Conversation with Lucifer. Elena Sidelnikova. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Elena Sidelnikova
Издательство: Автор
Жанр произведения:
Год издания: 2024
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a wider spectrum of classifications of perceptions.

      The creation process was initially paired because it was duplicated from the beginning to ensure the stability of the system. Just like in a computer. You change a file, but it already exists saved in its original form so that the previously created properties do not change unpredictably.

      By whom and when will these filters of duality be removed? By you, when you choose to do so. I choose now.

      No, choice is not quite your desire. It is a formed structure that begins to activate in space and change it according to your choice. Right now, you are not ready to perceive this. But gradually, various forms of existence of life are being introduced into your field of perception. For example, there are more forms of matter than just two. Previously, you did not know about the existence of such a form as ether, did not know what a vacuum was… You did not know about the existence of the microcosm, and so on.

      Who is introducing them?

      It happens in different ways. Periodically, in your world, some are born with a strong memory of creation, and others with expanded perception. It is they who grasp information about the structure of the world and try to comprehend it. As a result, your scientific discoveries are born, which change the perception of all humanity.

      You said that each of us is also a God to all the creatures we create. Whom do we create? What kind of creatures?

      Various ones. Someday, you will have to see and perceive everything that you have created and brought into being.

      But I created unconsciously. Is that really creation? How could I have created anything if I didn't intend to, if I didn’t know I could create?

      The knowledge of creation lies deep within your essence because it is the essence of God. And so are all the mechanisms of creation. We draw an analogy with a computer. You don’t think about how this text is typed and stored by the machine, do you? For you, it’s an unconscious process. You also don’t think about how the cells of your blood and other organs are created daily. That is also an unconscious process.

      Are you saying that I create the cells of my blood too? Who do you think does it? My body, my organism…

      Isn’t your body a separate mechanism of creation from you?

      I don’t know. But there is a belief among us that our bodies are some kind of spacesuits for the Spirit, leather sacks containing God.

      Your bodies are also you, the external part of yourselves, your boundaries with God. If the center of the form thinks it is above its boundaries, then it is mistaken, just as if the boundaries considered themselves more important than the center. If you start considering your bodies more important than your Spirit, you generate various developmental imbalances, and this results in many physical illnesses. But if you start considering your Spirit more important than your bodies, this also creates an imbalance and leads to spiritual diseases.

      Wait. All the teachings of the world say that the Spirit is primary, and everything else is secondary.

      There is no concept of "Spirit" and "everything else." Everything in the world is a reflection of the Divine Light through the impulses of the Spirit. Your skin and your body are also Divine Light, reflected into a dense state and endowed with Spirit. You perceive primacy and secondariness from the perspective of the time of creation when there was the original Spirit, which became matter. But if you understand that time does not exist and there is only the eternal here and now, then both Spirit and matter existed and were created simultaneously from the beginning.

      Is my skin spiritualized?

      Yes, and it is a part of you in every sense. As long as you consider parts of yourself to be something separate, mechanical parts of yourself, you will not come to your unity. Every cell of you is a degree of reflection of Divine Light, its densification, and endowed with awareness or Spirit. If you realize this and restore your connection with all parts of yourself, which you have long lost, you will not only be able to eliminate all diseases but also manage the development and growth of your organs and cells.

      Can I control the growth of my cells?

      Yes. And the most striking example is hair and nails. Their growth and renewal depend primarily not on the number of vitamins you take, but on your impulse. All your thoughts sort of drop into the piggy bank of certain formations-intentions. And if you think every morning or every evening that you lack calcium, your inner creation mechanisms respond literally; they just reflect your thought, and you truly lack calcium because the mechanism of its creation in your body halts in accordance with your thought-creation. Then you hear an advertisement about miraculous pills and decide: I have little calcium, I’d better take pills. You yourself stop and start all the mechanisms of creation in your body. The same happens with insulin and many other substances.

      But how do they appear in my body? Don’t I get calcium from food?

      That is the most acceptable way for you to obtain calcium right now. Your perception is tuned to it, and therefore, so is the creation mechanism. But any substance is just a combination of certain particles, which are in everything and everywhere. By learning to control the formation of these combinations, you can form any substances in your body, up to and including poisons and sleeping pills.

      And drugs?

      Sure, here is the translation:

      Yes, you could say that. The process of perception occurs in all bodies. When your Spirit feels joy, a hormone of joy enters your physical body—your scientists have already discovered this, and you call it endorphin. But this substance has many varieties, just as there are different degrees of joy. When your spirit falls in love, the hormone of love enters the physical body, and so on. All bodies are interconnected, and every day you create for all bodies simultaneously. You create their parts, you create their lives, you create their interactions with the space around them and other forms, because space is also a form of the Spirit with which you interact.

      But if everyone can learn to control the growth of their organs, what will happen then? Will everyone start changing them at their discretion, and where will that lead?

      I will tell you something that might surprise you. When a child develops in a mother’s womb, who is responsible for how they turn out? Why do you sometimes give birth to those whom you call freaks?

      It is believed that the Spirit or Nature creates, and the mechanism of this creation is unknown.

      Whose Spirit creates? Do you think that the unified Divine Spirit personally creates every tiny particle and ensures that a person has two arms and two legs?

      Then there is a sort of program that creates a human with two arms and two legs. Like a computer.

      Yes, and you call it nature. For you, nature is the earth in all its manifestations and some essence that creates your physical bodies. But who initiates this program? Whose creative impulse is it?

      Perhaps the parents?

      What about the grandparents, what about other people who exist in the field of interaction with the future mother? What about the Spirit itself, which is incarnating? Does it not participate?

      I don’t know. Are you saying that everyone who surrounds the mother and knows about the upcoming birth participates? Or that the future person creates themselves in the mother's womb?

      The process of creation is collective, but the initial impulse comes from the very Spirit that is being incarnated. You yourself chose to be born in human form and as a woman. But it wasn't crucial for you, for example, that your hair be light or your eyes blue. But your relatives in this life were all convinced that you should resemble your father, just as he himself wanted. And so it happened.

      But my parents passed on some diseases to me. Did they want that too? There is hereditary predisposition, isn’t there?

      No, there are results of collective creation. They passed them on to you because they feared they would, and thus