But If Not. Carson Pue. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Carson Pue
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Биографии и Мемуары
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781927355800
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18, 2014 12:48 a.m.

      Our family all convened at Williams Park with our talented photographer, Tawn DiMeglio, and dear friends Curt (videographer) and Char (babysitter and coat holder extraordinaire).

      The photo session started, and it was one of those days in a person’s lifetime that will stay etched in the mind forever. There were some teary moments for sure, against a backdrop of love, support and faith. A very special finale warmed our hearts. A sneak preview will be coming soon.

      My heart is so full of gratitude tonight. I love my family!

      Day 18—Tribute to My Mom

      By Brenda Pue—January 18, 2014 9:41 p.m.

      I have been working on a surprise party for my mom’s 80th birthday since November. It was planned for today, January 18th. When we received the cancer diagnosis last Saturday, I somehow had the presence of mind to ask my doctor if I could still go to my mom’s party. She said, “You must go.” All week I have been pondering how to make this party honouring for her, even though I would be seeing my siblings, aunts, uncles, niece and nephew for the first time since this news.

      So we got up at 5 this morning [and] drove to Vancouver Airport, and after a cancelled flight and a bit of fancy flight maneuvering by my clever husband, we at last arrived in Penticton. I’m so pleased to say that it was a wonderful celebration of my amazing mom. We created a memory book for her while we enjoyed lunch at a restaurant. I was very honoured to give a tribute about the godly influence she has had on four generations in our family line…there were no tears (on my part), just pure joy and gratitude for a life well lived.

      By the way, we gave Mom an iPad for her 80th birthday. How cool is that?

      Day 19—Family Photos

      By Kristin Pue—January 19, 2014 10:42 a.m.

      On Friday we had the privilege of having family photos taken. It was a very emotionally draining time for all of us, but it was so, so special. We laughed, we cried, and we made some great memories. We ended the day by having Pue family night, with dinner and time spent filling up a tribute book for Brenda’s mom’s 80th birthday. A very close friend came to the photo shoot to capture it on film for us. We had no idea what a wonderful thing this would be, and in less than a day, he surprised us with this beautiful video, and we’d like to share it with you.

      Day 19—Family Meeting with Our Specialist

      By Brenda Pue—January 19, 2014 7:13 p.m.

      Today all our boys and Kirstie came with us to meet my specialist who diagnosed my lung cancer. She’s great. The family loved meeting her as well, even though the news was hard.

      We learned today that there are other small lesions in the brain, and that is now the primary focus of concern, rather than lung cancer. My doctor is trying to move forward my appointment with the oncologist to this week, rather than next week. Please join us in praying that it would be so.

      This new information, although concerning, does have an upside…I am fortunate that the new lesions have not affected my speech, memory, etc., thus far. I consider this a great mercy from God. I believe more than ever that I am in God’s hands and am choosing to live in faith not fear. Your faith and prayers continue to be a lifeline. Thank you for your great kindness, love, support and prayer for me and for my family on this unexpected journey. You are blessing us more than you will know.

      Carson shared an image with me today from sailing that I loved…when charting a course in a sailboat towards a destination, one also takes the time to identify alternate safe harbours along the way, where, if need be, one can tuck in if the weather suddenly changes. We were on a course, and the weather has changed. So now we are heading on a new course to seek shelter in a safe harbour. You are part of that safe shelter for us, and we are grateful to God for you.

      Day 20—A Really Encouraging Day!

      By Brenda Pue—January 20, 2014 7:46 p.m.

      After the news of yesterday, today dawned brighter. It began with our usual time reading the Psalms that was so uplifting for us. The rest of the day was filled with life-giving moments and prayers that have refocused the sadness and fear I was feeling into hope and faith today. We feel so “held.”

      I forgot to mention the good news that the spot on the bones from an earlier X-ray was not present in the follow-up X-rays. That feels so huge and hopeful to us. Another answer to prayer is that my first appointment at the cancer clinic was moved one week ahead to this Wednesday morning. Your earnest prayers, loving notes, Scriptures and meals are a breath of fresh air to us. And finally, we are looking forward to meeting with our church elders for prayer this Thursday at 5:15 p.m. We welcome your prayer support wherever you are, as you are able!

      What a great day!

      Day 21—It Happened at Pandora, of All Places…

      By Brenda Pue—January 21, 2014 10:57 p.m.

      Another rich start to the day in the Psalms!

      Carson headed off to work this morning for the first time, and my heart was full that he could be about his ministry calling today, doing what he does so well—loving, leading, serving God and others with such grace and transparency. Carson handed off the “wife care” baton to my sweet friend. This arrangement is in place in case of a seizure event, and I might add that only a very sweet friend would sign up for that job. But today is her birthday, and we had plans to celebrate together, as we have done for so many years. What fine memories we have!

      She was given a Pandora bracelet for Christmas, and I really wanted to get her a charm from me for her birthday this year. So off we went to pick out the perfect one! We were having so much fun on this outing, and then it happened…I started weeping quietly right there at the counter. The bewildered salesperson, someone I’d never met, reached out and put her hand on top of mine. It took me a while to recover.

      I have chosen to live life with faith, and I know that my emotions in this season are a good and vital part of this journey. I am learning much from the psalmist these days. And it is good. I love life. I love people. I love God. Passionately! The past 10 days have only refocused and deepened that love for me. I choose life. I choose blessing. I choose faith. And that is making all the difference right now!

      Day 22—Unexpected…

      By Brenda Pue—January 22, 2014 10:29 p.m.

      We thought our day was nicely laid out and organized. We had a plan! We love planning. We would meet my new doctor (a radiology oncologist) at 8:15 a.m. at the cancer clinic for a “consult” and then would be on our way home by 10:30.

      This is such a new, strange world to me. We learned much about my diagnosis today. I like my oncologist. He is quiet, gentle, knowledgeable, patient and skilled. Pretty much the kind of guy I want to have on board at a time like this. He spent almost two hours with us. I asked lots of questions, and he asked more. At the end of the appointment, he sent us to a different part of the building to watch a video about radiation therapy. We were ready to leave for the day and move forward with our “plan”—Carson heading into work, and me with a couple of appointments that we were looking forward to. That was not to be. Instead…

      - my radiation therapy treatment started today

      - a new blood panel was ordered and drawn

      - a diagnostic mammogram [was] booked

      - an appointment [was] booked with a chemotherapy oncologist

      - the oncology team decided to move forward with a biopsy of the mass in the lung

      That two-hour appointment turned into a seven-hour episode. A dear friend and mentor once told me that “confidence is a by-product of predictability.” It is a wonderful truth. The problem is that there is nothing predictable about a cancer diagnosis. The target keeps moving. And God is meeting me even in the chaos and confusion of the unexpected.

      Day 23—Much Needed Peace and Quiet

      By Brenda Pue—January 23, 2014 10:58 p.m.
