The planet of biorobots?. Alexander Nikolaevich Borodin. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Alexander Nikolaevich Borodin
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Публицистика: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005388483
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lose control over the controlled territory. The cat caught a mouse, the sparrow ate a bug so that someone would feel good, someone should definitely feel bad, is this like a formula with physicists that is currently undeniable? At present, in the global volume, it is impossible to make everyone feel good, well, in the generally accepted sense of the word, can do good only in some countries, since resources are needed for «good», but not enough for everyone, only some, and some will not share them, since after that they may become «not good»? Good is when it feels good, bad is when it is unpleasant? Why do you feel unpleasant sensations at the death of a loved one, and not vice versa, pleasant sensations, who determined what hormones of pleasure should be produced from everyone, and from which not? Is an unpleasant or pleasant feeling just a «program» in your head? Youth is the tendency of some to generalize everything, it seems that all people of your gender are the same as you, and of the opposite sex are also the same – in fact, what you have is not necessary for others, and vice versa, not everyone has that the same degree as yours, the need, for example, for sex and love, some feel comfortable without it, moreover, they will be outside the comfort zone if it is imposed on them, and in some cases they will not understand who will talk to them on these topics?

      If you set yourself the task of living a long and high quality, then for this you need to separate the useful and harmful information? As a rule, everyone begins to absorb enthusiastically any information only when the time has come for this, until the time has come, the information is not in demand. If you are from an incomplete family or from the so-called dysfunctional family, are you more likely than those who have a great family to swallow the bait, which consists of unnecessary information, and go the wrong way? If you are from a poor country and from an incomplete or from the so-called dysfunctional family, then drinking alcohol and everything else that is considered weaknesses may be tantamount to death for you, since relatives and the state do not insure you with your support, you can only learn (now on the Internet you can find lectures on any topic and learn on your own) and / or prepare yourself for deprivation in order to achieve something and not to use information harmful to your future? Only the availability of the same information from someone from the so-called incomplete or dysfunctional family, like from someone from a complete and prosperous family, equalizes the chances between them?

      …No, you are not a resident of a planet rushing in space, you do not ask questions that are not answered: you are simply a layman…

      Antoine de Saint-Exupery, «Planet of the people»

      Why do some people use alcohol or drugs, they don’t have what captures them and not just captures them, but, so to speak, directs them at the level of obsession, drowns out all other thoughts and memories, both positive and negative? How to «feel» a potential obsession with something from someone who has not yet found it, using psychological testing for a tendency to something?

      «I sit down at the computer in the morning, and it captures me so much that I kind of disconnect from the outside world and only at 5:00 pm I understand that the work has already been completed,» these are exemplary words by a guy, a software engineer. He expressed his perception of the world, he has one obsession – programming – and there is nothing else that would distract him. All other people, who are usually called philistines, have to fight for survival, if not physically, as before, then psychologically, and they have everything on the contrary, they are not disconnected from reality, but are very immersed in it. Some say that life is the best psychologist and teacher, but it is a teacher only for that and teaches only the one who is usually called a layman. Life teaches those who have the so-called needs of the average man, for example, in sex, in a leader, in friends, in love, in following some ideas, etc., life teaches when they are on the way to meeting these needs or are looking for these paths. Some people do not have the general needs that the average person has, or they are extremely weakly expressed, this allows them to achieve success in science and not only because they are not distracted by anything, and they have not only the most common needs, but also psychological Nowadays, most of the problems that are common to most people, such as constant fear and excitement, the so-called panic attacks, depression, alcoholism, drug addiction, etc. People without needs, if you can call them that, are not distracting (as they are called, independent, unsuspected, they seem to have a «lock» or have a psychological «ban» on «downloads» from the outside, and they do not convince themselves that they do not need this information, do not abuse themselves, just no information «catches» them except, of course, the one that they need for study and their work, if what they do can generally be called work, they are doing what they enjoy). People without the needs inherent in the majority follow the same path, and if life teaches them, it is only in terms of increasing their professional skills in the business in which they are engaged. They do not spend time satisfying the needs that the average person has, finding ways to satisfy them and solving psychological problems. With age, with a favorable development of events, almost all those who are called the average person should come closer to such a psychological state that is present in people without the needs inherent in the average person, and without the psychological problems inherent in the average person. But we are not talking about people of advanced age and people without the needs inherent in the majority. And in general, if someone had experience communicating with people from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, he will understand what kind of people are meant in this paragraph. Certain people simply can’t be “ burdened ” with anything else, well, except for what they are already doing, they are also called unstoppable. If in some humanities it is permissible to have some other «creeps» away from science (meaning to have thoughts that are not related to this humanities), then this is rare in the exact sciences.

      There is a soldier who did not participate in the hostilities, but he is also a soldier, there are psychologists (there are not only certified, but also non-certified psychologists) who did not work at the factory, at the construction site as migrant workers, did not serve as soldiers in the army, were not in prison, were not homeless, in a word, were not in various places and situations, but they are also psychologists. What is the best way to study psychology, from the inside or from the outside? You didn’t notice that some of those who are called psychologists, in some places, speaking on TV and in other media, simply insult some people through their diagnoses, it seems that some authorities tell them to «shit» someone’s behavior, since this behavior is unprofitable for them, and this is so that the one who, from the point of view of some authorities behaves incorrectly, begins to «drive» together with society, that something is wrong with him, because a person is an inspired being? Public opinion is formed simply, the concept of what is adequate and what is not, is born by those who control people?

      «The state can be ruled by a simple cook,» the words attributed to

      V.I. Lenin

      In the non-political sense of the word, V. I. Lenin can be voiced in the sense that you don’t need to worry about everything, everything follows a «knurled» track and works by itself, probably 90 percent, or maybe more. Higher forces have already taken care of everything, everything acts according to a given program, like an established mechanism, so the fears for one’s own or someone else’s future are exaggerated. Earth and other planets rotate as established by the program, what is called a cycle in nature, also goes according to the program: photosynthesis, death, life, sex, scientific achievements, etc.

      Alcoholism, drug addiction, suicide, crimes on an emotional basis. If someone is said to be an alcoholic, drug addict, suicide or someone who has committed a crime on an emotional basis, take an interest in his biography, he will be one of those who grew up in an incomplete family, or one child in the family, with a stepfather, with a stepmother, or he will be from the so-called dysfunctional family, i.e., from a family in which there were parents from among those who are called infantile or independent, with a more favorable development of events, it is necessary that at least one parent be from those who are called independent. A person from an incomplete family or from the so-called dysfunctional family is without an antivirus program in his head, if you draw parallels with a computer and computer programs, he is not protected from downloading malicious