God’s Man in the White House. James A Beverley. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: James A Beverley
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Журналы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781988928319
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of the courthouse where to rest he was laid? Read the signs! Read the signs that were for all to see, and understand the words in the prophecy.”

      The Spirit of God says, “5, that’s right 5 Supreme Court Justices will be appointed by my new president, my anointed. I will choose 5 through my anointed to keep those alive. I will stack the court with those that I choose, to send a clear message to the enemy, that you lose! This is the miracle that I will perform, so that MY COURT will be reformed.”

      The Spirit of God says, “The cries, the cries that I have heard from the womb, have reached my eyes and ears like a sonic boom! The five I appoint and the reform that shall take place, the great I AM shall take on this case! For it is my will and my way for all those that have prayed, that MY COURT SHALL OVERTURN ROE VS WADE!

      The Spirit of God says, “America, get ready for I AM choosing from the top of the cream, for I AM putting together America’s dream team, from the president and his administration, to judges and congress to ease Americas frustrations!”

      The Spirit of God says, “Rise up my Army and get in the fight, for this is the generation that’s taking flight. This is the generation of warriors that those of old wanted to see, and the enemy will have no choice but to flee. Rise up! Stomp the enemies head with bliss; send the enemy back to Hell and into the abyss. This is the generation of warriors that all of Hell has feared to face and see, but I AM and all of Heaven is cheering you on with glee!”

      Your Supreme Commander, GOD

      February 25, 2016 Donald Trump

       Tenth Republican debate (Houston)

      February 26, 2016, Jeremiah Johnson

      Prophetic Dream about Marco Rubio

      Johnson talks about how Clinton and Obama have an unholy connection and wish for an Islamic regime. This view is based on dreams that Johnson had after Obama was elected in 2012.

      Johnson also reports on a dream from February 25, 2016:

      “Marco Rubio is carrying a Thomas Jefferson anointing for this generation. He will break the back of tyrants and restore the patriotic spirit in America. I love His courage and heart and you must know that he is very special to me.”

      As the Holy Spirit spoke these words to me as I watched Marco speak to the crowd, I immediately saw what looked like oil begin to be poured out upon His head from heaven. He was covered from head to toe in it and the Spirit of God spoke to me again in the dream and said, “I have anointed Marco as a forerunner of forerunners for the Hispanic community in America. He will lead the charge in the fight for freedom and restore the Malachi 4: 5–6 revolution among his people. He is a pioneer of pioneer’s and will gain continuous favor in America in the years ahead. The father’s in America will turn to this son (Marco) and this son (Marco) shall turn the hearts of his brothers to the father’s.”

      Marco finished his speech to the people and walked off the stage with his family. I thought I was hidden in the dream, but he walked right up to me and said, “I need the prayers of the body of Christ now more than ever. See to it that this is accomplished.”

      Johnson says that his dreams about Rubio and Trump were not endorsements of either candidate or a prediction about who would win the November election.

      [The above material is from Johnson’s website, which is now defunct.]

      February 26, 2016 Max Lucado

      “Does Donald Trump Pass the Decency Test?

      The Christian Post

      Famous Christian author warns about Trump in op-ed.

      March 1, 2016 Max Lucado, Anita Fuentes

      Max Lucado Warns Evangelical Christians about Donald Trump


      Evangelist Anita Fuentes reports about Lucado. “Could it be that Trump is a wolf in sheep’s clothing?” asks Fuentes, in sympathy with Lucado’s warning about Trump.

      March 1, 2016 Donald Trump

      Super Tuesday: Trump wins in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Massachusetts, Tennessee, Vermont, and Virginia.

      March 3, 2016 Donald Trump

       11th Republican debate (Detroit)

      March 6, 2016 Max Lucado

       “Pastor Max Lucado Baffled Over Evangelical Trump Supporters”

      National Public Radio

      March 7, 2016 Rich Vera

       On Trump


      Vera mentions that when Trump was younger God marked his life and set him apart. Trump will be used by God to dig up a lot of dirt. There will be days of revival in America.

      Transcript of Vera: “And the Spirit of the Lord came from my left side and said, “I’m going to corner him in a place that I’m going to cause him to call on my name and I’m believing him to take things out and put him in positions that he will call on my name.”

      March 10, 2016 Donald Trump

       12th Republican debate (Miami)

      March 14, 2016 Rodney and Adonica Howard-Browne

       “Why I (we) decided to back Trump”


      Lance Wallnau shared this post on Facebook the same day.

      Here is the text:

      Update—the comments on this post confirm to us several things—people just read “Trump” and never read what we had to say at all—The (drive-by’s) who don’t know us or our hearts and wanted to slam us could now come on this page and spew venom—it is evident that many are under the control and influence of the mass media propaganda- they have been hypnotized and are living in a trance.

      Personally we are not swayed by the opinions of others—we stand by our statements and do not retract one thing. Selah! People need to wake up!

      To our Friends—we love you and thank you for your kind words and support—to our enemies we love you, forgive you and pray for you.


      There is a lot more we could say; however, we knew many wouldn’t read our comments, just see the word “Trump” and manifest. Unfortunately, there is a lot that people don’t know. For the kind words people have left, thank you. For the unkind words, thank you. It’s called free speech. Thank you for responding. Unfortunately, because of the large number of comments and our busy schedule we have not been able to read all responses. So far it has been mostly good, with some bad and ugly—and whilst we lost about 100 followers, we gained over 600 more. Thank you.

      Why I (we) decided