Guarded Hearts: Genesis Sabotage. James Bèyor. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: James Bèyor
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Философия
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456626969
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      Axiom: How many fools does it take to agree to make all of them idiots?

      What is the biology of our Genesis design, if we cannot feel, think and act then re-feel, re-think and re-act until we get it straight? Until then, we are all symbols violators and must pay the legal piper for its job. The nefarious agreed they, process the word intent. Truth of what they do is not at all related to what “should be-but is not.” “Go no further.” You are the bad guy now for allowing us to get this far in our binary symbols madness.

      Inversely, why do idiots agree the most? To say, bad today, good tomorrow as more bad is being made of our tomorrows. Do we get it though? We self-condemn all that is agreed not good and the balance, what’s left over, is deemed good until it also, is subjected to a new agreement and falls into another form of bad. Intent is a slide downward. This is symbols slick at its best. Each form of symbolic bad was once enjoyed as a freedom. Imagine that if you can.

      Single thug minds have pooled the resources of the agreement process and have joined in powerful groups, each with their own agreed symbolic truth. They are nearly unstoppable. The coward will always agree. Point a gun and knees are bent. We trust these people who occupy symbols way too much. Until we stop agreeing with these deadly bio-stasis symbols we are self-destructive to an omega end: world domination, symbols preoccupation. The black death associated with the last symbols Inquisition is not over. Instead, we have merely dressed our symbols in sheep’s clothing, but the sound they make is not that of a sheep. It is no longer a silent, unheard scream in our word filled heads. Symbols kill.

      Axiom: If I have to agree with you, our truth is merely an intent, for the living truth does not have to agree.

      The mind is in serious bio-compression emotionally, as it tries to make sense of and use an unstable binary sliding rule: stacked binary symbols as a definitive judgment. Blacks Law dictionary alludes to it all. Definitive freedom made to mean at the behest of symbols pre-occupation ought to warn us that what was sought after by word meaning was never intended to be an “all for one and one for all” truth at all, but a causation trap for symbols violators only. It is a monetary sham for personal, proprietary rights at the highest levels. But hey, as long as we all agree, it’s both right and good, right? It’s the law, do not forget that. Obey the symbols or else. Of course we need them, we are told, until we personally decide we do not and want to be human beings. But that is not the case is it? The faster we can go nowhere, the more time and money spent in consumption, right?

      Although we do it all the time, we merely process human beings by symbols violations. If one does not agree, one is bad; if one agrees with bad, one is good; if one agrees with good one is considered to have earned the right to that agreed good. If the agreed good refuses anyone for symbolic reason, they are made to look bad. Anyone outside the symbols agreement process, is labeled abnormal. Define Normal.

      The feeling knowing being is not controlled with or by symbols but a seamless overview of all that affects its decision-making process. The human creature, before symbols impregnation into the eye/ear part of the memory brain, is trusting, truthful and very honest/real to its biological core. Only in our symbols dementia and drugged out attitudes do we allow ourselves to be forced down into mental slavery.

      Axiom: In word form we base one fault upon another fault until we become the fault itself.

      The world is angry, but no one seems to know why. We go to our leaders for answers and they dispense more of what made us angry in the first place. The mind devoid of Genesis will gradually be reduced to a pea-brain of dunce status. Long-term mind degeneration is becoming more prevalent as more legal bind reduces human freedom to obedience, performance rated doing. The sports brain is in pursuit of throw-away plastic and steel trophies. How many kids did you know in school who lived for that? How many adults still do? These things are dust collectors like the mind of those who pursue them. But hey, we are all having fun, right? Besides, who cares anyway, let alone enough to ask any questions? Better ignorant and numb than aware and uncomfortable about what those before us did, which we re-live daily.

      Conventional word thinking says that our feelings are only the sad results left over from not understanding our pretend symbols purpose. True or false? How to get what you want or an inability to reason some kind of closure with feeling and knowing is the basis of our civilized insanity.

      Both examples are laced with problems. True and false are word symbols compliance per agreed duplicity of that binary counter-cause should be and ends up as an end result. We are feeding off the biological fear of humanity as it nears hell’s gate. We know what we do and it is set in Genesis sabotage and prepared to bite us hard.

      Axiom: The sub-conscious word implants are merely entertainment for the real human brain function, which is unending and dimensional.

      Dead serious to those with a symbols weak mind and even weaker to a displaced Genesis feeling/knowing will, when placed side by side, the creative feeling/knowing brain and a taught-for-intentions brain collide and there is a compound confusion. The minds function is in the inverse, like a mirror image. Like light in a diamond. The light jumps all over the place. The Genesis mind can stabilize the light.

      Light, energy, sound are a product of an alive-energy of electrical pulses buzzing throughout the seamless brain function. Alter one sense and the others will starve. We are starving the purpose of our human existence, but do we get it? It is a biological unity connected to its very own nature: life. The human mind is made of this. The mind is in a symbols compression spectacle. The stigma is repulsing. Sense blindness is data jumping everywhere. Biologically we will be shut down very soon.

      Insanity was created by the symbolic man from the left over biological fears that have now come to a head. Biologically we are not allowed to get away with being able to make agreements resembling a living truth. We are in a living biological stasis mindset: legally insane. The first flaw is the symbol, the agreement is the second flaw. New symbols are made to justify the failure of the last ones. Our bit-knowledge is binary and compressed, composed of flaw after agreed flaw. To make symbols a forgery of the living truth we falsify our living bio-truth for a pretend one, agree with it, become an enslaved mass just so we can have control over another’s humanity. It is what we are told we must do?

      Axiom: From one divisive symbol to the next, we are always searching for the stability of the feeling we knew as a child.

      Only an objective free mind could do that. When there is no objective, we will be free in mind, and the word freedom will not have to be applied as our goal. The written symbols/word that we see with the eyes; the sound of the symbols we hear with our ears have demented the minds full scope of biological function. We have managed to remember a synthetic all or nothing binary symbols doing at the expense of creating a biological hole in the human mind. An abyss we know as some-kind of human hell on earth. Really? That is about to change.

      We are a symbols drugged and desecrated word-drone society. We are feeling ineffective, to say effective feeling is a Genesis criteria of its own knowing but denied. We began playing down the importance of human feeling as a direct knowing centuries ago. This concept is not a new one. A man we call the Christ tried to re-open mentally closed doors 2,000 years ago. Our symbols arrogance murdered him.

      The living truth does not need agreement of symbols compliance. You do not need this work to encourage you to seek the bio-living truth vested in you, however poignant all this shall become. We can not sabotage the living truth without the wash of a biological-death written all over our face. We have even tried to fail-safe this treachery with agreed credentials of a historical remembering, repeating the myth, “we are doing the right thing.” While always failing to see the light, all our doing is merely a symbols forgery. What portion of the word-brain do people occupy as a symbol? How many human beings are paid to support symbols?

      Axiom: Man created a binary motivated symbolic fear as compensation for an irresponsible pretend social good.

      It is difficult to talk about the things we know should be, but are not. The double edge sword of our dual hypocrisy