Jupiter in the money house (and the feeling of optimism that it brings) makes you a bigger spender this year. You are more generous with others as well. You spend, you give, because you feel that you can afford to (and this is so whether the cash is on hand or not!). Overspending is perhaps the greatest financial danger right now. Of course, spend for what you need, but sometimes the spending can be gratuitous and this should be avoided.
In your Horoscope Jupiter rules the 8th house of transformation. Thus in many cases there are inheritances occurring, and they seem substantial. (This could have happened last year too.) Often you are named in someone’s will, or collect on trust funds, or are named the executor of a will. If you have issues with an insurance company, the outcome seems fortunate. Debt seems easy to make this year – a mixed blessing. The corporate world is fuelled by debt and if debt dries up, business is in crisis. But for you there doesn’t seem to be a problem. You have good access. The real problem is to avoid the abuse of debt. Don’t take money merely for the sake of taking it – it should be for some legitimate business purpose. If you have good ideas this is a good year to attract investors to your projects.
Death is not a pleasant subject and people are understandably squeamish about it. But for you there is profit here. Like last year you can profit from troubled properties or troubled companies – perhaps even bankrupt companies or repossessed properties. You have a knack – an instinct – for value here.
If you are an investor I like the bond market this year, especially bonds for communication, media and transportation companies.
On June 27 Jupiter will enter your 3rd house of communication. Thus a new car and communication equipment is coming to you. Sales and marketing become important financially. You need to make good use of the media.
Love and Social Life
This is a challenging love and social year, as we mentioned. Saturn moving through the 7th house of love is severely testing existing relationships. This would be difficult enough, but there are also two eclipses in this house this year: a Lunar Eclipse on April 25 and a Solar Eclipse on November 3. Add to this mix Uranus’s Square to Pluto, your love planet (which will be very exact for a few months in the year ahead), and you have the recipe for extreme volatility in love. True love will always prevail, but it won’t be easy. Anything less than perfection will probably dissolve.
We never really know if love is real when everything is harmonious and honeymoonish. When things are going well it is only natural to feel content. It is in the tough times that we learn the depth of our love. If conditions are hellish and you still want each other, most likely your love is real. If you are willing to confront all the challenges and not run for the hills, love is real. This is the cosmic purpose behind all of this. In the stresses of the testing, the tough times, reality emerges. The cosmos wants only the best for you – anything less will not do.
There are other positive things that emerge from a testing. When a company is producing a car they road test it so that – they subject it to above normal stresses – much more than the average driver will ever face. In these tests any hidden problems are revealed and can be corrected. Thus the final product will be superior. So it will be in your relationship. The testing will reveal the hidden fault lines and you will be able to correct them and have a better relationship than before. Admittedly, this is not a pleasant experience – it’s good, but not pleasant.
Singles, especially those of you working on the first marriage, are better off not marrying now. In fact the social life should be re-organized now. Focus on quality rather than quantity. Better fewer dates but quality ones, than hordes of lacklustre dates. Learn to enjoy your own company. If you enjoy your company, others will too.
For singles there is an attraction for older, more established people. There is a feeling of stability and comfort that you get with them. They need to be highly educated and refined and established in their business or profession. You have the aspects of someone who falls in love with the professor, the minister, the mentor, or the guru. There are love opportunities in foreign lands, with foreigners, in educational and religious-type settings.
Those in or working on the second marriage have an easier time, but friendships and business partnerships are still getting tested. There is strong opportunity for a second marriage after June 27. The same is true for those working on their third marriage. Jupiter will start to make beautiful aspects to Neptune around that time.
With Jupiter in your money house during the first half of the year, your finances will improve on their own. There’s nothing special that you need to do – just receive the largesse and act on the opportunities that will surely come. The love situation is another story however. Here, your actions and attitudes can either exacerbate problems or soften them. There will definitely be problems; the issue is how you handle them.
In the next two years it is good to understand and apply the Principle of Least Pain, Least Damage. Troubled relationships are painful whether they dissolve or survive. This seems unavoidable. But the challenge for you is to follow the path of least pain, least damage. Often, unfortunately, the tendency is to inflict maximum pain on those who have wronged us. This will only create a cycle of more and more pain. Everyone will suffer more than is needed. Further, it will delay future relationships. And, if a person understands the karmic law, the present condition will tend to repeat and repeat, until the lesson is learned. The Cosmic schoolroom, though full of love and compassion, is still unremitting law, and will keep you in first grade forever if need be, until the lessons of first grade are mastered.
If a relationship is to dissolve, and often this is necessary, do it in the least painful way. If a relationship is to survive, work out the differences in the least painful way as well. Exactly what this way is, you must discern for yourself; there are no rules, every situation is unique and special.
Practising the art of forgiveness is also very important for the next two years. Holding grudges blocks the spiritual energy from flowing in and often has health consequences. Forgiveness will come easier if we understand that we forgive the person, not the actions. The wrong actions are wrong. Full stop. But the people did these actions under all kinds of inner compulsions. And, who knows, if we were in their shoes, we might have acted the same too. Forgiveness will happen with time. But why prolong the process and increase the suffering?
Uranus, as we mentioned, is now in your 12th house of spirituality for the long term. This is a very important transit. Many are under the misconception that ‘spirituality’ is some compartmentalized area that has nothing to do with ‘practical’ life. Nothing could be further from the truth. This outer 3D world is a world of ‘pure effect’, not a cause for anything. All the outer events that we observe with our senses are merely the side effects of ‘internal’ forces. Thus when a person starts to change the internal conditions – the thoughts and feelings – the outer conditions inevitably change. Right now, huge inner changes are happening, and in due course you will see them manifest in your outer life. You are in a process of creating ‘inner freedom’ – freedom of thought and feeling – and this will inevitably lead to outer freedom, the breaking of many outer ties. Be patient, the process takes time.
Month-by-month Forecasts
Best Days Overall: 2, 3, 10, 11, 19, 20, 29, 30
Most Stressful Days Overall: 6, 7, 12, 13, 26, 27, 28
Best Days for Love: 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 18, 19, 20, 29, 30
Best Days for Money: 2, 3, 4, 10, 11, 12, 21, 22, 23, 31
Best Days for Career: 8, 12, 13, 17, 26, 27
You begin your year with 80 per cent and sometimes 90 per cent of the planets above the horizon of your chart. On the 19th you enter a yearly career peak. So this is a time to be focused on the career and on outer achievement. Family is important to you, but even the family is supportive of the career goals. They are urging you on. There is little of the usual conflict between family life and the career these days and this is good. This is a month of success and forward progress.
The planetary momentum is forward this month. Until the