Non vowel resources of some good mood. Alexander Nikolaevich Borodin. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Alexander Nikolaevich Borodin
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Публицистика: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005395221
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yet, unfortunately, there is too little information to think about. I also can’t believe that disgust for such creatures as rats turned out spontaneously, they feel an aversion to them, since rats have always been carriers of dangerous diseases, such as the bubonic plague, from which millions of people died from an epidemic, a separate conversation about people living in some Asian countries who eat animals and insects that disgust people not from their culture.

      Ultrafine particles can be in different places at the same time – it’s, like, already proven, or even this is a fact that does not require proof – on the basis of this, assumptions were born that a person can be in different places at the same time, only in different worlds: a person is not human only a brother, but also his double duplicate, triple duplicate, and so on? Why look for a copy of yourself, but only with a different fate in parallel worlds – look at the people around you, is that you, only with a different fate? You didn’t just split, you became one million – you are just like everyone else, just circumstances made you different from the others, and you are already here in this world in several places at the same time, and your destiny in this real world has already developed differently, and not as theoretical physics suggests that in some parallel worlds your double went differently from your path? There is something schizophrenic in this, but again, quantum mechanics can be blamed for this, it turns out that the fireman is you and the military man is you, the bandits who attacked you on the street are you too, but with a different fate, you communicate with a person of the opposite sex – this is you too, and you can go deeper: animals, insects, microorganisms, plants are you too, only under other circumstances? Each person is one of the options of who you could be? You are here, and not on some other planet lost in space and not in another reality, you are in a lot of options of who you could become – is all the available biomass what you could be? Many options walk you down the street, and, as already mentioned, it is not necessary that they look like you physically – it turns out that you really are in several places at the same time as a subatomic particle?

      Let’s try to compare quantum physics with the topic under discussion that each person in childhood is initially similar to each other or almost similar, and in the process, everyone can «mold» anything, while he grows up and lives, then it turns out that I, you, he, she, they are, according to quantum mechanics, in different places at the same time, already here, in the real world, and not in parallel universes – as already mentioned, I saw on the street the one who is called a bandit – this is you in that case if circumstances were different, I saw a scientist on TV – this is you, if things would turn out differently again, and so on, you are here in the real world in different places at the same time, despite the fact that you and everyone else are not physically alike, each person is you, only, as theoretical physics says, it’s you whose life has taken a different path, again, despite the fact that you are physically different from everyone else.

      You are all in the instincts given by higher forces: desires, fear, love, passion, etc., this is so that higher forces have the ability to manipulate and control you, so they communicate with you through chemicals in the form, for example, endorphins? Higher forces stimulate you to certain actions by means of endorphins and direct your actions by means of endorphins to what is necessary for them, and therefore, your channel? The biochemical processes in living organisms are built on the principle of a stick and a carrot: did something that higher forces need – get the carrot in the form of pleasant sensations given by endorphins, did not do it – do not get anything? When you understand what you are intended for, the possibility of self-realization opens up? If a person communicates with a machine through numbers and symbols, then do higher forces communicate with a person through chemistry?

      By the way, about love – also a «thought-out» thing, emotional attachment to each other is formed specifically to make and grow a child, however, the duration of this emotional attachment is different for everyone. The invention of the Internet with such a feeling as love does an extremely inconvenient thing for lovers – if you fall in love with a person from another continent whom you met via the Internet and there is no money to come to him, then this is not torment, nature or higher powers the presence of the Internet and the lack of money, apparently, the higher forces laid down a program of emotional attachment, considering only that the person in whom the other person will fall in love will be nearby, the lover will have to wait until there is a person more interesting than that in he fell in love over the Internet so that feelings of falling in love pass, or save money for a meeting.

      «My back also freezes when I see you,» is a phrase from a dialogue between two lovers from a film that the author did not watch from the beginning and whose name does not know in this connection.

      If someone is haunted by the philosophical question about their purpose, then everyone has their own, and their purpose can be understood and found out simply, if someone has problems with this, as already mentioned, do not forget – higher forces manipulate you and they lead you with the help of endorphins: what you like to do, what pleases you, that’s your purpose, you like money, you enjoy increasing it – it’s yours, you like to have power – it’s your destiny, you like the army – that is yours, you like science – it means that you were programmed by higher forces just for it, for science, and in this case it doesn’t matter what or who programmed you, higher forces or partially society, the main thing is that there is such a program, that you get something dose of endorphin. Do you like a person – that means he is for you, you like work – that means that it is for you (through the development of hormones of pleasure you are made to understand from above what you should do), but, as a rule, the same cognitive dissonance pushes you away from making the right decision – for example, such an emotion as fear, fear of a person of the opposite sex who you like, but who you fear because he is too bright (in fact, as a rule, if you think someone is pretty, then you are for this people are pretty in almost 100% of cases – this is from personal experience, and, oddly enough, that person whom you are afraid of and who shakes you when you meet is just for you). There are such kinds of psychologists as they are called subjective fears (there are also constructive fears), subjective fears are those that do not appear in any danger, and so, subjective fears interfere with the achievement of goals that are predetermined for you, a kind of conflict of programs occurs, like in a computer (cognitive dissonance), at the moment we have in mind some need and instinct for self-preservation, which works in an unnecessary place, something like a collision of intellectual and emotional or even emotional th constructive emotional unconstructive: you need it, but you’re afraid of, is if the bird was afraid to fly, she would have died of hunger.

      In some countries that are considered rich, some of them who live there (mostly young people) do not work anywhere, receive social benefits that are considered great and, after receiving this allowance, go to seek the meaning of life in other countries (mainly Asian) – what to look for, this meaning of life, each of all has his own? The meaning of life is simple as well as the desire for food, you eat what you want to eat, and don’t eat what you don’t want to eat, you have such a taste setting, and you don’t reason why you eat it, you eat because that you want to eat it, it’s tasty for you, and in life it’s the same, everything is already decided for you, do what you like, if you like it, then this is necessary for the one who created the world, it’s another thing, that in some cases What will you do and what you like may not please others? Live instincts or, in other words, follow your heart? One acquaintance, who is 41 years old, asks: «Have I done the right thing or have I done the right thing in such and such a situation?» But at 41 there shouldn’t be such questions, in these years people no longer doubt the correctness of their actions, since they live by desires, instincts and do everything as the soul lies, unnecessary settings are erased?

      As a child, in the 1980s, when almost every apartment in the kitchen had a wired radio with one radio channel, I heard the ending of the radio show of a science fiction story, where the words of the hero of the work, the announcer said: then unknown mechanisms forced him to swallow.