Your Chinese Horoscope 2013: What the year of the snake holds in store for you. Neil Somerville. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Neil Somerville
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Эзотерика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007461028
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over the year may find it challenging. The pressures and changes may be considerable, but by rising to the challenge, these Fire Rats can not only obtain valuable working skills but also learn more about their capabilities. The Snake year can be an instructive one.

      During the year, although the Fire Rat will often be immersed in his own activities, he should also involve himself in his home life. Any help he is able to give may be of more value than he may realize. This is a year favouring participation and openness, and should any differences of opinion arise, these should be talked through and, where possible, a compromise reached. Many Fire Rats will find their home life rewarding and loved ones supportive, but this does require involvement, consideration and a certain flexibility on their part.

      Overall, the Year of the Snake is one of great possibility for the Fire Rat, but to benefit he does need to make the most of his situation. He also needs to be patient and have faith in himself and his abilities. By applying himself steadily and seizing his opportunities, he can learn a great deal, and his diligence will help to give him the skills and knowledge he can build on later.


      Be active, willing and committed. Follow up opportunities and ideas and, if necessary, ask for more information. You have a great future ahead of you and the lessons learned now can stand you in excellent stead.

      The Earth Rat

      Unlike some years, which see events hurtling along at a fast pace, this year favours steady and careful planning. It is the type of year the Earth Rat prefers. Rather than feel buffeted by external forces, he will be able to plan ahead and conduct his activities in the way he wants. ‘Slow and steady wins the race’, as the Chinese proverb states, and slow and steady will, for the Earth Rat, deliver some worthwhile results this year.

      As the Snake year starts, the Earth Rat would do well to give careful thought to what he would like to see happen over the next 12 months. By talking his ideas over with his loved ones, he may find some important and sometimes exciting plans taking shape. Also, as the year proceeds, many Earth Rats may benefit from a slice of luck. Throughout the year, it would reward the Earth Rat to keep alert and aware.

      For those in work, this can be an important year. Some may retire or decide to cut back on their working commitments and may have certain ideas and plans they are now keen to implement. Those who do retire should keep alert for opportunities becoming available. Whether these involve activity clubs and groups in their area, courses or, for some, the chance to become more involved in their community, they will find that this is a year to be open to possibility and act on those that appeal to them. By doing so, these Earth Rats can derive a great deal of personal satisfaction from the projects they start. This also applies to Earth Rats who may not have worked for some time and would welcome the chance to do something different. The Year of the Snake favours involvement and participation, and by exploring what is available, the Earth Rat can find some interesting openings arising.

      Throughout the year he will also be helped by those around him. If he discusses his ideas with others, he will not only be encouraged and advised, but could also find some plans taking on a momentum of their own. Similarly, if he has concerns or is considering taking up certain activities, he should contact those able to offer expert advice. This is no time to be reticent or hold back. If the Earth Rat needs to know something, he should ask.

      One area which requires close attention this year is finance. For Earth Rats who retire, there could be pension arrangements and other benefits to finalize, and these should be dealt with thoroughly and, if need be, with professional assistance. Also, if conducting a large transaction or involved in a major purchase, the Earth Rat should check the details and implications and keep the paperwork safe. Financial matters require careful consideration this year.

      The Earth Rat would also do well to give some consideration to his well-being, including his diet and general level of exercise. To keep on good form he does need to pay some attention to his fitness and, if he feels it helpful, obtain medical advice on lifestyle improvements he could make. Also, if he has any concerns during the year, he should get these checked out.

      Many Earth Rats will decide to travel this year and will again enjoy planning their trips. By finding out about their destination in advance, these Earth Rats will not only enjoy the build-up to their journey all the more but also derive more pleasure from it while away. In addition to any holidays or breaks, the Earth Rat should also take up any invitations to visit family and friends as well as any last-minute travel opportunities that appeal to him.

      With his alert and friendly nature, the Earth Rat enjoys good relations with many people and over the year will very much appreciate meeting up with his friends and attending social events. For those who retire, there could be some additional social activity to mark the event and possibly some surprises to look forward to. In addition, activities the Earth Rat may already be involved in or may start during the year can lead to making new friends. Late February, March, May, August and December are likely to see the most social activity. However, while the Earth Rat will enjoy many social occasions, he should remain his attentive self and take into account the feelings of those around him. A faux pas or misconstrued remark could lead to some awkward moments. Earth Rats, take note, and in your relations with others, as with so much this year, do be aware.

      In the Earth Rat’s home life, this is a year that favours combined effort. Sharing activities, pooling talents and helping one another can lead to a lot happening and being appreciated. Good discussion and planning can also give the year structure, with activities and events to work towards. In addition many Earth Rats will take particular pleasure in following the progress of younger relations, and for those who are grandparents or become grandparents this year, any additional assistance and support they are able to give could be especially welcome. Over the year, the Earth Rat’s home life will mean a great deal to him, but here again, with the prevailing aspects, he does need to take into account the feelings of those around him. Snake years do call for care and awareness, but overall, home life can be satisfying, with many plans slowly but surely being realized.

      Although the pace this year may be slower than of late, a lot can still happen for the Earth Rat. This is very much a time for deciding on plans and then setting them in motion. In addition, some interesting opportunities may arise. Whether advancing his plans, developing his interests or pursuing his opportunities, if the Earth Rat remains active and aware, he can make 2013 a satisfying and personally rewarding year.


      Do consult others and draw on the advice and assistance available to you. Much is possible this year, and the better your support, the more you can achieve.


      Ben Affleck, Ursula Andress, Louis Armstrong, Lauren Bacall, Dame Shirley Bassey, Kathy Bates, Irving Berlin, Kenneth Branagh, Marlon Brando, Charlotte Brontë, Jackson Browne, George H. W. Bush, Glen Campbell, Jimmy Carter, Jeremy Clarkson, Aaron Copland, Cameron Diaz, David Duchovny, Jean Dujardin, Noël Edmonds, T. S. Eliot, Eminem, Colin Firth, Clark Gable, Liam Gallagher, Al Gore, Hugh Grant, Lewis Hamilton, Thomas Hardy, Prince Harry, Haydn, Charlton Heston, Buddy Holly, Mick Hucknall, Henrik Ibsen, Jeremy Irons, Samuel L. Jackson, LeBron James, Jean-Michel Jarre, Scarlett Johansson, Gene Kelly, Avril Lavigne, Jude Law, Gary Lineker, Lord Andrew Lloyd Webber, Ian McEwan, Katie Melua, Claude Monet, Olly Murs, Richard Nixon, Ozzy Osbourne, Sean Penn, Katy Perry, Sir Terry Pratchett, Ian Rankin, Lou Rawls, Burt Reynolds, Jonathan Ross, Rossini, William Shakespeare, Donna Summer, James Taylor, Leo Tolstoy, Henri Toulouse-Lautrec, Spencer Tracy, the Prince of Wales, George Washington, the Duke of York, Emile Zola.

      THE OX
