Your Chinese Horoscope 2013: What the year of the snake holds in store for you. Neil Somerville. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Neil Somerville
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Эзотерика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007461028
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year and does not skimp on exercise or allow the quality of his diet to drop. To be at his best, he does need to look after himself and, if necessary, seek advice.

      It is also important that he keeps his lifestyle in balance and allows time to enjoy his interests. Often these have a good social element too. The Wood Ox has a curious nature and if he sees a new interest or activity that appeals to him, he should find out more. Here again, quite a few Wood Oxen will find that what is started this year can develop into something of greater importance later on. March, June to early August and October could see the most social activity, but there will be many chances for the Wood Ox to meet many new people this year and make some good friends and contacts. For those who are enjoying or perhaps hoping for romance, the Snake year can be special and a chance meeting may become significant.

      The Wood Ox’s domestic life will be busy and a lot can be achieved over the year. Wood Oxen with a partner are especially likely to have many plans and hopes. Quite a few will also benefit from fortunate developments, especially as plans are set in motion. However, while the aspects are favourable, it is important that the Wood Ox seeks advice, especially on matters that could have important implications. Talking these through with relations or professional advisers can not only assist the Wood Ox in what he wants to do but also alert him to possible problems. The Wood Ox may like to retain a certain independence, but throughout the year he does need to avail himself of the help and support that are on offer. Certain plans and activities can be made a lot easier this way. Wood Oxen, take note.

      Overall, the Year of the Snake can be an important one for the Wood Ox. It will offer him the chance to develop ideas and strengths as well as share meaningful times with others. To fully benefit the Wood Ox will need to act with determination and remain alert. The Snake year can spring surprises and bring unexpected possibilities. The Wood Ox has much to offer and in many areas will fare very well this year.


      Make the most of opportunities and use them to gain new experience and knowledge and advance your situation. This is a positive year for you. Use it well.

      The Fire Ox

      This will be a satisfying year for the Fire Ox, with many activities going well. A key feature of the Snake year is that it encourages learning and personal development, and by making the most of his ideas and opportunities, the Fire Ox will be able to get a lot out of it.

      For the Fire Ox born in 1997 this can prove an especially important year. As well as having often significant exams to prepare for, many of these young Fire Oxen will be required to select subjects for more detailed study and give some thought to the longer term. A lot will be expected of the Fire Ox this year, but by giving his best and working consistently, he can not only make good headway but also make more of particular strengths. In some cases, he could be offered extra tuition or granted the use of special facilities, and by taking advantage of what is available, he can gain a great deal.

      Throughout the year the Fire Ox should also be alert to opportunities to try new subjects, join activity groups or explore new interests. By being willing to try things out, he can not only derive a lot of pleasure from his pursuits but also get to know new people. For many Fire Oxen, this is a year of fine opportunity.

      The young Fire Ox will also very much enjoy his existing interests and should aim to further these in some way over the year, perhaps by adding to his knowledge and skills or setting himself a project. By building on what he does, he will often delight in what he is able to accomplish. For some Fire Oxen, their interests can also bring travel opportunities which can add fun and adventure to the year.

      The Fire Ox will also very much enjoy the companionship of his close friends this year. There could be some particularly lively occasions to look forward to and the Snake year can have its surprises as well. New activities can also introduce the Fire Ox to new people, with March to early April, June to early August and October often busy and enjoyable months socially.

      With all his interests and activities, there will be a lot the Fire Ox wants to do and buy, with often limited means, so he will need to be disciplined in his spending and be wary about making too many impulse purchases. The greater his control, the more satisfying his actual purchases will be.

      Over the year, he will be encouraged by the support he receives from those around him, although to benefit fully he does need to ask for help rather than keep thoughts to himself. When considering important matters such as future educational or work choices, he should listen carefully to the advice given and study the information he receives. What he learns can have a bearing on what he decides to do in the future.

      Some Fire Oxen will decide to leave education this year and enter the world of work. For those who do, considerable effort and adjustment will be needed. Not only can securing a position be difficult, but when taking on a new role, there will be a new routine to get used to and new duties to learn. These can be daunting times, but if these Fire Oxen show commitment, they can soon become established. Taking advantage of apprenticeship schemes or continuing their education in some way can also help their situation and prospects. While offering many opportunities, the Snake year does require effort. If he is able to give this, the Fire Ox’s actions this year can have important future value.

      For Fire Oxen born in 1937, the Year of the Snake can also offer satisfying times. By setting themselves projects and purposeful pursuits, these Fire Oxen will often take considerable pleasure in what they do. For those who enjoy creative activities in particular, this is an ideal year to put their ideas and knowledge to good use. Some may enjoy writing about their experiences, while others will devote time to art, craftwork or gardening. By exploring their thoughts and ideas, they can make this an often personally rewarding time.

      The more senior Fire Ox will also be grateful for the support of those around him and if at any time he feels he needs help or advice, he should ask.

      As always, he will take considerable pleasure from following the activities of family members over the year and will particularly enjoy the celebrations and news concerning a younger relation. The bond he has with younger family members can mean a great deal.

      For all Fire Oxen, whether born in 1937 or 1997, the Snake year can be satisfying, particularly as it will allow them to develop their ideas and personal interests. For the younger Fire Ox, this will also be an important year, not only in terms of furthering his knowledge and abilities but also in bringing out more of his strengths and potential. Overall, a positive and successful year.


      Make the most of your opportunities. With a willing attitude, you can find important benefits following on. Also, do seek the advice and support of others. With assistance, more can be achieved. This is a fine year for you. Enjoy it and use it well.

      The Earth Ox

      This can be an interesting year for the Earth Ox and he will have the chance to realize some of the hopes and plans he may have been nurturing for some time. The Snake year can also have its surprises and the Earth Ox should be adaptable and make the most of what arises as it arises.

      One area which is encouragingly aspected is his own personal development. Over the years many Earth Oxen will have built up considerable expertise in certain areas and the Snake year will give them an excellent chance to put their knowledge and insights to effective use. This could be through setting themselves an ambitious but satisfying project, furthering their capabilities or meeting and conversing with fellow enthusiasts. Certain interest-related skills can reward the Earth Ox well this year and bring him the respect of others. Earth Oxen whose interests involve creativity and expression will find it worth putting forward any work they produce or entering an appropriate competition. Those who enjoy writing, art, craftwork or photography in particular can find their activities bringing much joy.

      However, while the Earth Ox may have some favourite long-term interests, he should also be open to the new. A recreational pursuit he hears about, an activity or course in his area or a sudden idea he has could all be worth exploring. He could be surprised at what can open up for him. This is particularly the case for Earth Oxen who are recently retired and/or would welcome a new challenge. This is a year to keep alert and be open to opportunity.
