Your Personal Horoscope 2013: Month-by-month forecasts for every sign. Joseph Polansky. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Joseph Polansky
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Эзотерика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007461011
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be there for another five years or so – another long-term trend. Uranus is your career planet, thus this transit has important implications in your career which we will discuss later on. Mostly though, it indicates dramatic, radical change in your inner, spiritual life. Taureans are basically traditional, conservative people, but not in spiritual matters now. You are experimental and scientific now. You are changing teachers, regimes and practices, probably multiple times. Those of you who have never been involved in spirituality will probably get involved this year or in coming years. Those of you already on the path will be changing that path. There is much ferment and upheaval in this area of life. There is also much upheaval in charitable or altruistic organizations that you are involved with.

      Your most important areas of interest this year are finance (until June 27); communication and intellectual interests (from June 27 onwards); love and social activities; religion, philosophy, foreign travel and higher education; friends, groups, group activities, organizations; and spirituality.

      Your paths of greatest fulfilment will be finance (until June 27); communication and intellectual interests (after June 27); love, romance and social activities.


      (Please note that this is an astrological perspective on health and not a medical one. In days of yore there was no difference; these perspectives were identical. But these days there could be quite a difference. For a medical perspective, please consult your doctor or health practitioner.)

      As we mentioned, the long-term planets are mostly kind to you this year. Only Saturn is giving long-term stress. So health should continue to be good, although perhaps not quite as good as last year. Saturn by himself is not enough to cause serious problems – it’s when the planetary power starts to ‘gang up’ on you that we get concerned.

      The fact that your 6th house of health is empty is also a good sign. You are not overly focused on health issues because you have no need to be: nothing major is wrong.

      Good though your health is, you can make it even better. Give more attention to the kidneys and hips (hips should be regularly massaged); the neck and throat (neck massage is always beneficial for you, tension tends to collect there and needs to be released regularly; craniaosacral therapy is especially good for you too, as is it works on the vertebrae of the neck as well as the bones in the skull. These vertebrae need to be kept in right alignment, singing and chanting mantras or the five vowel sounds, which will release much tension and harmonize the throat and entire body); and the heart.

      In fact the heart is a vulnerable area for you this year. If you are of appropriate age regular check-ups might be in order. More important than that is the avoidance of worry and anxiety, the spiritual root causes of heart problems. Give this some serious thought. If there is something positive and constructive to be done about a problem, then by all means it should be done. But if there is nothing constructive that can be done how does the worry help your situation? It not only doesn’t help, but makes matters even worse – especially if you understand the metaphysical laws of the universe. From a health perspective, worry only puts more strain on the heart. From the worldly perspective worry is natural and normal. After all, everybody does it. But from the spiritual perspective worry is a mental pathology and the root cause of many a physical pathology.



       Try to massage the whole foot on a regular basis, but pay extra attention to the points highlighted on the chart. When you massage, be aware of ‘sore spots’, as these need special attention. It’s also a good idea to massage the ankles and top side of the feet.

      Venus, as our regular readers know, is your health planet. In the physical body she rules the kidneys, hips, neck and throat – hence their importance in overall health. Venus is also the generic planet of love. (In your chart, Pluto is your actual love planet, but in general Venus is the ruler.) Thus problems in love tend to be the spiritual root causes of health problems. Since love is challenging this year (it is getting a real testing) you will have to work harder than usual to maintain harmony. Perhaps a relationship will need to dissolve. If so let it be in the most harmonious way possible, with minimum pain or rancour. This is easy to say, but not so easy to do. But if health problems arise (God forbid) it will need to be done.

      Venus is a fast-moving planet. She will move through all the signs and houses of your Horoscope in the coming year. Thus there are many short-term health trends (depending on where she is and the aspects she receives) that are best dealt with in the monthly reports.

      Home and Family

      Next year will be a different story, but this year the 4th house of home and family is not a house of power. Basically this indicates contentment with the status quo, with no great need to make dramatic changes. Of course, you always have free will – you never lose that – but the cosmos is not impelling you one way or another.

      Parents or parent figures are better off not moving in the year ahead, although it is most likely that they want to. If they do there will be many delays and glitches involved. They are better off making better use of the space they have, re-organizing the home, moving the furniture around, things of this nature. They seem to be buying health equipment for the home or installing health equipment there.

      A parent or parent figure is undergoing many personal changes and dramas. Perhaps there is surgery or a near-death kind of experience. This parent or parent figure seems in conflict with the spouse, partner or current love as well. Neither approves much of the other. This is not helping the love life and is one of the challenges in love this year.

      However, this same parent or parent figure (the gender of the parent depends on whether you are male or female) has dream job opportunities coming up. If he or she hires others, there is an expansion of the workforce indicated.

      Children or children figures in your life are successful this year. They are having a banner career year. There is elevation, honour and recognition happening. But a move is not likely this year. If it does happen it will most likely be in the latter half of the year, after June 27.

      Grandchildren are experiencing great instability in the home and with family this year. They are likely to have multiple moves. Sometimes it is not an actual move, but they live in different places for long periods of time and it is as if they had moved multiple times. They need to cultivate emotional equilibrium this year (and for many years to come). They seem unusually sensitive and temperamental. Yoga, meditation, or a spiritual discipline would do wonders for them right now.

      If you are planning construction in the home – serious kinds of repairs – July 22 to August 23 and August 28 to October 15 are good times. If you are planning cosmetic kinds of changes, from June 28 to August 23 would be good. This latter period is also good if you are buying art or objects for the home.

      There are many short-term family trends which we will cover in the monthly reports – the Sun, your family planet, is a fast-moving planet.

      Finance and Career

      Finance is always important to a Taurean, regardless of whether the money house is strong or weak. But this year your money house is strong, so you are more focused here than usual.

      Ever since Jupiter moved into your sign in June 2011, you have been in a prosperity cycle. And this trend continues in the year ahead, until June 27. Finance will be good afterwards too, but you can sort of coast in this period. It doesn’t require much of your attention.

      Regular readers undoubtedly know that Jupiter moving through the money house is a classic indicator of prosperity. It expands earnings. It expands the financial horizons. It makes assets that you own more valuable. It brings happy financial opportunity as well. Most importantly, it brings a financial optimism – a ‘can do’ spirit. When Jupiter enters the money house ‘lucky’ things begin to happen – an unexpected client or job comes your way, or a tax refund is larger than expected. Often people win at the lottery or other kinds of gaming, and a cherished item that you wanted but couldn’t afford suddenly becomes affordable. You invoice someone for x amount and they send you double and say keep the change. You feel the steady presence of