Axiom: The body suffers for what the mind has misunderstood.
Agreed they, as a remembered word mind, belong to the binary symbols governments and the fear-based religions of this world. The eyes and ears have been given a special credence, altering both expansive time and living truth. Legislators are lawyers making laws that deny freedom. Denied freedom is said to remove fear. That’s a nasty play. The bio-stigma is obvious. We allow this madness. Personal freedoms are being denied us “for our own safety,” they insist. What will you do then, go to war? Isn’t that always what happens? Come on folks, wake up. They take until take comes to threat. They are paid by us to allow them to take from us. We are afraid of them and afraid of our unwillingness to act behind the locked gates of a legal perimeter. Curfews, commercial grade reasons, new fear syndromes generate more binary fear until the night becomes a dark hell. We made this stuff up and we are trapped in its side effects.
A very powerful ruling class of Omega men and women will assume positions of untold symbols profiteering and inter-group favoritism to insure the binary word of the agreed good. We are all taught to look down at disobedience, aren’t we. Of course, because of the swank word they will agree they have the right of their agreement. Yes, guns will back them. Yes, armies protect their right to those symbols. All uniforms are token promise of a black death ritual, a march upon any binary fear-based oppositional threat. Reason is the group agreed binary motive we will use to insure we stay in our binary mental black sleep stigma as it takes over the earth. It’s one thing to accept misery but to take it to bed is disgusting.
Axiom: If we didn’t name the outside world, we would be one with it.
We conventionally divide and segment the outside view of world, tagging and naming what we see in symbolic-word form and imprint it into our memory function. We do the same thing with the sound that goes with all the things that we have named. This labeling process seems harmless enough in theory, but is the source of many heart aches and destructive social themes throughout the world. The written word is a product of our delusion as well. Because we wrote it down it looks real, doesn’t it? It is sold as a simplification, but the human mind was not built for binary flat-line labels, tags or names.
We have, in biological fact, separated from the light of whole consciousness. Its divine purpose in all of us is to not be controlled by man or the symbols he made for that purpose but to use them only as an expression, for comparison only. Symbols should not be used as a definitive master ordering/processing system. The truth of our biology is a built in recourse Godhead, a profound inner and outer truth network made of interconnected sense readouts. Our mind is an energy reader and with our total being energy combined, we can see into the life of the person. Omega symbols man knows this. Those who occupy symbols pretense are afraid. The fabric of biological real time cannot be separated unless the truth that belongs to it is altered in the process. The second we name it as being what it appears to be, we make it what it is not.
Our direct knowing mind knows what is and what is not. We are the fool of our own demise times three. Blind masses waiting for it to end, by doing nothing.
Axiom: Symbols deceive us as we also, in-turn, deceive ourselves with them.
Our own biology forbids self-sabotage. The human mind is showing the signs of starvation from lack of real input. In bio-stasis we think we can trade pretend for the real, but inside our heads it is a very different story. The brain can cope with any real consistent situation. Genesis creation holds us totally accountable to the living real. This is a biological fact, not an agreed covenant of symbols/word intent touting fact, as it parades around disguised as an intent changeling. Regardless of our very predictable binary pretense taken from the use of these word/symbol pretend states of mind, we do not actually know anything if we know only the symbolic make-believe apple.
One symbolic apple a day will not keep the doctor away. In word fact it will make the people in the white coats very wealthy. There is no substitute for the real apple, no biological substitute for the composite sensations we get when we taste, smell, see, hear and touch the real thing. The majority of our symbols are coverups for the last coverup. However, full knowing is called direct knowing and it stays with us all our lives as the main feeling of a cognizant real.
No life association can enter the human mind without going directly through the Genesis dynamics filter where the real is fully synthesized electrically and chemically. Life is processed even further as a stream of consciousness. As the biological nature of our passive learning shows itself as a consuming real we also step out of the symbols surplus of binary objectives bearing reason, and dispose of the subjective realm. We are not shown this world. As a child we are forced into a symbols dominated objectives state of doing. Stop being a believing fool and question it all, even the self.
Axiom: Unless you possess a personal living truth you merely process symbols.
The brain’s total functioning core is a storehouse and processing center of what we will call the languages of the creature senses. Not many creatures can speak the language of self-awareness. We are made to, but do not, due to binary symbols influences where we enter as an altered state of pretend knowing which refuses to be self-aware. This is biological stasis closure. We are in a tagging, naming, labeling symbols stasis. The mind begins to process this binary ersatz truth in earnest and tries to bridge the gap held in the bits and pieces, fragmented by man for control. ERROR.
The mind is used to affecting a seamless reality. If it cannot, it begins to recede in consciousness; it stares off into the wild blue yonder of symbolic binary shadows. It also begins to shut down for lack of purpose. It is then given over to acting out a bad stage play and knows it. It falls mentally asleep in the black fog of symbols reliefs.
Our conscious state is, due to the pretend state, befuddled. By this we refer to the individual aspects of each sense reporting to the other but not in harmonic unison. Bio-stasis forbids duality, a stacked deck of two faced coins and cards. Thus, trying to join pretend symbols/word criteria, all we have are the eyes and ears reporting what they have seen and heard. Life is given over to blind obedience symbols thinking. How this is accomplished on a daily basis, without mass hysteria so far, we can only wish to know. Imagine the pretend stuff we carry out daily and call life. Even if we did reach an understanding, science would only try to dissect it and change it to utilize full and absolute control over it with his social empowered, credentialed symbols mania anyway. Reason is, as reason does.
Axiom: Symbols are the messages to the eyes and the ears that block the heart of the Genesis human mind.
So it is very appropriate that we are not, by trip and stumble standards of agreed discovery, allowed to know the mystery of our own Genesis until the door can be completely opened with absolutely no single binary reason and no word directives motive. The biblical Job 38:11, “Come hither, but go no further.” In a very strange way, biologically, we could easily see that our own perfect Godhead-God will has shut us down. Go no further!
Why no further? The senses have been split and are a non-functional unit. We are a species that is born with free will and self-awareness and does not use it, so we lose it. Simple enough? Lend an ear. Our allegiance is to our own self-consuming binary pretend “good” and our own judgmental all or nothing symbolic violations “bad.” This adaptation pre-disposes the human creature for symbols disobedience only. Man became a symbol of agreed pretend good that keeps pretend bad as a well paid revolving door. How many who read this are trapped inside?
We are a sick symbols race, a homo-sapient word swindling populace. We put ourselves in a stasis nightmare, didn’t we? Can you feel it? Our binary symbols knowledge, dressed in the finery of our self-deceit uniforms and robes supporting our forgery, is nearly defunct. We will re-dream the agony of our man-made bad dreams, remain trapped in our stigmatic nightmare, until we get it. Accountability comes on many different levels and biologically we do not have a clue, yet. Bio-stasis is a serious violation of Genesis code, and it will begin to suffer. Genesis will slap us down.