Guarded Hearts: Genesis Sabotage. James Bèyor. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: James Bèyor
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Философия
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456626969
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      Axiom: The emotional corridor holds all the residual off-set Genesis warnings set into the innate ocean of our living life energy flow.

      An even blacker death occurred when man turned his living will over to the steadfast agreed symbols/words archetype. Pieces are taken from the whole and named and tagged and labeled. These pieces are called reasons and these tiny junkets of piecemeal reasons are reassembled by members of the pretending/agreeing symbols mind to control the whole. The eyes and the ears oversee that exclusive binary function. They become the false truth of their intent.

      The truth of their excuse lasts as long as their symbolic word and the agreement that made it. The human mind tragically becomes a side-effect of its own pretend symbols causality. A subconscious binary blame loop, which allows no alternative but the one, the all or nothing legal predator is cut off from its own mental Genesis biology. Of his own free will, the human creature nature suffers. We can feel the living truth inside our heads, throbbing, wanting to be clarified and shared.

      Have we abandoned God? Not those who seek the living truth. But we are all in a symbols stasis sleep from pretending, from serving an ersatz binary real, which is lifeless, cold and self-degrading to the functional mind. We are a Genesis logical creature going insane on a genetic scale. We have years of insanity to prove it, do we not? The injured mind will be duplicated unless we break the evil spell.

      Axiom: Imagine a car with two steering wheels, one for each hand, and two gas pedals, one for each foot. Our brain in bio-stasis is like that. It cannot go both where it wants to go and in the opposite direction where it is told to go, so it shuts down.

      We are in a Genesis sabotage, a God created protective condition which shuts the human essence down when it is forced to undergo an unwanted, mind altering function like symbols addiction. Call it a biological blessing if you will, or, a redundant alarm system built into the human creature’s brain physiology. But we trashed the alarm system, literally. Your automobile has warning lights to alert you of a malfunction in progress, so does our human Genesis biology, it is a physiology beyond exception.

      We are protected from fear-based belief. We are protected by a biological awareness of the man-made prompt of having to be afraid of the empowered symbolic man. The human being was never meant to be afraid unless his biology was threatened. That is why we are disturbed inside, why we feel we are falling apart. We are!

      The human brain is a symbols training ground, a cutting board for binary symbols pushing hacks using the mind of man as a Guinea pig. Instead of defining the fear which causes the human mental neurosis, man wants to turn it off, then only the intended symbols bells will be ringing. The biological warning light will not go off until we reach the living dimensional Genesis truth that will, in full direct knowing feeling, turn off the fear syndrome automatically. We buy into the side effects fear creates, then drug the brain’s bio-alarm system, causing even more residual damage. Wake up people!

      Axiom: We only appear to be right when we agree. What therefore is Biblical sin?

      The beautiful creature we once had faith in and called a human being is being reduced to a long-term binary-symbols genetic stooge, an imbecile. We all know it. Knock, knock. The brain is a perfect and exacting orb which regulates all the bodily functions therewith and for an extrapolated logical innate energy function. By design we are bio-psychic. In symbols resignation we are blind as a bat and deaf as a doormat. Man is a symbols thug with a dirty knife, cutting things that have no name and no divine function. He knows nothing of what he does and waits to see who will object. According to binary symbols intent based law, consent is given when you say nothing at all. When you allow, you are said to agree. Did you know that? Imagine the implications.

      The human being is out of touch with the fact that he has to personally disagree to state a legal objection. Legal bind does not care about our living bio-truth, only the all or nothing symbols positions that control the afraid mind. Imagine that. What are these symbolic/word positions worth in capital grade reason once the Genesis alarm is turned off? The symbolic men of the binary bit-and-piece-sciences are willing to agree they can either cut or drug the Genesis out of the man or at least make him more afraid than God can. Nasty little ape that he is, that he tries to do that. We all feel it, we all know it. This bio-stasis brain will be handed down genetically to a new generation. Squalor, ignorance and mass insanity; a burden of mental-frenzied disarray of rats in a maze. The symbolic brain is hurting, compromised by the made-up-pretending. Our biologically guarded hearts can be freed by will alone, the will you gave up. You must desire to get your will back now. If you lose the feeling you, who are you?

      Axiom: The science of man names dissected parts easily, but he has no idea what their biological purpose is in the interconnected reality of our Genesis function.

      Self love is knowing you deserve all that you are yet to become. Open. Just open to the living/feeling you. To awaken, the living truth must be allowed to see itself. The human soul must see its reflection in the Genesis mirror before you receive direct knowing. Truth will be clarified and become fully restored in the lives of each of us. No names or tags necessary. There is no other way. You must ask for the Genesis life and its direct knowing energy flow to be reinstated in you. The emotional flood gates will open as the stasis bio-stigma is released. Binary truth will weaken in the face of your own Genesis coming back on line. You will feel it when it arrives.

      It is 1,000 years away before the actual door to human knowing is fully opened, before man is struck with the terrible awe of his complacency and the arrogance of so many agreed mistakes. We share so many man-made mistakes, the human being just looks on in a bewildering sagacity. Being subjected to a mandatory health impairing mind-implant stigma is only half the problem. We are biologically placed in a subconscious altered state that knocks out reality itself.

      Believing that the naming of things would make man intelligent, was the start of what the bible calls the evil of mankind, which is symbols idolatry, agreed on a mass scale. Thousand of wars erupted based on endless hatred. Governments and religions flourished, depending almost exclusively upon the incredible negative fear generated from symbols use.

      Axiom: If you learn nothing in your life, learn this. Once you know the cause of evil you are automatically placed in the arms of God, cursed and blessed with the desire and the obligation to stop it.

      Sin—is blame, forcing one into a symbols mind. Mankind became more afraid and even more mentally stigmatized as blame gained a foothold in organized symbols touting religions and organized uniform symbols empowered governments. Reason, the word, gained power. Binary time, past/future made room for reason, intent, and reasons for intentions. The symbols directive for legal truth set the pace for an insane race. There was no innocence to be found in the entire world because the holy word and the legal word would insure a straight-flat-line to the word pretense. Agreement gave groups rights over the symbols pretending of truth. Only the eyes and the ears were allowed to participate in the grand event, linear time and a directives future. Men became puppets of men.

      Words were the new law and the law was called: intent. The living truth was abandoned. Linear time needs blame to be the counter-cause of all human doing. The further the bio-sense separation grew, the greater the delusion metastasized. An infectious evil took over the world. Did man therefore create evil? No, but he insures it by agreeing with it, allowing it and joining with it. Remember, agreeing and allowing are done by saying nothing. Once you know, if you choose to disregard it, you will die from the inside out. Your Genesis Biology is that exacting, make no mistake about the truth that is in you.

      Axiom: What we now call emotion, is not our symbolic pretend binary love or hate, but the early warnings of the malfunction of our biological warning system. The friendly fear that we feel before real biological fear sets in.

      A constant aliveness goes with your feeling being, it reveals to the real you a life-energy flow. This flow contains both the feeling and the knowing, all the need-to-know life data. This flow is what the feeling matrix delivers, the sound of knowing silence, a living truth. We all have it but find it difficult to use because