The planet of biorobots?. Alexander Nikolaevich Borodin. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Alexander Nikolaevich Borodin
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Публицистика: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005388483
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anything, and they have everything perfectly, of course, but, like any statistics, we are talking about the majority. Some take bribes if they work in the civil service, are engaged in parallel trade (second job), and from this «tranches» come to the chiefs and cadres, some are pulled by relatives and bosses. Someone will say that some take bribes, and they don’t sit, if they get caught, they kick them out. This can be answered by the fact that if you were not sent to work for bribes or for some kind of “ chemical abuse», although criminal punishment is provided for this, but simply quietly kicked out, then the person who was kicked out was an agent (informer) in the supervisor service, for example, in the CSS of the police (police), and he was indulged for his past help informing (renting out) his colleagues or there was no evidence, there are other options, it all depends on the country where all this happens.

      There are places where anyone, if lucky enough to stay alive, can transform from a person without social status into a person with status. In some wars, the elite is formed, as it is commonly called, in countries where there has not been a war for a long time, the elite is already formed (you cannot become a general, since the general has his own son). Sometimes a political crisis and an economic crisis provide opportunities for those who did not have them. For example, to join the army without psychological testing, if a war has begun that could not take place in a peaceful country and in peacetime, or get a job at a company that you didn’t hire because you didn’t pass the interview, or because that he did not pass a check in his own security service before the onset of the general economic crisis and before the crisis of this company separately. Well, in general, a crisis, for example, will be pleasant to someone economic, if the one to whom they envied went badly.

      2) It is unlikely that someone will «wait» for you to «go crazy» and support you when you are mad, drinking alcohol and doing something else from the category of what are called weaknesses, you’ll simply die early or fall to jail.

      3) You are unlikely to be able to withstand pressure from your superiors, in the way that one from the so-called prosperous family can do. He was taught how to talk with the leadership, his leadership is more afraid than you, or rather, it is not afraid of you at all. The leadership of one from the so-called prosperous family is afraid, because he warned him that if he is fired, he will “ drag out ” everyone through the courts and «hand over» to the law enforcement or other controlling bodies everything illegal that happened during his work if, of course, he himself did not commit anything illegal and, in general, if it comes to that, usually no one scares anyone in such cases, everything is already in the «ointment».

      4) If you have psychological problems or cannot fall asleep, you most likely will not go to a psychiatrist to prescribe psychostimulants that do not cause withdrawal symptoms (otnodnik), i.e. sedative or sleeping pills. ATTENTION: according to rumors, there are psychiatrists who do not offer sedative or sleeping pills to those who need it, but offer the so-called «coding», which is associated with this, possibly due to ignorance, perhaps because if you write a sedative, then the one who came for help because of problems with alcohol and who is looking for calm in alcohol will not come again, since he will start to take a sedative, and «coding» is a profitable thing, so in theory it’s more profitable for the psychiatrist to keep the client in excitement, once again rebuilt alcohol and came to him to be encoded. They say that in one large country (because of the possible legal problems of the country, if the issue under consideration is delicate, they are not called), half of the population sits on antidepressants. Most likely, you will go to the grocery store, buy vodka or wine there, drink it, and then it will be even worse for you. Although, again, from a so-called prosperous family, visits to a psychiatrist are unlikely due to problems with alcohol, if someone comes from such a family, then it can already be considered dysfunctional due to the fact that other educators outplayed their parents, for example street or cinema or any other. In education, as in electronics, a strong signal drowns out a weaker signal.

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