<--- Score
97. Are there any constraints known that bear on the ability to perform Learning outcomes work? How is the team addressing them?
<--- Score
98. What knowledge or experience is required?
<--- Score
99. What are the Learning outcomes use cases?
<--- Score
100. Do the problem and goal statements meet the SMART criteria (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound)?
<--- Score
101. What are the rough order estimates on cost savings/opportunities that Learning outcomes brings?
<--- Score
102. Have the customer needs been translated into specific, measurable requirements? How?
<--- Score
103. Are customer(s) identified and segmented according to their different needs and requirements?
<--- Score
104. What is the scope of the Learning outcomes work?
<--- Score
105. What information should you gather?
<--- Score
106. What is the definition of Learning outcomes excellence?
<--- Score
107. Is the team equipped with available and reliable resources?
<--- Score
108. What are the Learning outcomes tasks and definitions?
<--- Score
109. What baselines are required to be defined and managed?
<--- Score
110. What are (control) requirements for Learning outcomes Information?
<--- Score
111. How will variation in the actual durations of each activity be dealt with to ensure that the expected Learning outcomes results are met?
<--- Score
112. Is there a critical path to deliver Learning outcomes results?
<--- Score
113. How will the Learning outcomes team and the group measure complete success of Learning outcomes?
<--- Score
114. Is data collected and displayed to better understand customer(s) critical needs and requirements.
<--- Score
115. Scope of sensitive information?
<--- Score
116. What is the worst case scenario?
<--- Score
117. Has a team charter been developed and communicated?
<--- Score
118. Is there a completed SIPOC representation, describing the Suppliers, Inputs, Process, Outputs, and Customers?
<--- Score
119. What is the definition of success?
<--- Score
120. How do you manage unclear Learning outcomes requirements?
<--- Score
121. What sort of initial information to gather?
<--- Score
122. Who is gathering information?
<--- Score
123. How was the ‘as is’ process map developed, reviewed, verified and validated?
<--- Score
124. Will team members regularly document their Learning outcomes work?
<--- Score
125. Why are you doing Learning outcomes and what is the scope?
<--- Score
126. Is the Learning outcomes scope manageable?
<--- Score
127. What would be the goal or target for a Learning outcomes’s improvement team?
<--- Score
128. Is full participation by members in regularly held team meetings guaranteed?
<--- Score
129. How would you define the culture at your organization, how susceptible is it to Learning outcomes changes?
<--- Score
130. Have all of the relationships been defined properly?
<--- Score
131. Is the scope of Learning outcomes defined?
<--- Score
132. What is out of scope?
<--- Score
133. Has the Learning outcomes work been fairly and/or equitably divided and delegated among team members who are qualified and capable to perform the work? Has everyone contributed?
<--- Score
134. Who defines (or who defined) the rules and roles?
<--- Score
135. Is the improvement team aware of the different versions of a process: what they think it is vs. what it actually is vs. what it should be vs. what it could be?
<--- Score
136. Are stakeholder processes mapped?
<--- Score
137. What are the requirements for audit information?
<--- Score
Add up total points for this section: _____ = Total points for this section
Divided by: ______ (number of statements answered) = ______ Average score for this section
Transfer your score to the Learning outcomes Index at the beginning of the Self-Assessment.
INTENT: Gather the correct data. Measure the current performance and evolution of the situation.
In my belief, the answer to this question is clearly defined:
5 Strongly Agree
4 Agree
3 Neutral
2 Disagree
1 Strongly Disagree
1. Have you made assumptions about the shape of the future, particularly its impact on your customers and competitors?
<--- Score
2. Are you taking your company in the direction of better and revenue or cheaper and cost?
<--- Score
3. How long to keep data and how to manage retention costs?
<--- Score
4. How do your measurements capture actionable Learning outcomes information for use in exceeding your customers expectations and securing your customers engagement?
<--- Score
5. Does the Learning outcomes task fit the client’s priorities?
<--- Score
6. Has a cost center been established?
<--- Score
7. What is the total cost related to deploying Learning outcomes, including any