God’s Man in the White House. James A Beverley. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: James A Beverley
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Журналы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781988928319
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rules are out the door. The candidates that seemed best positioned in terms of resources and organization haven’t seen that translate directly into the typical advantages we’d expect to see.

      As it relates to Trump’s primary political stances, I believe that many of them represent what God is judging in the United States, as opposed to what He’s endorsing. If you draw up a Kingdom blueprint for who God would place in the position of authority as president, you wouldn’t pick a three-times married, divider, polarizer, and significantly challenged in the fruit of the Holy Spirit, brash individual. A recent survey has said that 50% of Americans would be embarrassed to have Trump as president. I believe he’s presently operating as a bull in the china shop of the 2016 elections. Ultimately, will he run the shop or just initiate its rebuilding? I don’t know, but I do believe the process will reveal that God has been much more sovereign than many of us imagined and that Donald Trump will prove out to have been used strategically for the purposes of God.

       January 14, 2016 Donald Trump

       Sixth Republican debate (North Charleston, South Carolina)

      January 18, 2016 Donald Trump

       Convocation address at Liberty University

      Trump got mocked later for saying “Two Corinthians” instead of “Second Corinthians” in his address. Trump was applauded at the event for a strong defence of religious liberty.

      January 22, 2016 Donald Trump

      “Conservatives Against Trump

      National Review

      Twenty-two major conservative leaders, including Cal Thomas, R. R. Reno, Katie Pavlich, and Glenn Beck, give their reasons for opposing Trump.

      January 26, 2016 Jerry Falwell Jr.

       “Here’s the backstory of why I endorsed Donald Trump”

      The Washington Post

      January 26, 2016 John Paul Jackson

       John Paul Jackson and President Donald Trump

      Lou Comunale at News2morrow

      In a 2012 TV show, John Paul Jackson interprets a woman’s dream about a bulldozer crashing through the White House. Comunale suggests that Jackson is talking about Donald Trump as the bulldozer. However, Jackson does not mention Trump at all.

      January 28, 2016 Donald Trump

       Seventh Republican debate (Des Moines, Iowa)

      January 28, 2016 Mark Taylor

       Defeated Enemy [#6 in list]

      Sord Rescue

      The Spirit of God says, “There is an army arising from the dust and ashes from many battles and enemy clashes. This army that’s arising is coming in my glory and light, and that battle that’s about to unfold shall put the enemy to flight. For my army is about to hit the beaches and shores of every country and nation afar, and they shall drive back the army of darkness at the sound of my shofar! For my army will be young and old and will save over 1 billion souls.”

      The Spirit of God says, “There is nothing that the enemy can do to stop this that I the Lord God have started, for it is now time for the army of darkness to be departed. For the souls of this nation and all over the world are crying out to me. My Army! Bring them in, and I will save, deliver, and comfort thee. Arise! Army of God! Arise! Your work is not complete, for the kingdom of darkness is in for its biggest surprise, complete and utter defeat! Arise! My Army! Get in the fight, I say with great emphasis! Over take, terminate, and destroy the Army of darkness with Extreme Prejudice!”

      Your Supreme Commander GOD!

      February 1, 2016 Donald Trump

      Trump comes in second in Iowa caucus after Ted Cruz.

      February 5, 2016, Kenneth Copeland, Ted Cruz

      Copeland endorses Ted Cruz.

      Right Wing Watch

      Copeland speaks about Ted Cruz in words addressed to Cruz’s father: “I believe, with all my heart, that his son is called and anointed to be the next president of the United States.”

      [Note: Huffington Post reports on the same development in a June 21, 2016, reference following.]

      February 6, 2016 Donald Trump

       Eighth Republican debate (Manchester, New Hampshire)

      February 9, 2016 Donald Trump

      Wins New Hampshire primary

      February 13, 2016 Donald Trump

       Ninth Republican debate (Charleston, South Carolina)

      February 13, 2016 Antonin Scalia

      Antonin Scalia dies.

      February 18, 2016 Pope Francis

      “Pope Francis Harsh on Trump’s Christianity


       Trump Responds to Pope


      Trump claims that political leaders told the pope that he isn’t a good person, but he insists that he is a good Christian and proud to be so. He argues that no religious leader should have the right to question anyone’s faith.

      Pope: “A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian.”

      February 24, 2016 Mark Taylor

       “Do Not Fear America” [#7 in list]

      Sord Rescue

      The Spirit of God says, “Why do I sense fear in my people about the future of America? Have I not said, ‘I have heard your cries and will heal your land?’ Stand firm! Do not falter, put on the full armour of God! Rake the enemy over the coals, for the end time battle is on for my 1 billion souls!”

      The Spirit of God says, “Do not fear that my servant Justice Scalia has been taken, for some are crying out, why have I forsaken. For I will show myself strong to prove that the so called wise are wrong. For some will say that this is a miracle, for I am just getting started, this is not even close to the pinnacle, for what I am going to do with My America. For do not my