Non vowel resources of some good mood. Alexander Nikolaevich Borodin. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Alexander Nikolaevich Borodin
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Публицистика: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005395221
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enjoy, do you and higher authorities need from you? The general program prescribed for all people is a reproduction program (it is expressed only in someone strongly, in someone weakly), do the other programs for each have their own, which can sometimes be similar, and sometimes individual? The secret of psychological comfort and health is to do what you want, as much as possible, since there can be any business that is more expensive than doing what you want? Do what your heart desires, or it’s more expensive – what is called cognitive dissonance born here? Cognitive dissonance – grab it or throw out a suitcase without a handle? Do what you must do, and be what will happen? Are all of us led by higher powers? Through chemistry in our body that causes pleasure or discomfort, a higher mind communicates with us, directing us to the right people and the right places, from the presence of which hormones of pleasure are released into the blood, or pushing us away from unnecessary people or places from which hormones are released, causing discomfort? You are next to a person of the opposite sex, from whose presence you feel great pleasure, so you are on the right track – does the higher mind let you know that you need this person? What kind of relationship will you have with the opposite sex – how between a man and a woman in the classical sense, or does gender difference not affect observance of prejudice and the creation of boundaries in communication? Opposites are attracted – does the emotional create a relationship or a family with a non-emotional person, «unearthly» with «down to earth»? Does a person consist of many competing desires? There is a struggle of needs, and a struggle with needs, and a struggle of one needs with the needs of others? Normal is happy, and yet when something from which he experiences happiness does not cause unhappiness to others? Some have problems because they don’t know what is really happening and don’t know how to achieve their goals? Does the concept of «bad» exist, and what sense organs or biochemical processes in the body indicate that everything is bad in a psychological sense? There is no thing that is called bad, and there is no that that is called good – are higher forces through the chemistry in the body that is responsible for the mood of the person that control everything? You don’t bother with a person with high sexual temperament – then you are impotent, you bother with a person with low sexual temperament – then you are preoccupied, dissonance due to the difference of what is called sexual temperament? Who is a friend – is he who has the same program in his brain as yours, or is it not always like that? There have been and will be many who want to give communication lessons or lessons on the topic of what is good, what is bad? Vitya went to the river to jump, and you’ll go – you need to have your head on your shoulders, I don’t care about other children and people – some parents say to their children, why then there are so many who want to teach you how, in their opinion, It’s right to live without even being your relatives, what is their interest in you, and is this interest explicit or hidden? What is called hypocrisy, lies, manipulation – are these types of communications? God alone, the providers are different – do some interpret religion to the masses in their own way? Do not show or tell anyone that you drink alcohol – does it immediately mean that you have psychological problems and what are called weaknesses? Everyone was happy – as a drug user would say, was it like swallowing amphetamine? Neurochemical processes could be changed at all times, berserkers that used before the battle, according to historical data, mushrooms that give fearlessness prove this, and nowadays there are even wider possibilities for medical personality change? Can a person be changed not only with medicines, but also with what is called propaganda and life experience? Does unnecessary junk of information spoil a person’s life by leading him in the wrong way? Do drugs and alcohol allow some to receive a portion of happiness bypassing higher doses by higher powers? Robots do not do everything for you and for you, so learn to overcome difficulties, and not hide in the «bushes» in the form of non-participation in something or in the «bushes» in the form of alcohol, etc., but if possible, do what do you want, since some of your desires (sexual instincts and others) are desires of higher powers, for the failure of which they reward the body with unpleasant sensations? What you remember best is what causes or evokes emotions, if you are not emotional, then there’s nothing to remember either, which means there are no problems with psychological stability if there are no emotions? Are people divided into those receiving endorphins artificially (100 grams after work or every day and every hour 100 grams) and those receiving endorphins naturally (trips to the seas and various other trips)? Each person should ideally live the way he wants, but at the same time not to disturb others from living the way they want – a complex dilemma that can only be solved by scientific progress, since sometimes the desires of some can harm others? In some places and cases, if someone begins to influence something and this interferes with someone, they begin to stop him by criticizing and labeling – is this a struggle for survival? Prison, army, hard manual labor, unemployed, homeless, civil servant, aristocratic lifestyle – should a psychologist have a diverse experience? A person grows up from problems – the richer the country of residence, the less problems, the less problems – the less growing up? Not a psychologist, but a specialist in relations with… reality? I’ll spit over my shoulder – everything will be fine, I will tie a rope – no one will jinx it; believe in signs, go to fortunetellers those who are called neurosthenics, nothing happens just like that, you need to act, do you need a specific plan of action, including to protect your interests? Believe everything inexperienced in objective information about something people who do not know how everything really works? Some life attitudes can make a person what they call a neurosthenic, psychopath, alcoholic, or drug addict – you cannot control everything, higher powers do it, you cannot delay someone’s death, believing that you will wash your hands every hour and therefore don’t if you catch a deadly infection or count to a certain number, and nothing bad happens, those who have reached a deadline measured by higher powers die, so calm down with an obsessive hand wash and an intrusive account? Is a programmer a translator translating from a human language into a language understandable by a machine? A magician, showing some tricks, creates an illusion to distract attention from reality? Are many programmed to seek the truth? Does everyone have their own social task? Someone has developed a sense of smell, someone has something else – each creature perceives only that reality, which it is prescribed to perceive in any way according to its sense organs? Not natural selection – what is job interviewing, is it… artificial selection? Are resources to achieve goals time and health? You are emotional, often manifest what is called aggression, and experience what is called love and sexual desire, are inclined to what is called suggestibility – you will never become an IT specialist or an astronaut, since in an emotional state the human brain cannot process information qualitatively and can not perform some tasks? It is said that Antoine de Saint-Exupery said: «Love begins where nothing is expected in return.» Is love a special chemical process that takes place for people to be together for a period of time during the growth of a child, do scientists and writers see love differently? For some professions, the more independent is the psyche, the more ideal is it, or is it the same in life? For some places and times in history, some human behavior may be inadequate, for other places it may be normal – is everything relative to someone or something? What behavior can be considered defective, and what is it to follow the example of defective behavior? What kind of program in the brain that forces people to «bother» with animals and people is said that the killer-doctor Marcel Petier showed signs from his childhood that he could be called a psychopathic future – he left the birds without food and watched them die from hunger, then he began to kill people. Why do some get endorphins from socially unacceptable behavior, who programmed them that way? Is the devil a programmer too, only with negative programs? In order, as they say, to socialize in modern society, is it necessary to have the least qualities inherent in an animal? What do higher powers want from you – so that you do what pleases you? Is software a soul and a hardware program is a brain? Some people are sure that they know how to live and do something similar to missionary work, but if I myself know how to live, should the missionary hear the missionary work of another? Does everyone have a scientific rationale? Someone beat someone for a girl for being in her company, and after several months of living together with the one who beat her, she «surrendered» him after a drunken scandal to the