Your Chinese Horoscope 2013: What the year of the snake holds in store for you. Neil Somerville. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Neil Somerville
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Эзотерика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007461028
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      The Fire Tiger

      The Fire Tiger is enthusiastic, bold and enterprising. He busies himself in a great many things and is good at spotting opportunities. But sometimes he does spread his energies a little too widely and does not always get the full benefit of his actions. In the Snake year, if he remains disciplined and focused, his results can be both good and far-reaching.

      At work, many Fire Tigers will now have more chance to establish themselves and their enthusiasm and in-depth knowledge will do a lot to help their standing and prospects. Some of the responsibilities they take on and situations they deal with can also underline their strengths and increase their skills and working knowledge. By showing commitment, raising their profile and working closely with others, they can make themselves very strong candidates for future promotion or employment elsewhere.

      For Fire Tigers who are already keen to move elsewhere or are seeking work, the Snake year can again be significant. Obtaining a position will not be easy, but the Fire Tiger could be alerted to openings in a new type of work which not only offers interesting opportunities but also has the potential for future development. What some take on this year could be an introduction to an industry they will be involved with for many years. Late March to the end of May, September and October could see encouraging developments.

      The Snake year is also excellent for personal development and if the Fire Tiger feels it would be useful to gain another qualification or a certain skill, he should follow this up. Positive action now can do much to prepare him for the opportunities that lie ahead.

      He can look forward to an improvement in his financial situation over the year, but to benefit fully he will need to remain disciplined and keep a close watch on outgoings. With good control over his spending and budget, he will find he is in a better position to proceed with certain plans as well as put down any deposits required. If possible, he should also budget for a holiday or break over the year. A change of scene can do him good.

      Another beneficial aspect of the year concerns the Fire Tiger’s personal interests and he should make the most of any free time he has to develop his ideas, add to his knowledge and enjoy his recreational pursuits. This can help keep his lifestyle in balance and some activities may also give him the benefit of additional exercise.

      The Fire Tiger will also enjoy the social opportunities of the year, especially the chances to talk to friends and share news as well as any concerns. Fire Tigers who would welcome new friends, perhaps having moved to a new area or seen a recent change in their personal circumstances, will often find their work situation or interests introducing them to others. For the unattached, there are interesting romantic possibilities, but time and patience are needed. This is not a year favouring haste.

      Also, when in company, the Fire Tiger needs to be attentive and mindful. A slip, faux pas or disagreement could cause problems. If possible, he should avoid placing himself in a situation that could embarrass or cause difficulty. Without care, Snake years can have their difficult moments.

      Most of the Fire Tiger’s relations with others will go well, however, and he can also look forward to a full and active home life. Over the year some important decisions will be made and sometimes serendipity can assist in the process. If the Fire Tiger is considering a move or major purchase, something suitable could be found in a way that seems as if it was meant to be. The Fire Tiger does need to pay heed to what senior relations and professionals may advise, however. The input of others, together with his own efforts, can set things in motion. Domestically, this can be a pleasing year, but it does require good co-operation and support.

      Overall, the Year of the Snake can be a significant one for the Fire Tiger. The experience and skills he can gain work-wise can give him a solid base on which to build, especially in the encouraging Horse year that follows. On a more personal level, the Fire Tiger will need to take careful note of the views and feelings of those around him. With support and co-operation, however, plans can proceed and many rewarding times be enjoyed. This is a useful year that will leave a powerful legacy.


      Gain experience and seize opportunities. Your efforts can not only help your present situation but also lead to future possibilities. Do not underestimate the importance of what you do now. Also, be mindful of others and enjoy quality time with your loved ones.

      The Earth Tiger

      This will be a quietly satisfying year for the Earth Tiger and by setting about his activities in his usual diligent way, he can look forward to some pleasing results.

      Earth Tigers born in 1998 will now be moving on to an important stage in their education. Not only will there be much to learn but also the chance to study some subjects in greater depth. For the young Earth Tiger, there will be a lot to do, but by putting in the effort and using his time and resources well, he can make significant progress.

      In his studying the Earth Tiger will be helped by his inquisitive mind. He could become particularly inspired by certain subjects and in the process demonstrate an aptitude that can be built on in the future. Snake years do have far-reaching effects.

      With the more detailed study required this year, it is also important that the Earth Tiger seeks help if he feels he is struggling with any aspect of his education. If he is forthcoming, others will be better able to assist. Earth Tigers, when in doubt, do remember to ask.

      Over the year the young Earth Tiger will delight in his interests and recreational pursuits. Those who are sportingly inclined will very much enjoy the games and activities they take part in and should take full advantage of the facilities and instruction available. Whatever the Earth Tiger’s interests, the Snake year is an excellent one to explore ideas and discover new strengths. A key feature of the year is that it rewards personal development.

      Throughout the year the Earth Tiger will also enjoy sharing many activities with his friends. As he gets to do more, he will also have the chance to meet new people and some important new friendships can be made. However, Snake years can bring their problems and jealousy, rivalry or a falling out could occur. This could cause much anguish for the Earth Tigers affected, but they should try to not let this overshadow the positive aspects of this generally encouraging year. Unfortunately the paths of friendship (and love) are not always smooth and this will be a lesson some Earth Tigers discover this year. In difficult situations, it will be best to tread carefully and keep things in perspective. Fortunately these words only apply to a minority and advice and support will be available.

      More positively, there could be some exciting travel possibilities this year, with chances to visit new areas and some lively attractions. The Earth Tiger has an adventurous spirit and can enjoy some memorable moments.

      Although he will often be kept occupied by studying and pursuing his interests, he should also participate in home life. Whether helping with certain tasks or being more forthcoming about his current activities, he will find his involvement is appreciated and can lead to better understanding and support.

      For Earth Tigers born in 1938, the Snake year can be highly satisfying. The Earth Tiger is blessed with a curious and innovative mind and the more senior Earth Tiger will often have ideas and projects he is keen to tackle. For the most part, these will be related to his interests, and by spending time on these and drawing on his extensive knowledge, he will enjoy a lot of what he does. However, while the Snake year can be encouraging, it is not one for rush. In all his activities, the Tiger should proceed slowly and carefully and think his plans through. The greater his care, the more satisfying his results.

      This also applies to any home or garden projects he may have in mind. These do need to be discussed and costed carefully. However, as many Earth Tigers will find, once plans are embarked upon, they could be helped along by sudden opportunities or advantageous offers.

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