The planet of biorobots?. Alexander Nikolaevich Borodin. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Alexander Nikolaevich Borodin
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Публицистика: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005388483
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who can fulfill their needs only through communication with other people are called unhappy, because they do not know the rules of communication, they are unhappy because higher powers do not give them hormones of pleasure, because they do not fulfill their tasks (no sexual relations, because they don’t know how to come to this, for the same reason there is no relationship with those to whom one feels a sense of what is called love, etc.).

      Are some men so arranged that they at least for a while consider the one they found almost a goddess? Perhaps partly people are controlled by higher forces (with the help of the genetic code, hormones of pleasure and, possibly, something else), partly people themselves (with the help of words, phrases and, possibly, something else)? How does a person differ from an animal in that it can be controlled by words and phrases? All living things are drug addicts sitting on the endorphin needle and on other hormones of pleasure that give portionwise higher powers through the endocrine system for the perfect action they need? Is a pledge of mental health when there are not a large number of needs or, if they are, are they all satisfied? There is a concept in psychology of «compatibility with a supplement» when one person complements another, for example, two people who are called a psychopath (due to tolerance they say not «psychopath», but «person with a mobile psyche»), + calm, achieve harmony?

      Does art require sacrifice? Where is it better to study the ocean, inside it or in the office, or both there and there? Should I go to study as a psychologist so that we don’t be drafted into the army, or go to the army to become a psychologist, study psychology in the «fields» and in the so-called critical conditions, or from textbooks and seminars, or not disdain either the first or the second? Maybe if you want to study as a software engineer, then the army is a lost time, but if you want to become a psychologist or a philosopher, then the army and other institutions of a similar type are just what you need? Some say, «don’t join the army – you’ll lose time, don’t go to jail or madhouse – you’ll break your life, don’t mess with anyone or anything, or you’ll be in trouble, don’t lose your job, or you’ll be lost, study, or you will work at prestigious work. ” But for some who decide to become an expert on what is called psychology, this is all or almost everything, just what you need. Time is not wasted, life does not break, you become voluntarily or involuntarily a specialist in a certain field, in that area called psychology, what is called life experience and useful information appears, and it is not necessary to become a psychologist with a diploma, but just a psychologist for yourself? But there is a certain category of people who really do not have to go through all of the above, their level and quality of life will be comfortable for them without acquiring any of the above places of life experience – for example, those who are called scientists, doctors, software engineers, etc. Some, by the way, again, voluntarily or involuntarily go through the above institutions or institutions in order to «cut off» the psychological beliefs, qualities that prevent them from becoming a software engineer m, scientists, and so on. d. As a result, some say, all is not lost years of his life to alcohol, the street in childhood and adolescence, a dating site on the prison, the civil service and anything else that is considered positive or negative, and became the one who is called a psychologist, and now they can speak out on this subject and live using the knowledge gained.

      I found out such a thing, and that’s for sure, I personally know who it is about: in some places a person can become a psychiatrist (and already have become) a person who had nothing to do with psychiatry in about three months. It is enough, for example, that you worked as a doctor, for example, a dermatologist-venereologist, take about three-month courses – and engage in psychiatry. Why did he write this? Moreover, if psychiatry can be mastered for work in it in a few months, then, as has already been said many times, every person who has some kind of life experience of a lifetime is already a psychologist voluntarily or involuntarily. The life of an average person is a good course in psychology and psychiatry, and not only in these sciences.

      «Do not teach me how to live, help me financially.» As a child, I saw the book «Parenting a child in an incomplete family», but didn’t read it, most likely it says «rubbish» that is far from reality, since it was written or written by those who themselves are far from life? Many complain about the" everyday life" that it is gloomy and spoils the relationship, but just the same, many of those who come to get help from a psychiatrist or psychologist do not have enough knowledge about the" everyday life», knowledge about how to behave at home? What is this very" bytovuha», the problems and the reality of everyday life, there are psychiatrists and psychologists know the problems and the reality in the sense in which it exists in the so-called ordinary people, ordinary people? What are the horizons of the achievements of psychology and psychiatry in the 21st century? Does it mainly affect people’s mental state through chemicals? In the future, a psychiatrist or psychologist should not ask what problems you have, and what you want to be, arrogant, calm, etc., and make a person the way he wants to see himself? How does what is called the human psyche work? It’s very simple, there is a task, and if you perform it, you feel good, if you don’t do it, you feel bad, does someone have these feelings, called «good» or «bad», are less pronounced, someone else is more vivid?

      Higher forces or nature have invested in everything living, including man, software called needs, for their satisfaction he receives a reward in the form of what is called pleasant sensations or a comfortable psychological state, for dissatisfaction – a punishment in the form of unpleasant sensations and uncomfortable psychological state? Recycling – everything repeats itself from century to century, were, are, and, probably, when science reaches a certain stage of its development, they will not be there, people with an uncomfortable psychological state and with unmet needs? The world is like serving in the army – everything has already been decided for you, just follow orders from above and receive rewards in the form of portions of endorphins? Mobile phones, the Internet, night vision devices, laser rangefinders, computer programs such as language translators, binoculars, telescopes, etc. – does science supplement the human body with new sensory and communication organs, something that it did not have at birth? Is everything that happens from year to year, etc., predictable, only in a different interpretation? Airplanes crash, put someone in prison, etc., only places and names change, is science only unpredictable and updated? Is it not a hobby, not a hobby, that makes a man not drink alcohol and drugs at all, but only an obsession with someone or anything: sex, science, sports, risk, money, politics, people, video games, fishing, hunting, etc.? It is emphasized that only obsession and nothing else, hobbies and hobbies are weak categories for the lack of a man what is considered alcoholism and drug addiction? How can one understand an obsessed person with a positive obsession, so to speak, like a drug addict, you completely «slaughter» yourself, for example, do computer programs or science for days without shaving and washing, without cutting off your nails? If an obsession with science is not diluted with another obsession or infatuation, for example, with the opposite sex, then does an obsession become almost like a drug addiction with «clogging» yourself? Many scientists did not shave, because they simply did not have time for this? Can not everyone be without what they called weaknesses, moreover, people with weaknesses are needed, and someone should be with weaknesses, if everyone is not interested in such a so-called weakness, like sex, will everyone die out? Now, with the help of modern chemical medicine, is it possible to both exacerbate what is called weaknesses and reduce it? A man obsessed with something thinks about one thing, but a simple person, as a rule, cannot fully concentrate on anything for a long time, disconnect from reality, various thoughts erupt towards him, his attention is «sprayed»? In addition to people with an uncomfortable mental state, there have always been people with a comfortable psychological state, and they are in this state, because they don’t have a lot of needs or they have, but they are all satisfied because they have the knowledge how to satisfy these needs, time and material resources for their satisfaction (in countries considered rich, revolutions or crimes among local residents are a rarity, since the needs of the majority are satisfied). People see it as their task to make everyone happy, especially those some people who control other people, because it is beneficial for them, but, as a rule, they want