Only craft. Sergej Strelyaev. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Sergej Strelyaev
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Современная русская литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785449695567
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that in advance for what actually gathered, and after it is easy – to change nothing, so late to regret for something. Having creaked, the door gave in, let in the house of guests.

      – Great, the homebody, – strong handshake greeted Black Alexander.

      – Hi, black person.

      Itself black was a blonde, clean-shaven, preferring exclusively mourning dresses today, for as got the nickname.

      “Did not shave, forgot”, – Alexander by a palm on the three-day bristle carried out. Though actually did not forget, just for economy used machines of times in three days, and passed only two.

      Pottering with laces, the friend closed the shkafoobrazny figure of the little girls who are restricted behind.

      – Pardonte! – having guessed about the inconvenience, it passed them forward. – Here. Vika and Evgeny. The cafe got acquainted ….

      The hall was filled with a strong smell of perfume mixed up with sourish aroma of wine. Shuddering from cold, girls tried to squeeze deep into rooms.

      – Hi, – each of them threw, bending down and taking off footwear, roofing felts with shame, roofing felts with envy having been lop-sided on posters of competitors.

      Alexander, having hardly overcome nervousness, squeezed out from itself a reciprocal greeting.

      Supporting both for waists, Cerny, smiling in all whiteness of teeth, did to Alexander immodest signs, hinting what to whom from the guest is intended. Having left outerwear on chairs, passed to the hall. The smell of perfume amplified. Did not manage to consider Klot them, but understood – both are beautiful, and the friend was not limited to wine, and therefore already and too tipsy. Da Cerny another was also not for what had the second, more offensive surname “Boozy”. In eyes very few people so called it – his physical force did not thaw from continuous consumption of alcohol.

      – Listen, there will be enough candy to guzzle, – Klot tried to drive away the gluttonous impudent person from a vase with sweets and fruit.

      – And why you put them here? – throwing back the tenth candy wrapper aside, the filled mouth murmured Black.

      – For appearance, of course. Well, one-another when – was never eaten, so, by the way, but not purposefully to fill a stomach. At normal people always such vases stand, and nobody ruins them ….

      – You would watch less TV …, – having finished chocolate, Black appetizingly crackled apple. – It is all the same what vodka to keep in the refrigerator. It will last long there? You will get bar, so you will become an inveterate drunkard, you will not devastate yet and you will not go outside …. Soon though to Aksen on a wedding, I will gorge on without moaning there …. You about a party did not forget?

      Having waved a hand, Alexander gave up a useless conversation and took seat on a sofa beside the TV. In nearby the settled-down girls, as well as in him, a certain embarrassment, haste in the movements was felt, the obryvochnost of views was guessed. Alcohol hurried to improve situation. Constraint thawed, looking at each other turned into impudence, and reciprocal views were maintained without lowering of eyes.

      “Always then, – Alexander abstractedly was silent, without being afraid any more to seem impolite. – — you learn riddles, interest same …, and after whims, discontent even begin, the feeling of thousand-year acquaintance comes. Drudgery! But not now! Not in the first meetings. We wait for every time, and suddenly not as usually, suddenly something special; but what there special, if ordinary”.

      As in the head the rumble accrued, a talk became louder, and jokes and laughter more shamelessly, memory blackouts of Alexander even more often alternated with incredibly thin and clear understanding of the events quicker. He learned an essence of the most abstract things of which he sober and did not think to think. As he wanted to be given to an intoxicated current of a thought, and was what to look – the interesting ideas were postponed on the ambassador. Clips, clips – smart one by one. Celebrities, expensive cars, beautiful women.

      “If I continue to idle, nothing shines me”, – old dreams of possible acquaintances poured down. Beauty on the screen attracting luxury caused envy, vanity and feeling of own pettiness as all not for it awoke. “But they too people. Women they were given birth, eventually, not by children of gods. Eat, sleep, and there is enough meanness in life. But who sees it? Do not parade everyday, all have it, but to nobody is uninteresting. There is Victoria, having examined my bathtub, told nothing and it did not look narrowly, and just asked to show where …. Repairs are not interesting to it what to speak about those… on the screen!?”

      In the program among “trump”, continuing to spoil a holiday, also the writers of the present who are taking away belonging to Alexander flashed. Also beautiful young novelists, poetesses entered into exclusive society.

      “… Smart rest, multystoried country houses …", – the leader continued the program, lifting bitter bile in the guy. Alexander ran a look through the rooms, looked for though something standing, worthy admiration. Eyes continually came across the dark screen of the computer which is looking out because of a case. There an opportunity to become on an equal basis with them, to declare, the opportunity which for the sake of trifles is so roughly debugged by Klot for later consisted in it. Everything, than he owned, did not go also to pathetic comparison… caused shame more likely, but not envy of people around.

      “Two marigold the text is managed to be typed. I specially mastered ten-manual set …. So what?” – as he also expected, about work was told a little, it is more and more about the benefits brought by it that testified to easy life of creative people.

      Having jumped from a sofa, Klot noticed backs of books of the immemorial interlocutors on shelves.

      “And you what starved? During lifetime – neither popularity, nor money, nor honor? For what wrote? Could not achieve at once?”

      The photo of the great predecessors covered with time dust did not resemble faces of modern artists in any way: neither luster, nor beauty, nor satisfaction; on the contrary, there are more and more tortures, experiences, inexplicable pain and sufferings. Persecution, at times even hunger the faded portraits sobbed, answering:

      Then in a brain,

      Vlechenyem to a muse compressed,

      Dreams flowed

      In secret silence,

      That there will be I

      Known and rich

      Also there will be a monument in Ryazana to me.

      These words were not memoirs earlier read, not at all. Alexander had not to fit efforts and to cause verses in memory, he simply listened.

      “And all these in expensive jewelry, trinkets; often writers, and businessmen at the same time”.

      And again clips with beauties – white, without defects on faces and bodies. Alexander felt their physical purity, believed that they wait for him, will accept with pleasure, and he will become same brilliant, without excess troubles.

      – Regain consciousness what you? – the laughing Victoria invited Klot to dance.

      Embracing her a slender waist, feeling an elastic breast, Alexander continued to think of the, without noticing the excited woman, though fixedly considered it, the truth with other purpose, at all not that of which the naive girl thought. And let Victoria was three times beautiful: it is harmonious, gentle, with the huge gray eyes calling to love, he felt small hillocks of callosities on her palms, inhaled generous quantity of the cheap perfume which is not coping with a task – from it all the same pulled sourish then. Freshness of a young face was saddened by working fatigue, premature wrinkles and other small shortcomings that was not at to what Alexander aspired, at those whose smell stupefies the head and no spirits are capable to compete to aroma of their clean bodies which are not