God’s Man in the White House. James A Beverley. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: James A Beverley
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Журналы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781988928319
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forces at work, but they will not succeed, for this next election will be a clean sweep for the man I have chosen. They will say things about this man (the enemy), but it will not affect him, and they shall say it rolls off of him like the duck, for as the feathers of a duck protect it, so shall my feathers protect this next president. Even mainstream news media will be captivated by this man and the abilities that I have gifted him with, and they will even begin to agree with him says the Spirit of God.

      May 16, 2011 Donald Trump

      Trump decides he will not run for president in 2012.

      July 21, 2012 Benny Hinn

       The Sign Will Be Billy Graham’s Death


      Hinn says God told him in 1989 that the deaths of Oral Roberts and Billy Graham “will be the key—it will be the sign of the beginning of the greatest revival on earth … Oral is home, Billy is about to go home” (3:10).

      [While Hinn does not mention Trump, he brings up a common theme in charismatic prophecy: belief that a great revival will soon be sweeping the globe.]

      September 2012 Donald Trump

      Trump visits Liberty University at invitation of Falwell Jr. and Johnnie Moore.

      November 6, 2012 Barack Obama

      Obama wins re-election.

      November 2012 Jeremiah Johnson

      After Obama was re-elected in 2012, Johnson had a series of dreams that warned about Obama and Hillary Clinton.

      Here is an excerpt from Johnson’s book Chronicles of the Unknown Dreamer 2013:

      In the dream I found myself working in a carpet truck and pulling up to the White House in Washington D.C. I walked inside and began tearing up the carpet and crying out, “We are living in the days of King Hezekiah.” The White House staff became very alarmed and gathered around me as I began to weep. Sobbing and crawling around on my hands and knees, I said to them, “Was it not in the days of King Hezekiah where he foolishly welcomed the Babylonians into his kingdom, and there was nothing in his house nor in all his dominion that Hezekiah did not show the Babylonians? Behold, President Obama has acted foolishly. He has welcomed the Muslim Brotherhood into the White House. He has welcomed assassins who have been trained to kill the patriotic spirit. President Obama has formed an unholy alliance with Hillary Clinton. They wish to welcome the Islamic regime into America. He is and will continue to appoint strategic men and women in positions of authority to pave the way for Hillary.”

      At this point in the dream, the White House staff had attacked me and thrown me out on the White House steps. I got into my carpet truck and drove to a meeting of church leaders who were anxiously awaiting my arrival. Everyone seemed to know I had entered the White House and prophesied to the staff. I walked into the meeting with the pastors and leaders and prophesied to them. This is what the Lord says, “The end time church must not be deceived in this hour. They must intercede that the Muslim Brotherhood be exposed. America must not make a pact with Egypt against Israel. The will on Capitol Hill is demonically influenced. EVEN NOW I AM BREATHING UPON RUBIO. I am breathing upon those who carry the patriotic spirit of America. This nation must return to Me with weeping and wailing. They must pray for deception and demonic strategy to be revealed among President Obama and Hillary Clinton.” Then I awoke.

      February 4, 2013 Marko Joensuu

       Why did so many prophets get the US election wrong?

      Mentoring Prophets

      On the false prophecies that Romney would defeat Obama.

      Prophetic ministry is about staying in the counsel of the Lord rather than declaring what you might have heard from the Lord in some prophetic conference at the earliest opportunity. That takes time. It doesn’t fit with our busy schedules, and it definitely doesn’t fit with the demand of running a profitable prophetic business. But the prophets should learn to shut up if the Lord hasn’t spoken. There’s only one way to get out of the bankrupt state of the Western prophetic movement. It is to stop listening to all other voices and begin to listen to God.

      August 12, 2013 Patricia King

      “Pitfalls of a Spiritual Experience


      Are there dangers in the school of spiritual experience? Yes! If a person lives outside the perimeters of the Word, way or will of God in any area of his life, danger lurks.

      While Patricia King does not mention Trump in this teaching, her teaching about obedience to the Bible (“the Word”) is a common theme among all Christian prophets.

      April 20, 2013 Kim Clement

       Donald, Mr. Clark, American Flag and Election


      Kim gives a prophetic word to Mr. Clark and a man named Donald:

      I feel that cancers are being broken; I feel that there are sicknesses and diseases that are being healed at this very moment right now. There is a man by the name of Mr. Clark and there is also another man by the name of Donald. You are both watching me, saying could it be that God is speaking to me? Yes, He is! Somebody, just a few minutes before you came on the show, you went out and you took the American flag and you said, “I’m proud of my nation.” You raised it up, and God said, “You have been determined through your prayers to influence this nation.” You’re watching me; you’re an influential person. The Spirit of God says, “Hear the word of the prophet to you as a king, I will open that door that you prayed about and when it comes time for the election, you will be elected.”

      Kim’s assistant, Sunil Isaac, says later that Kim did not know it was Donald Trump. (See remarks on this and other items in Isaac’s reflection on the November 2016 election.)

      November 2013 Donald Trump

      Trump and his wife attend birthday party for Billy Graham.

      2013 Mark Taylor

      Medical appointment with Dr. Don Colbert; Taylor shows his “commander-in-chief” prophecy to Dr. Colbert and his wife, Mary.

      February 22, 2014 Kim Clement

       Prophetic Alert


      One of Kim Clement’s most famous prophecies speaks about a vision of a man who will become president of the United States and will be used of God to restore America and Israel. Some of the description fits Donald Trump, but some does not fit.

      Hear Me, for I have found a man after My own heart. I have found a man after My own heart and he is amongst you. He is one of the brothers but singled out for Presidency of the United States of America.

      I have searched for a man and a woman who would stand in the Oval Office and pray and call for the restoration of the fortunes of Zion. I have looked for a man who would pray for the restoration of the fortunes of Zion.

      Watch how I change everything, for there shall be those who are in justice. There are those who are in a strong position, I’m just hearing this now, in the highest court in the land, the Supreme Court. Two shall step down for the embarrassment of what shall take place for I wish to place in the highest court in the land, righteousness.

      I shouted and they all shouted. They were one; they were one; one party, one party of people. It continued until I realized that in the unity of these, amongst