Your Personal Horoscope 2013: Month-by-month forecasts for every sign. Joseph Polansky. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Joseph Polansky
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Эзотерика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007461011
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of home and family is pretty much empty this year; it is not a house of power. Generally, as our regular readers know, this indicates a basic contentment with the status quo. You have more free will in this area than usual, but will you use it? Generally people do not.

      A parent or parent figure is entering a very spiritual kind of period. The body is being refined and spiritualized. If they are not on a spiritual path they should embark on one. Sometimes this shows a tendency to abuse alcohol or drugs, but this should be avoided as the body can overreact to this. Exercises such as yoga and tai chi – spiritual kinds of exercises – are very good for this person. It will assist the process of elevating the body more than other kinds of exercises. This person is making very dramatic financial changes, perhaps involving new ventures or ‘start ups’. They are likely to move, renovate the existing home or acquire additional homes. (This could have happened last year too.) If the parents or parent figures are married, the relationship seems stable this year. There will be periods where it will be more stressful (when Mercury comes into stressful alignment with Neptune) and periods that are less stressful (when Mercury is in harmonious alignment with Neptune), but these are all short-term trends and they pass quickly.

      Siblings and sibling figures are experiencing emotional volatility. They don’t seem happy with the home. They feel cramped and restricted. However a move this year is not advisable.

      Children in your life are making excellent psychological progress. They are dealing with deep psychological issues and seem successful here. There are renovations going on in their room (if they live with you) or in their home (if they are of an appropriate age). Grandchildren of an appropriate age most likely moved last year. This year they seem content with the status quo.

      If you are planning major repairs or renovations, October 15 to December 7 is a good time for this. If you are merely redecorating, making cosmetic kinds of changes or buying art objects for the home, July 22 to August 16 and August 23 to September 22 are good times.

      Finance and Career

      We mentioned earlier that ever since Jupiter moved into your sign in June of last year, you were in a cycle of prosperity. This year you are still in the early stages of the cycle, so wealth is increasing at a good pace. You are enjoying the good life, you are travelling more than usual, and basically you are optimistic about yourself and your future. And you have the wherewithal to enjoy all the carnal pleasures. Lady Luck has camped out in your aura and you are catching the lucky breaks. Often we see this in the little things as well as the big – you get an unexpectedly large tax refund; you get a bargain at the shops; gamblers discover that they are luckier at the casino; people win substantial sums on lotteries. These are the little signals that Jupiter is working his magic on you, that the heavenly doors of affluence are open.

      Jupiter moving through your own sign until June 27 will also bring happy educational opportunities, and it seems wise to take them. Students should be successful in their studies. College applicants do very well – colleges are looking for you rather than vice versa.

      On June 27 Jupiter enters your money house, bringing more prosperity. Stocks you own go up in value. Your home is probably worth more than you think. Your financial horizons get expanded. Your financial goals are bigger and you have more power to attain them. They are no longer beyond your reach. Happy financial opportunities come as well.

      Jupiter is your love planet. Translated into financial terms this indicates a lucrative and happy business partnership or joint venture. Companies often merge or get sold under this aspect. Your spouse, partner or current love is financially supportive, much more than usual. Social connections are important financially. Friends seem rich and supportive as well. They bring happy financial opportunities. When the love planet is involved in finances we can never judge a person’s wealth by financial statements, or by merely looking at tangible assets. Geminis’ wealth these days is much more than this. Who they know is as important as how much they have. Wealth of friendships, as regular readers know, is a valid form of wealth.

      When Jupiter moves into Cancer on June 27 it will start to make fabulous aspects to your career planet Neptune. This aspect is most exact in July, but is in effect afterwards too. This brings career elevation. Generally there are pay rises and promotions, but it also brings honours, recognition and an elevation of your status in your company, profession or industry. Your partner and friends are supportive of your career and bring opportunities. Your ability to get on with others seems to be a big factor in your success. When Jupiter moves into Cancer there will be a Grand Trine in the Water signs – and your career planet is involved with this. So the year ahead is successful careerwise.

      With Neptune, your career planet, now in the spiritual sign of Pisces, you need a meaningful kind of career. It’s not just about making money and outer success. Your career has to have some spiritual value to it – it has to be something that truly benefits the world. This is your main challenge now and in the coming years. There’s more on this later.

      Love and Social Life

      Last year, and especially the second half of it, was a banner love year, and the trend continues perhaps even more strongly in 2013. Singles will not be single for too long. Perhaps they won’t actually marry, but it will be ‘as if’ they had married. They will be involved in a serious romantic relationship with strong marriage potential.

      Jupiter, the love planet, is moving through your sign. Love is coming to you. You are not likely to escape it. It seems unavoidable. This person finds you, woos you, courts you. You are having love on your terms this year. The beloved caters to you, is devoted to you, is totally on your side. He or she puts your interests ahead of his or her own. You are the most important thing in their life. This kind of devotion is difficult to withstand.

      You are lucky in finances this year, but perhaps even luckier in love.

      This love will get tested later on in the year in August. Jupiter will move into Square aspect with Uranus, but this relationship seems to have a lot of cosmic help. I feel it can survive this.

      What we said about love also applies to friendships. Friends – and happy social opportunities – seek you out, and you are in demand socially. We have often compared the effect of a planetary transit to the action of a drug. It is as if you have taken a cosmic aphrodisiac. You exude love and grace. You look good. You are always smart and intellectual, but now the love force emanates from you and people respond to this. This is a year of great popularity.

      After June 27, as Jupiter moves into your money house, you are working to combine an active social life with an active financial life. You do business with your friends, the people that you socialize with, and you socialize with the people you do business with. You find love and social opportunity as you pursue your normal financial goals and with people who are involved in your finances.

      Before June 27 it is the physical aspects of love that attract – the charms of the body, the right image, the right look. The beloved has to fit your image of love and vice versa. Love is expressed physically, not just through sex but through hugging, touching, massage and things of this nature. After the 27th wealth becomes an important attraction. You are attracted to the rich, the good providers, the people who can help you financially. Love is expressed in material ways, through material gifts or financial support. This is how you feel loved and this is how you express it.


      Saturn, as we have mentioned, is now in your 6th house of health for the next two years. We discussed some of the physical aspects of this in the health section, but there is more to it.

      Saturn in your 6th house shows that you gravitate to traditional, orthodox medicine. You want the therapies that have stood the test of time. Even those of you who like alternative therapies will probably gravitate to the very ancient systems – acupuncture, acupressure and so on. The new and the untried, no matter how trendy, are not for you.

      The good point about this is that you are not into ‘quick fixes’ healthwise. You want long-term cures, long-term solutions. Generally this involves lifestyle changes, adopting a healthier type of life. You seem willing to do this now.

      You are very prosperous in the year ahead. It could be that you are merely working