The planets are now in their maximum Eastern position for the year. This trend will continue next month as well. This is the time to create the conditions that you want in your life. You have the power to do this. You know your own mind better than anyone else, and you should act on it. You can and will have life on your terms this month.
This month after the 19th, the planets will start to shift from the upper half to the lower half of the Horoscope. The shift will not be complete until next month, but you are already starting to feel it. Career goals have more or less been achieved and it is time to start focusing on the home, the family and your emotional well being. It is dusk in your year. The Sun is just getting ready to set. It is not yet dark, but getting there. Tie up loose ends in the career and get ready to get the home in order.
The planetary momentum is still strongly forward this month. It is a very good time, especially from the 10th to the 25th, to launch new products or ventures. The New Moon of the 10th seems the optimum time for these things.
Until the 19th you are still in a very spiritual kind of period, so review our discussion of this last month.
Love is still problematic. Only a very strong relationship can survive this testing. Your beloved is not only in conflict with your career, but with both parent figures and perhaps with the family as a whole. Things will get a bit easier after the 15th, but the situation still seems stressful.
Mercury, your financial planet, is still in mystical Pisces until the 14th. So the financial intuition is very good now and can be trusted. Taureans are very practical, down-to-earth people, but this is a month where you go deeper into the supernatural sources of supply rather than the natural sources. Money will come to you in unexpected ways, and not because of your personal effort or smart business tactics. It will just come. It will force you to ponder what wealth is really all about and where it really comes from.
After the 14th, as Mercury moves into Aries, you need to be careful about rash financial decision-making. If you have attained some mental clarity during the planet’s retrograde period it won’t be such a problem, but if not, it can be.
On the 19th the Sun crosses the Ascendant and enters your own sign; Mars enters the next day. You are now in a yearly personal pleasure peak – a time to enjoy all the delights of the senses and the body, and a time to get the body and image into shape. Though love has been stressful, you still attract the opposite sex. You look great and have greater than usual personal charisma. Health and energy are super.
A Lunar Eclipse on the 25th affects especially those of you born early in the sign (April 21–May 1), so reduce your busy schedule at this time. This eclipse will test the current relationship, and cars and communication equipment.
Best Days Overall: 8, 9, 10, 18, 19, 27, 28
Most Stressful Days Overall: 2, 3, 16, 17, 23, 24, 29, 30
Best Days for Love: 8, 9, 10, 11, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30
Best Days for Money: 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 21, 22, 29, 30
Best Days for Career: 2, 3, 6, 7, 16, 17, 25, 26, 29, 30
When Mercury enters your sign on the 1st of the month, the planetary shift below the horizon of your chart is established; up to 70 per cent of the planets will be in the lower half of the Horoscope, the maximum for the year. Career is still important, but now it is time to work on the career by interior methods – by the methods of the night rather than the methods of the day. Visualize what you want and where you want to be. Fall asleep with this image. Work inwardly to attain the ‘feeling’ of the desired result. This is a form of day dreaming that is under your conscious control. Let go of the world of appearance – you are after an ‘inner state’ – and in truth, no outer appearance has the power to obstruct your entry. As you live in the feeling of what you want, eventually (and especially when the planets shift again) the inner state will ‘objectify’ and become manifest.
When Mercury enters your sign you start to receive nice financial windfalls. This is a prosperous month. Financial opportunities will seek you out without the need to run after them. Your personal appearance and overall demeanour seems very important in finances this month and thus you spend more on your image.
Health and energy are still very good. In fact this abundance of energy could actually create some problems. You tend to be more in a hurry now. You want everything to happen quickly, and so impatience could make you careless. Temper could be a problem too. It can invite undesirable or needless conflict. Make haste but be mindful about it.
We have two eclipses this month. The first, the Solar Eclipse of the 10th, is the stronger one. It occurs in your own sign. Make sure you reduce your schedule then. All Taureans will feel this, but those born between April 5 and April 15 will feel it strongest. Often these eclipses bring detoxes of the body, especially if you haven’t been careful in dietary matters. It causes a need to redefine the personality and image. Outer events will happen that will force this. You will start to think differently about yourself and present a new image to the world. Often this brings changes of hairstyle and wardrobe. The family seems affected by this eclipse as well. There are shake-ups there, with life-changing kinds of events in the lives of family members (or those who are like family to you). If there are hidden flaws in the home, you find out about them now and will be forced to make repairs and corrections.
The Lunar Eclipse of May 25 brings dramas in the lives of siblings or sibling figures in your life. Cars and communication equipment will get tested and will often need replacement. Your spouse, partner or current love will be forced to make dramatic financial changes.
Best Days Overall: 5, 6, 15, 16, 23, 24
Most Stressful Days Overall: 12, 13, 19, 20, 25, 26
Best Days for Love: 5, 6, 10, 15, 16, 19, 20, 23, 24, 27, 28
Best Days for Money: 1, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 17, 18, 19, 20, 26, 27, 28
Best Days for Career: 2, 3, 12, 13, 21, 22, 25, 26, 30
Last month on the 20th, you entered a yearly financial peak – Taurus heaven! This continues until the 21st of this month. The money is rolling in and financial objectives are being attained. By the 27th, as Jupiter leaves the money house, your interests will shift to the mind, to learning, communicating, teaching and intellectual interests. It’s time to take a financial breather and take stock. Your financial planet goes retrograde on the 26th and this is the time to take that break. Avoid making major financial commitments or decisions after the 26th. Focus more on fact-gathering and doing your financial homework.
Jupiter moving into your 3rd house of communication will bring a new car and new communication equipment to you – if not this month, in the year ahead.
Finance is the major focus this month until the 21st. After that, it is good to build up your knowledge base and expand the mind – take courses in subjects that interest you, build up your vocabulary, catch up on the phone calls, letters or emails that you owe. This will not only be pleasurable in its own right, but with your financial planet in your 3rd house all month this will have a good bottom-line effect as well.
Love continues to be problematic this month, especially after the 21st. There have been problems here all year, but in the past two months things should have been quieter. Now they flare up again. The current relationship is in crisis. Sometimes it is not the fault of the actual relationship; there can be dramatic, life-changing events – a personal crisis – in the life of your spouse, partner or current love and the problems stem from that.
Affairs of the heart are complicated. It is difficult to give rules as every situation is unique, but as a general principle we could say to follow the path of least pain. A stormy relationship is going to be painful no matter what, but you can maximize that pain or minimize it. Do your best to minimize it.
Love is stressful, but the overall social situation looks happy. New and important friends are coming into the picture this month.
A boss, parent