water Tiger, particularly in the way that it allows him to further his interests and skills. This is an excellent time for personal development and what the Water Tiger starts now will often be something he can build on in future years. He will need to take care in his relations with others, but generally the Snake year will be a pleasant and constructive one for him.


      Rather than rush and hurry, take things at a more moderate pace. Seize opportunities to add to your skills and knowledge. This can not only be satisfying now but also to your future advantage.

      The Wood Tiger

      The Wood Tiger is ambitious and likes to be active. However, he is also realistic and knows that some of his hopes and aspirations are for the future. The Year of the Snake will give him an excellent chance to work towards some of these, however, and can have far-reaching significance.

      At work, many Wood Tigers will be affected by change. Although they may be settled where they are, they could find new methods being introduced and different objectives being set. Some of this will be challenging, but it can also give the Wood Tiger a chance to show his initiative, add to his skills and demonstrate his potential. As a result, he can do his prospects considerable good.

      Many Wood Tigers will remain with their present employer this year, but for those who decide to move on or are seeking work, the Snake year can be significant. Obtaining a new position will not be easy, but by considering different possibilities, many Wood Tigers will secure an interesting new position. Not only can this represent change, but it can give the Wood Tiger experience in a new working environment, which can be an important factor in his subsequent progress. April, May, September and October could see encouraging developments.

      With the increased pressures he may face over the year, it is also important the Wood Tiger keeps his lifestyle in balance. This includes allowing time for activities that let him rest and unwind. Some Wood Tigers will also enjoy going to sporting or other interest-related events, including those held in their local area. Should the Wood Tiger be sedentary for much of the day it would be worth him considering activities that would allow him to exercise more. Attention to his well-being can be of considerable benefit.

      In financial matters he will fare reasonably well and may receive an additional sum or bonus during the year. However, with all his plans and commitments, he will need to be disciplined and keep careful control of his outgoings. There will, however, be opportunities to travel this year and where possible the Wood Tiger should allow for this in his budgeting.

      With his outgoing manner, the Wood Tiger gets on well with most people and can look forward to some interesting social occasions and to widening his circle of acquaintances. However, the Snake year does require him to tread carefully. A difference of opinion or petty annoyance could arise and cast a shadow over this otherwise fine time. Relations with others, especially on a social basis, do need careful attention, and in any potentially awkward situation, the Wood Tiger needs to be guarded and discreet. He should also be very wary of placing himself in any situation which could cause embarrassment or rebound on him. Where new romances are concerned, it is better to proceed slowly than in haste. March, late June to the end of August and December could see the most social activity.

      The Wood Tiger can, however, look forward to a busy and rewarding home life. There will be plans and ideas to pursue, and the Wood Tiger will take pleasure in the way certain projects develop. When carrying out these plans, the more co-operation there is, the better the outcome will be. Co-operation will also be needed when those in the Wood Tiger household, including the Wood Tiger himself, face pressures, decisions and unfamiliar situations. At such times, discussion and openness will help everyone. There may be moments of concern, but also some successes to mark. For Wood Tigers who are parents, the encouragement they can give to their children can do much to help their progress and during the year many will have good reason to be proud of the achievements of those around them.

      Overall, the Year of the Snake can be a satisfying one for the Wood Tiger and he will often benefit from the knowledge and experience he can now gain. Particularly in his work situation, what he achieves now can be built on in the future. In his relations with others, time and care are needed, but with awareness (and the Wood Tiger is very good at gauging the feelings of others), he can do much to minimize the year’s more negative aspects and can look forward to a full and rewarding domestic and social life. The Wood Tiger is both keen and determined and what he does this year will be instrumental in some of the successes he is soon to enjoy, especially in the auspicious Horse year which follows.


      Set time aside to develop your knowledge and skills. Your efforts can open up new possibilities and prepare you