3. Cultus externi natura et utilitas. [The nature and utility of external worship.] 82.
Cap. V. Officia erga homines. [The duties toward other men.] 84.
Cap. VI. De animi cultura. [On the culture of the mind.] 92.
Cap. VII. De virtutis studio excitando. [On inciting the study of virtue]
2. Virtutum utilitates. [The advantages of several virtues.] 108–111. <v>
LIB. II. Jurisprudentia Privata. [Private jurisprudence]
Cap. I. De lege naturali. [On the law of nature.]
2. Divini imperii jus. [The right of divine command.] 116.
5. 6. Privilegium, aequitas, et dispensatio. [Privilege, equity, and dispensation.] 119.
Cap. II. De Juris natura et divisionibus. [On the nature of rights, and their divisions.]
Cap. III. De virtutum et vitiorum gradibus. [On the various degrees of virtue and vice.]