After the 8th we have another Grand Square pattern forming. This indicates a hectic period. Again this big project seems important. No big things ever happen without stress and struggle and this is the situation now. Happily you have the energy to handle it.
Your 9th house is powerful after the 21st and foreign travel is much easier now that Saturn is moving forward again. Students do better in school now.
There are very dynamic aspects from the 23rd to the 31st. Drive more carefully, avoid arguments, be more mindful on the physical level and avoid daredevil-type stunts. This is not a time for these sorts of things.
Birthdays from
21st May to
20th June
Personality Profile
Element: Air
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Career Planet: Neptune
Love Planet: Jupiter
Money Planet: Moon
Planet of Health and Work: Pluto
Planet of Home and Family Life: Mercury
Colours: blue, yellow, yellow–orange
Colour that promotes love, romance and social harmony: sky blue
Colours that promote earning power: grey, silver
Gems: agate, aquamarine
Metal: quicksilver
Scents: lavender, lilac, lily of the valley, storax
Quality: mutable (= flexibility)
Quality most needed for balance: thought that is deep rather than superficial
Strongest virtues: great communication skills, quickness and agility of thought, ability to learn quickly
Deepest need: communication
Characteristics to avoid: gossiping, hurting others with harsh speech, superficiality, using words to mislead or misinform
Signs of greatest overall compatibility: Libra, Aquarius
Signs of greatest overall incompatibility: Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces
Sign most helpful to career: Pisces
Sign most helpful for emotional support: Virgo
Sign most helpful financially: Cancer
Sign best for marriage and/or partnerships: Sagittarius
Sign most helpful for creative projects: Libra
Best Sign to have fun with: Libra
Signs most helpful in spiritual matters: Taurus, Aquarius
Best day of the week: Wednesday
Understanding a Gemini
Gemini is to society what the nervous system is to the body. It does not introduce any new information but is a vital transmitter of impulses from the senses to the brain and vice versa. The nervous system does not judge or weigh these impulses – it only conveys information. And it does so perfectly.
This analogy should give you an indication of a Gemini’s role in society. Geminis are the communicators and conveyors of information. To Geminis the truth or falsehood of information is irrelevant, they only transmit what they see, hear or read about. Thus they are capable of spreading the most outrageous rumours as well as conveying truth and light. Geminis sometimes tend to be unscrupulous in their communications and can do both great good or great evil with their power. This is why the sign of Gemini is symbolized by twins: Geminis have a dual nature.
Their ability to convey a message – to communicate with such ease – makes Geminis ideal teachers, writers and media and marketing people. This is helped by the fact that Mercury, the ruling planet of Gemini, also rules these activities.
Geminis have the gift of the gab. And what a gift this is! They can make conversation about anything, anywhere, at any time. There is almost nothing that is more fun to Geminis than a good conversation – especially if they can learn something new as well. They love to learn and they love to teach. To deprive a Gemini of conversation, or of books and magazines, is cruel and unusual punishment.
Geminis are almost always excellent students and take well to education. Their minds are generally stocked with all kinds of information, trivia, anecdotes, stories, news items, rarities, facts and statistics. Thus they can support any intellectual position that they care to take. They are awesome debaters and, if involved in politics, make good orators. Geminis are so verbally smooth that even if they do not know what they are talking about, they can make you think that they do. They will always dazzle you with their brilliance.
Geminis tend to be more concerned with the wealth of learning and ideas than with actual material wealth. As mentioned, they excel in professions that involve writing, teaching, sales and journalism – and not all of these professions pay very well. But to sacrifice intellectual needs merely for money is unthinkable to a Gemini. Geminis strive to combine the two. Cancer is on Gemini’s solar 2nd house (of money) cusp, which indicates that Geminis can earn extra income (in a harmonious and natural way) from investments in residential property, restaurants and hotels. Given their verbal skills, Geminis love to bargain and negotiate in any situation, and especially when it has to do with money.
The Moon rules Gemini’s 2nd solar house. The Moon is not only the fastest-moving planet in the zodiac but actually moves through every sign and house every 28 days. No other heavenly body matches the Moon for swiftness or the ability to change quickly. An analysis of the Moon – and lunar phenomena in general – describes Gemini’s financial attitudes very well. Geminis are financially versatile and flexible; they can earn money in many different ways. Their financial attitudes and needs seem to change daily. Their feelings about money change also: sometimes they are very enthusiastic about it, at other times they could not care less.
For a Gemini, financial goals and money are often seen only as means of supporting a family; these things have little meaning otherwise.
The Moon, as Gemini’s money planet, has another important message for Gemini financially: in order for Geminis to realize their financial potential they need to develop more of an understanding of the emotional side of life. They need to combine their awesome powers of logic with an understanding of human psychology. Feelings have their own logic; Geminis need to learn this and apply it to financial matters.
Career and Public Image
Geminis know that they have been given the gift of communication for a reason, that it is a power that can achieve great good or cause unthinkable distress. They long to put this power at the service of the highest and most transcendental truths. This is their primary goal, to communicate the eternal verities and prove them logically. They look up to people who can transcend the intellect – to poets, artists, musicians and mystics. They may be awed by stories of religious saints and martyrs. A Gemini’s highest achievement is to teach the truth, whether it is scientific, inspirational or historical. Those who can transcend the intellect are Gemini’s natural superiors – and a Gemini realizes this.
The sign of Pisces is in Gemini’s solar 10th house of career. Neptune, the planet of spirituality and altruism, is Gemini’s career planet. If Geminis are to realize their highest career potential they need to develop their transcendental – their spiritual and altruistic – side. They need to understand the larger cosmic picture, the vast flow of human evolution – where it came from and where it is heading. Only then can a Gemini’s intellectual powers take their true position and he or she can become the ‘messenger of the gods’. Geminis need to cultivate a facility for ‘inspiration’,