Guarded Hearts: Genesis Sabotage. James Bèyor. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: James Bèyor
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Философия
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456626969
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from the biology of a Genesis fear walk-away. The Hebrew race realized this as their hope degraded. God was not on their side or any side, especially in the man-made forgery of pretend symbols. The manciple forgot that a living-life was not a directives state of mind but a subjective one. The Hebrews desire to have control over the word expanded into a holocaust many times over. They had a sense that they made a serious mistake as they witnessed the first signs of a biological black sleep, the official holy bio-stigmatic mind.

      Others followed and joined the pursuit of a bio-stasis symbols sliding scale. The Genesis feeling mind was traded for the ability to control symbols which are held over each independent sense making the seamless truth unravel like a ball of yarn. It is still unraveling and each generation of humanity is getting dumber than the last. Is this an accident? No, not hardly, but a stasis mind genetically entrained for stupidity.

      Axiom: Do you assume real to be what you get away with, or what you cannot get away with?

      What matters in and to a nonfunctional Genesis mind is a retrograde state that is far from any living truth. Real is real as real as the you of me and the me of you, but if you doubt not, you think not, you are not either. In a symbols bio-stasis sleep it all will not matter anyway, will it? Doubt is nature’s eye on itself. Only civilized men want to remove this Genesis fail-safe. Why?

      The allure of a symbols control increases as more and more are willing to jump on the credentials band-wagon. To be part of a group is to look like we are more than we are. Everyone in a group can be someone at the expense of the other. We are already someone and we become less than we are biologically meant to be when we trade down. “Wow, what a deal.” What else but the want for money and a symbol that will devalue people who remember objects for that purpose. Even money can’t make you right all the time, but it can insulate you from the truth you never cared about anyway. Is it possible to be stuck in one’s own fear-based irony? Could this be a biological safeguard, to let us self-deceive as some kind of mandatory learning process? It is, but the cost is a dysfunctional world reality if we refuse to awaken.

      Is the God of our living biology the same as the God of nature? One would like to be assured that the living truth that created us, sustains us daily, like a mother does its child. But how are we sustained? If you were a creator dispensing freedom, passion and endless human possibility, would you not curtail self-destruction? How? Question this please.

      Axiom: Could the biblical commandment, “let there be no strange Gods before me,” mean, in effect, let no symbols become a substitute for our feelings?

      Could the wages of the man-made sin, of symbols idolatry, be black death? We see only the emptiness of giving up, rather than seeing what is right in front of us always, the possibility of biological ruination. Is this why we seek the Biblical Armageddon, to wake us up, even if we have to die in the process? Or is the real problem that we don’t want to wake up at all?

      Our biological nature is totally self preserving. We don’t get it yet, because we refuse to see it with the direct knowing feeling mind. We will, because it is about to bite our butts, hard. We have become idiots, forced to live within an entity intent-based logic and its degrading symbols state of mind. Humanity is on its knees in want to forgive this binary mistake forged by the fabrication of moving time. Time is duration only.

      Symbols side effects are easily dismissed as collateral damage “For a Good Cause.” The next five generations of agreement sponsored mental abuse will provide the insanity necessary for all out Genesis sabotage. By-product fear, which goes into the making of all uniformed governments and all religions, insures abomination of desolation. Wake up people, see the light in your darkness.

      What is hell but the degradation of the human being, the agreement to sell our all-knowing human souls. Having to feel obligated to write this book and having to struggle to explain the biological common sense factors to an all or nothing symbols stasis populace is not a pleasant experience by any means.

      Axiom: Politics placate the biological fears of the deficient symbols brain of the binary man. Fear is his bio-truth removed. Insanity is setting in.

      Is there any political mouth-piece that advocates the unconditional freedoms of the individual? Certainly not. Why? Because his job is to placate the biological stasis fears society builds into its people. Does this sound far fetched? Our institutions thrive on anger, fear and hatred for commercial gain. A county judge would be hard pressed to argue this as a case in a court of law, let alone preside over it judgmentally. Imagine how much the precious words: truth, intent and freedom are worth, to the clever little word apes selling ice to Eskimos. When enough people step forward, the symbols head game will cease to exist as an ersatz momentum. Waiting for our binary symbols Hell to freeze over is like waiting for Godot. Staring dumbfounded into the empty cosmos of symbols space will not help you. Feel it, that’s all. Feel it. The folded hands and closed eyes of hypocrisy will not help you; they not a substitute for the living truth.

      A feeling human being is an impassioned creature that is instinctual. “Pet me and I will wag my tail,” the dog says to the human being. If you want to know how I am feeling, watch my tail. If you ignore my tail, I will tell you how I am feeling with the sound of my voice. If my voice and lowered tail fails to tell you how I am feeling, I will show you with my teeth. What are humans doing to communicate how they are feeling? What is the next level of communication? What is the final warning. You have only to look into people’s eyes to see the symbols glaze. Listen to their voices and you will hear the hollow ringing of learned response. Lips move and nothingness comes out. Are we trained to nothingness? Is it possible that 1,500 years after the Dark Age of the first bio-fear Inquisition, fear still plays hard upon the human head of our genetics?

      Axiom: Who you think you are during the linear sleep-walking day, is being undone in the dynamics of the Genesis Night where the biological light is transmitted throughout your being.

      We are genetically evolutionary as a bio-made creature of this world. We must adapt or perish. Biologically the truth has to be in us as a ready state of being. Those who are sleepwalkers are scared to death of anything that moves. The sidewalks of the cities are already packed with the silent hatred of people who will not look at each other, out of fear. We are going genetic with this black sleep.

      Memory is based on a preemptive binary condition which currently exists as an agreed working knowing we call: aphasic knowing. The word “aphasia” is used to describe not having the power over the use of words as they were intended to be used. What if this is exactly what we are saying? We are in a biological shut-down from pretending too long and with psychotropic-force turned to genetic dysfunction? We know our words are pure stigma. We are compelled daily by a biological truth to discount them as a farce, but this is nearly out of reach for most who are trapped in the word/symbols, a protocol they call: a living.

      The symbols agreeing doctors diagnose “comprehension deficit” in all those who can’t or refuse to freely exercise the power of the word over others. It is an expected and very useful mental control device. Only those who are independent of any group are confident of the word as a subjective rule. Words create a “substantive energy field” within the human brain exiting by eye and ear trans-mutation. The brain is cut off from its role as a dynamic subjective seer.

      Axiom: What we take for granted the most, is our self.

      Words are a sight/sound filler to an active deductive human mind. Word meanings are forms of pretend real that have no substance. Who decided we needed a substitute for the real that is in full view of everyone at all times? We buy and sell this ersatz real, but the biological living truth that governs the subjective real is closing in fast. The deductive mind wants its Genesis back. No more bio-sabotage.

      Words depend on agreed use for their existence. How they are used, uses them. If words are used for you they are considered favorable, containing a directives impetus of and for doing. If they are used against you, then they have a counter-accusative mode, an anti-personification sting, something like an inversion of personal reason. The feeling of being right does not go with the feeling of being wrong. The brain