Quick Flora Mallorca. Horst Mehlhorn. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Horst Mehlhorn
Издательство: Readbox publishing GmbH
Жанр произведения: Отраслевые издания
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9783347289574
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number of rows of bracts are important when identifying Compositae (29),

      Composite flower with multiple rows of bracts (29)

      umbellifers (Apiaceae) differ with regard to the presence or absence of bracts and bracteoles,

      while the shape of the fruit is important when identifying species of the Cruciferae family,

      By contrast, the presence, shape, and size of the lower and upper lip (35) is important for the identifcation of Labiates (Lamiaceae) and other plant families.

      Flower with a lower and upper lip (35)

       Suggestions for walks in the field

      Mallorca can be explored best on foot. Nonetheless, it is important to know where you can leave your car and which paths return to the origin of the walk if you do not want to return the same way you came. In many instances, these walks can be combined with the sights of the island, too. Examples for such areas include:

      - the Castle of Bellver

      - the cloistre of La Trapa

      - the city of Soller

      - the Castel of Alaro

      - the cloistre Lluc

      - the cloistre Randa

      - the beach Es Trenc

      - the castle of Capdepera

      - the Coves d’Arta

      The parks of S'Albufera and Mondrago are also worth a visit. They do not only offer small visitor centres, they also offer opportunities to get to know different types of vegetation on the island on a single walk. Other worthwhile destinations for plant lovers include the botanical garden in Soller, the gardens Jardins d'Alfabia and Raixa near Bunyola, and the garden Botanicactus between Ses Salines and Santanyi in the southeast of the island. Especially during spring time it can be quite a challenge to visit all these destinations when you are on the island.

       Usage of the identification table

      The tables on the cover and on the opposite page indicate the page in the book on which a plant species with the corresponding characteristics can be found and identified. For this purpose, the tables are structured as follows:

      • Column 1 indicates the type of flower shape.

      • Columns two to five refer to pages with plants with entire leaf margins.

      • Columns six to nine refer to pages with plants whose leaf margins are not entire.

      • Columns 2, 3, 6 and 7 refer to pages with plants whose leaves are opposite.

      • Columns 4, 5, 8 and 9 refer to pages with plants whose leaves are not opposite (alternate).

      • Each coloured cell refers to flowers that are white, pink, red, blue, yellow, green, multi-coloured or other. Olive cells represent the colour multi-coloured while the orange block represents other colours, e.g. orange or brown.


      A) A plant with blue flowers, 5 petals, opposite leaves and entire leaf margin can be identified on page 35.

      B) A plant with multi-coloured flowers, irregular flower symmetry, basal leaves and a toothed leaf margin can be identified on page 268.

      C) A plant with violet, irregular flower shape, entire leaf margin, and leaves that are not opposite may be identified on page 154.

      In the ebook, navigation is also supported by hyperlinks integrated within the table. Similarly, quick navigation within the ebook using hyperlinks is also possible

      • in the table of contents,

      • by clicking on the header (jump back to the table on page 13),

      • by clicking on the page number (jump to the index on page 293),

      • by clicking on species underlined in the key or text, and

      • by clicking on the picture captions.


Alternate (9):arranged in two rows but not opposite
Anther:part of the stamen that contains the pollen
Basal (22):arising from the base of the stem
Bracteole (32):small and often scale-like leaf just beneath a compound flowerhead
Bracts (29):small and often scale-like leaf just beneath a flower
Bulbil:small bulb arising in the axis of an inflorescence or leaf
Calyx (27):the group of sepals as a whole
Catkin:spike-like inflorescence
Cordate:heart-shaped at the base
Epicalyx:calyx-like structure outside but close to the calyx
Fruit:ripe seeds and structure surrounding them
Involucre (29):bracts forming a calyx-like structure below an inflorescence of Compositae
Head:compact cluster of flowers
Keel (28):lower part of a legume flower
Latex:milky juice
Ligule:small scale on the surface of a leaf/flower
Lip (35):the lower or upper lobe of an irregular flower
Mucronate:with a short narrow extension at the tip
Node:a point on the stem where one or more leaves arise
Ob-:the other way up from normal
Oblong:a flat shape, middle part more or less parallel-sided
Opposite (23):leaves arising at the same level on opposite sides of the stem
Ovate:more or less egg-shaped
Ovary:female reproductive organ
Obovate:inverted egg-shaped (broadest above the middle)
Papillae:small nipple-like projections
Parasite:plant which derives its food from other living plants to which it is attached
Perennial:plant living for more than two years
Petal:colourful part of the flower
Pinnate (20):a leaf composed of more than 3 leaflets
Pinnatifid:leaves with multiple lobes where the lobes are still connected to each other
Perianth:flower as a whole including both sepals and petals
Petiole:stalk of leaves
Procumbent:a plant lying close to the surface on the ground
Raceme:unbranched inflorescence in which the flowers are born on stalks
Sepal (27):outer part of a flower, often green and leaf-like
Sessile:without a stalk
Siliqua (33):narrow cylindrical pod with a ratio of length to width greater than 3: 1
Silicula (34):pod with a ratio of length to width smaller than 3: 1
Spike (1):inflorescence with sessile flowers
Stamen (27):male reproductive organ within a flower
Standard (28):upper part of a legume flower
Stigma (27):receptive surface of the flower to which the pollen adhere

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