Tõde Trumpist. Michael D'Antonio. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Michael D'Antonio
Издательство: Eesti digiraamatute keskus OU
Жанр произведения: Биографии и Мемуары
Год издания: 2017
isbn: 9789949571550
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Ameerikas ning et tema sünnitunnistus on ehtne.


Chris Grygiel „Obama Slams Trump: ‘Did We Fake the Moon Landing?“, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, April 30, 2011, http://blog.seattlepi.com/seattlepolitics/2011/04/30/ obama – slams – trump – did – we – fake – the – moon – landing/; video: https://www. youtube .com/watch?v=UIkxoq0agNo; Dean Schabner ja Ryan Creed „Donald Trump ‘Honored’ to Be Butt of Obama, Seth Meyers Jokes at Correspondents’ Dinner”, ABC News, 1. mai 2011, http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/donald-trump-honored-butt-obama-seth-meyers-jokes/story?id = 13503379.


„Romney Leads GOP Field as Trump Pops Up”, Wall Street Journal, 6. aprill 2011; „Donald Trump: Political Apprentice”, Variety, 19. veebruar 2011; Hunter Walker „Poll: New Yorkers Do Not Like Donald Trump”, Business Insider, 6. märts 2014.


Erik Hayden „Jon Stewart vs Donald Trump: Throwaway Joke Devolves into Name- Calling”, Hollywood Reporter, 3. mai 2013, http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live – feed/jon-stewart-donald-trump-throwaway-451612; ja „Donald Trump Drops Bill Maher Lawsuit”, Huffington Post, 2. aprill 2013, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/02/donald-trump-drops-bill-maher-lawsuitn2999605 html.


„Donald Trump: Political Apprentice”, Variety,19. veebruar 2011; ja „Trump: Sam, Tebow Reactions Show US in Politically Correct ‘Hell’“, Newsmax, http://www. newsmax.com/US/Donald-Trump-Michael-Sam-Tebow/2014/05/12/id/570817/.


The Gilded Age, millega üldiselt tähistatakse perioodi 1870–1898, kuigi mõnikord peetakse selle lõpuks ka 1929. aasta majanduskrahhi.


For an example of the Gilded Age anti- education argument see Andrew Carnegie „The Empire of Business“ (New York: Cosimo Classics, 2007), 80.


Wayne Barrett „Trump: The Deals and the Downfall“ (New York: HarperCollins, 1992), 79.


George Gilder „Wealth and Poverty“ (New York: Basic Books, 1981), 304–15, ja „Wealth and Poverty: A New Edition for the Twenty- First Century“ (Washington, D.C.: Regnery, 2012), 102.


„How Young People View Their Lives, Futures and Politics: A Portrait of ‘Generation Next’“, Pew Research Center, Washington, D.C., 2007.


Deposition taken for Donald Trump v. Timothy O’Brien, Superior Court of New Jersey, Camden County.


P. T. Barnumi kuulsusest räägitakse Leo Braudy „The Frenzy of Renown“ (New York: Vintage, 1997), 498. „Koeranäo!“ ja muudete näidete kohta lubamatust käitumisest vt Ann Holmes „On Donald Trump’s Sexism”, Washington Post, 30. aprill 2011, http://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/column-anna-holmes-on-donald-trumps-sexism/2011/04/21/AFmSfEHFstory.html


William R. Conklin „F.H.A. Offi cial Got $48,500 Law Fees from Family Firm: Agency Head for This State from ‘35 to ‘52 Tells Senate Inquiry He Did No Wrong”, New York Times, 25. august 1954; „Projects in This Area, Connecticut, and New Jersey, Named by the Housing and Home Finance”, New York Times, 12. juuni 1954, 13; Charles S. Egan „Housing Inquiry Lists ‘Windfalls’“, New York Times, 12. juuni 1954, 1; Associated Press „F.H.A. Corruption, Graft Laid to Powell”, New York Times, 13. september 1954, 1; tunnistus ametlikust protokollist FHA Investigation: Hearings Before the Committee on Banking and Currency, Subcommittee on Housing and Urban Aff airs, US Senate, 83rd Cong. (Washington, D.C.: US Government Printing Office, 1954). Eisenhoweri kohta vt Blair „Trumps“, 182–83. Eisenhower ja Zeckendorfi kohta: „Zeckendorf Tells President About Big SW Development”, Washington Post, 9. juuli 1954. Teapot Dome’i puudutav tsitaat: „Contempt Action Threatened in FHA Probe”, Washington Post, 13. juuli 1954, 4.


Tammany Hall, teiste nimedega ka St. Tammany Ühing ja Columbia Ordu, oli poliitiline organisatsioon New York Citys, mis tegutses põhimõtteliselt demokraatliku partei poliitilise masinavärgina ning kontrollis kandidaatide esitamist tähtsamatele poliitilistele ametikohtadele linna ja osariigi tasandil. Seda on seostatud just iirlaste tähtsuse tõusuga New Yorgi poliitikamaastikul, samuti oli see kurikuulus korruptsiooni poolest. Suleti aastal 1967.


Horatio Alger (1832–1899) oli Ameerika ajaviitekirjanik, kelle kaubamärgiks said jutud vaestest oludest pärit noormeestest, kes jõudsid sihikindluse, aususe ja visa tööga ühiskonnas haljale oksale.


Friedrich Trumpi seiklustest läänes, naasmisest Saksamaale ja elust New Yorgis on põhjalikult jutustanud Blair „Trumps“, 41–102; Trumpi kodanikuks saamise avaldus on Seattle’i ringkonnakohtu arhiivis.




New Yorgi tõusu loo kohta vt Donald L. Miller „Supreme City“ (Simon & Schuster, 2014). 20. sajandi esimese poole elamuhindade ja majandustsüklite kohta vt Price V. Fishback ja Trevor Kollmann „New Multi-City Estimates of the Changes in Home Values, 1920–1940, National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper No. 18272“, august 2012).


James Truslow Adams „The Epic of America“ (Boston: Little, Brown, 1931).


Majade konfiskeerimisest võlgade katteks vt Statistical Abstract of the United States 1970 (USA kaubandusministeerium), 690. Kinnisvarakriisist New Yorgis vt „Fifteen Parcels Go Under Hammer”, New York Times, 11. jaanuar 1934, 38; ja „Home Owners Ask More Protection”, New York Times, 28. märts 1934, 3.


Gwenda Blair avab Trumpi rolli Lehrenkrausside afääris põhjalikult teoses „Trumps“. Vt ka „Notes of Social Activities in New York and Elsewhere”, New York Times, 16. august 1930, 12; „Mrs. Lehrenkrauss Gets Decree”, New York Times, 7. oktoober 1932, 2; „Lehrenkrauss Corp. in Receivership Suit”, New York Times, 7. detsember 1933, 24; „Mortgage House Faces New Inquiry”, New York Times, 10. detsember 1933, n3; „Receivers to Keep 4 Concerns Active”, New York Times, 12. detsember 1933, 42; „Lehrenkrauss Home Bought by His Firm”, New York Times, 15. detsember 1933, 5; „Plea to RFC Bared by Lehrenkrauss: Mortgage Operator at Inquiry into Bankruptcy Admits He Sought $1,000,000 Loan”, New York Times, 21. detsember 1933, 6; „3 Named Trustees for Lehrenkrauss: Close to 3,000 Persons Try to Get into Meeting of the Bankrupt Firm’s Creditors”, New York Times, 16. detsember 1934, 33; „Brooklyn Banker Indicted in Theft”, New York Times, 24. jaanuar 1934, 11; „Brooklyn Banker Submits to Arrest”, New York Times, 25. jaanuar 1934, 2; „3 in Lehrenkrauss Failure Are Re-Indicted for Theft”, New York Times, 27. veebruar 1934, 13; „5 Years in Prison for Lehrenkrauss”, New York Times, 8. märts 1934, 42; ja „Two Mining Stocks Under State Inquiry”, New York Times, 11. märts 1934, 20.