The planet of biorobots?. Alexander Nikolaevich Borodin. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Alexander Nikolaevich Borodin
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Публицистика: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005388483
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negative emotional states and other problems inherent in some? Carlos Castaneda wrote about his emotional experiences after taking hallucinogens, would he rather devote this time to describing his emotional experiences while being sober in various places and situations? Is comfort emotional and physical? As has already been repeated, outside the game of life, only scientists and a few other categories of people of certain specialties, the rest one way or another wage a psychological war between themselves? Your ship is sailing, and it is constantly being fired from the sea and from land in the psychological sense in the form of various forms of aggression, what kind of discussion area is discussed in this material and beyond? «Happy love or unhappy love», probably, all written literary works are devoted either to chanting the presence of endorphins and other internal opiates in the body, or vice versa to the moans from their lack, and all this in the form of songs, poems, etc.? As already mentioned and will be said, people strive for stable and just getting hormones of pleasure from their bodies, it is because of this that revolutions appeared and appear, philosophical and other works were born and are being born, the central issue being discussed is how to stabilize the production of these hormones pleasures of the majority, how to make pleasure flow in a continuous stream, without what is called alcohol, drugs and tranquilizers? While it is not possible to stabilize the production of pleasure hormones without exception, without chemical preparations, their number constantly jumps, and is it so conceived that a person performs some action and only then enjoys it? There are not only so-called psychoactive substances, but also psychoactive words that excite or relax the psyche of some much stronger than any psychostimulants in the form of tablets or liquids? Everything from the placebo group – is everyone inspired by the line of behavior and the information with which he lives? Depression, neurosis, etc., all living things know what to do, and only a person happens that he does not know which way he should go? Namely those who are from the category of «clean slate» and those who are not «loaded» with any information or who are carriers of information called harmful, will be those who are called alcoholics, drug addicts or psychopaths? What are they and where are they from, the so-called destructive drives? Information is a medicine or poison, depending on what it is? Nobody has ever given and will not give money, but how to live, have they been taught since ancient times? As the police or detectives say, look for who benefits, why are you «loaded» with precisely these thoughts and not others? What are stabilization and destabilization «downloads»? Those who promote what is called morality themselves do not comply with it, since they consider it a simple «load» to stabilize the society on which they depend, since it contains them? In states that are considered civilized, there are many speakers and other producers of intangible goods, if this continues, then soon there will be no one to work from the local ones, only visitors will work? Anything that some of those whose work partially or wholly consists in oratory, “ waddling ” and «water-pushing» are talking about? Does the orator or leader end among those like himself, speakers and leaders? In some books it is written that during communication you need to touch the interlocutor, supposedly it’s easier to “ weigh ” him and influence him? When communicating, some specially touch someone with a hand, and the one who touches someone thinks: «Another ambitious moron or fool has read commercial books about psychology»? Some rich countries decided at the legislative level that psychological pressure on the child is harmful to their psyche, that they don’t need to «break» and prosecute those who became drug addicts, and some of these laws «wrote off» some poor countries? How does the presence or absence of wealth in the country affect life before and after adulthood for those who were not «pressed» in childhood and those who decided to use drugs? A double-edged sword – modern laws of some poor countries prohibit (earlier, children were legally flogged with schools with rods) the use of physical punishment against children, and even they cannot be «crushed» psychologically, but then because of loyalty in childhood they can go to jail, which differs from the prison of rich countries (or in rich countries no one can go to prison at all because of the loyalty of the law), but much more unpleasant in a prison, does physical impact in childhood warn against larger problems in the future Wow, who lives in a poor state? Almost everything new in some areas causes a protest? Will the so-called psychological techniques ever be taken away from what they consider to be reality? What will happen if in the future a ban on public speaking and philosophizing is introduced, explaining this ban, for example, by a violation of human rights to freedom of choice of one’s actions and life path? It is scary to think that someday people will stop being led on the «true» path, and they will live clean, unfilled «sheets»? The lack of information of some kind for some, the reason for their so-called asocial behavior, and vice versa, the presence of information of a certain kind, excludes some of the so-called asocial behavior, is it all about information who has it and who doesn’t have it? Someone riding a train on a railway bridge, the bridge collapses, and he experiences horror, not euphoria, namely horror, why in death situations they experience not pleasure, but fear, because the higher forces need everyone to strive to live? Fear of death is a «guardian», fear of death, like sexual attraction, once again proves that people have a creator, and this is aimed at ensuring that living organisms do not die out from actions dangerous to life, fear, from actions sexual pleasure? The news often says that someone killed or committed suicide (stole from someone, robbed someone, etc.), take an interest in their biography, killers or suicides (and generally those who are called criminals, alcoholics and drug addicts) will be from an incomplete or from the so-called dysfunctional family, in extreme cases, from wealthy families, where for those who grew up in them, the survival mode was turned off, and this can also be attributed to a lack of information, and even this the list will be some of those who are called state employees who have lost their jobs, and further those who do not belong to the above people, but simply are not capable of what they call amateur performances in economic and other senses? Being an oprichnik (employee), you need to be able to transform if you become a zemstvo (civilian) and while you are serving, prepare for the fact that you can become civilian (learn a new profession, look for a new job or place of life, save up money, in short, prepare the «ground»)? What is blat (necessary acquaintances), who has it, how does its absence or presence affect the fate and psychological state of some? How to understand this saying: «You will never become a marshal, since the marshal has his own son»? Do they fall into some positions by kinship or on the basis of moral and business qualities? In the future, all people from some countries will go with a DVR to record incidents related to conflict situations while being outside their home? Should human behavior be adapted to the place of residence? The presence of certain rights in some and the absence of these rights in others is considered discrimination, the presence of a certain kind of information in some and its absence in others is also discrimination, leading to a violation of parity? People detained by the police are sitting behind bars in a duty station, on a plot, in a car, those who detained them are walking nearby, in almost 100% of cases the detainees will be those from an incomplete or from the so-called dysfunctional family, and those who detained them Will it be the other way around? The only difference between the detainees and their detainees is that the second (detainees) have information of a certain kind, and the first (detainees) do not have it, because there were no people who could give it to them? «The conversation and behavior of those sitting in the room will change when they find out that there is a time bomb next to them,» the words attributed to master of the artificial nightmare Alfred Hitchhock. From this it follows that in any case, is it information that changes a person’s behavior transmitted verbally, visually or tactilely? Probably almost no one thinks about this, what will happen if a nuclear war occurs, and after that there will be no one, no prisons, no infrastructure, no people with their instincts and other programs «flashed» into them, no one at all? They all the same, like all people, will die sooner or later, such thoughts visited some military pilots who were forced to destroy objects where there could be not only military opponents, but also civilians?

      The life of those who are called ordinary inhabitants (and not only for them, they just have different programs), it is always a program in the form of, for example, a set of instincts, such as reproduction, revenge, and it needs information on how to realize them before everything was simple,