God’s Man in the White House. James A Beverley. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: James A Beverley
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Журналы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781988928319
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      Opec, Opec take a hike, for I am tired of your evil energy spikes. When my President takes office you will shake and quake, you will say America no longer needs us and that is true, for she will be energy independent for my red, white and blue. For a sign will be given when prices go low, for a gallon of gas will be one dollar and below.”

      The Spirit of God says, “The Supreme Court shall lose three, and my President shall pick new ones directly from MY TREE!

      Are you still not convinced that he’s my anointed, and that he’s the one I have appointed? Why can no one figure it out, the news media, the people, and the so called wise. Why, when he’s attacked, do his poll numbers rise? Those who attack him, their numbers go low, even to the point of a big fat zero. lt’s simple to see, this man I have appointed, for in my word, is your answer. I said ‘do not touch my anointed, especially my prophets.’ lf you are still not convinced about what my word says, another sign will be given. lt will be a WARNING TO ALL, especially those who will NOT LISTEN.”

      The Spirit of God says, “The sign will be El-Chappo, El-Chappo, your evil reign has come to an end. Who do you think you are attacking my anointed? Turn yourself in and repent and I will spare you. lf you do not, you and those that follow you will surely die a very public death for the entire world to see. For no one touches my anointed. I the Lord am an all seeing and all knowing God. I will be the one to disclose your location, the den, the den, that you and your vipers hide in. For time is short and the spirit of death is at your door, and the world will see your dead body and the red shirt you wore.”

      October 10, 2015 Lance Wallnau and Darrell Scott

      Trump holds rally (Atlanta).

      Pastor Darrell Scott (New Spirit Revival Center in Cleveland, founded by Darrell and his wife, Belinda) invited Lance Wallnau to join him at the Atlanta rally. Wallnau and Darrell Scott met at Trump Tower in September.

      [See October 12, following, on Lance Wallnau for his support of Trump at Atlanta rally.]

      October 11, 2015 Lana Vawser

       Dream Regarding United States Election—Call to Prayer!


      Firstly, I want to preface this word by saying that I do not have a political agenda for the United States of America. I am simply one person in Australia who has a huge heart of love for this beautiful nation and to see the destiny of the United States established and the Kingdom of God extended, releasing a huge wave of revelation of His goodness and love. I also want to say that I do not base what I am about to share on any ‘policies’ that I have heard, but simply what I believe the Lord revealed to me in a dream concerning the candidates. This word is not in any way to ‘sway’ anyone in their political views, but simply to release a revelation from the Lord that I believe needs to be covered in prayer.

      I had a dream recently where I was in a political arena and I saw Donald Trump and he was passionately putting forward his policies. In this dream I could not “hear” what he was saying, I just remember seeing him speaking with great passion.

      Suddenly, I was lifted above the United States of America and I saw the nation as if I was looking at a map. Written across the United States of America was the word “TRUMP” in big letters.

      As I looked at this word suddenly the letters began to rearrange and the word went from “TRUMP” to “TRIUMPH.”

      I then heard the Lord speak loudly in my dream “TRUMP SHALL LEAD THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA INTO TRIUMPH!!!”

      As I was waking up out of the dream I heard the words “TRUMP SHALL LEAD THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA INTO VICTORY!!!”

      As I came to the end of typing this dream I heard the words “Angels of triumph have been assigned to Trump.”

      I believe the Lord is inviting us to seek His heart and to partner with Him in prayer to see the United States of America brought back into a place of godly victory and triumph in whichever way that manifests.

      I am simply releasing that which was released to me.

      Standing with you in prayer my friends in the United States of America, Lana Vawser.

      October 12, 2015 Lana Vawser

       Note from Lana


      Over the past 24 hours I have received lots of messages and comments, sadly many sent with great verbal attack, concerning the dream I released about Donald Trump and I feel I need to clarify something. Many have interpreted this dream as the Lord telling me that Donald Trump would be the next President. I have not said that but I do believe the Lord IS using Donald Trump in this season.

      I simply released that which was given to me so the people of God can pray and continue to seek His heart for their nation.

      October 12, 2015 Lance Wallnau

       My Unusual Saturday with Trump

      Facebook and Scribd

      Wallnau gets mistaken for Michael Cohen in TV interview. After clarifying his identity, Wallnau states, “Donald Trump is anointed in this season to break things open. Like Jeremiah of old he has an assignment to tear down and to uproot and to plant. He has broken up a demonic cartel of political correctness and now it is up to you and me, each of us to move forward in our own sphere and knock down the obstacles that are silencing us and holding us back from what we are called to say and do.”

      October 13, 2015 Rick Joyner

       “The Trajectory of Donald Trump”

      Morning Star TV

      Joyner emphasizes Trump’s popularity in relation to border security, economy, and Trump being the most honest of all the candidates. He compares Trump to King David. We are in the first stage of the End Times, Joyner argues.

      October 13, 2015 Mark Taylor

       Don’t Be Deceived, Get in The Fight [#4 in list]

      Sord Rescue

      The Spirit of God says, “The Clintons, the Clintons, your time has come to an end for you both are being omitted for the crimes you have committed. Hillary’s is no great secret and they will be her downfall, but Bill’s will be exposed one after the other and it be a windfall. For this time, you will not escape prosecution and restitution for the rape and prostitution. You thought no one saw, but I the Lord see it all, and now this will be your downfall.”

      The Spirit of God says, “Beware, beware, the enemy roams about seeking whom he can devour and this sitting President is doing just that in this hour. He’s full of lies and deceit and is very hateful; he spreads division and corruption with every mouthful. Beware when he says, ‘Look over here what the right hand is doing,’ to divert your attention from what the left hand is doing, is his intention. This is a setup from this President and his minions, from the hate, the division, and Hillary Clinton. Why can no one see this? A sign will be, he will try and take the guns so the people can’t rise up and stop him when he tries to run. He will not succeed for this is the peoples right, but make no mistake it will be a fight.”

      The Spirit of God says, “My Army, My Army, rise up and take to the fight, and I will stop this that has already taken flight. For this is a war over America and not to be taken lightly. You will have to fight, but