Conversation with Lucifer. Elena Sidelnikova. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Elena Sidelnikova
Издательство: Автор
Жанр произведения:
Год издания: 2024
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all the mechanisms of aging and wear in your physical body.

      Can the wear and tear of the physical body be avoided?

      Of course. All the programs are embedded in you. All cells can be renewed, and up to a certain point, they grow and renew themselves. But you are the ones who activate the mechanisms that either slow down or speed up this cell renewal process.

      Should I command my body to constantly renew its cells?

      You should do this every second, reaffirming your choice. But you allow many virus-programs of your consciousness, brought in by the general development of your society, to break and halt these programs. By listening to advertisements for medicines, stories about diseases and aging, you let information enter you. Any information is energy that begins to work within you.

      But then, should one completely isolate oneself from society?

      Yes. That is exactly what those among you who are immortal in your world do. They isolate themselves from society, from the matrix-like perception, or have very little contact with it.

      Does that mean that as long as I live in society, I will still age and get sick?

      No, not necessarily. You can choose not to perceive this information, to block its development within you. But this is more difficult because the virus is constantly mutating. Just like more powerful viruses are always found in your computers, no matter what software protection is in place.

      Who creates these viruses?

      Those who want to use them for their purposes, those who perceive the world this way, and this is their creation in that sense, their way of perceiving, their choice. You can choose not to accept this every day. That is why many of you have come to the understanding that external sources of information, such as television and news, should be isolated. This is how you can cleanse your perception of externally imposed programs.

      So, is it impossible for an immortal person to live in the city?

      How do you imagine that? They simply wouldn’t be allowed to. People would ask why they aren’t aging, they would impose their perception programs, and so on. Sooner or later, an informational virus will break through their confidence that they are not aging, and they will activate their own aging and death mechanisms.

      Are there many immortals among us?

      You are all immortal. There are quite a few who have chosen immortal existence in a physical body.

      I have another question that troubles me. In the picture you’ve painted, everything is so beautiful, the rays of Divine Light travel through prisms of perception. But there are various teachings among us that say there are entities above or among us that literally feed on our awareness. For example, in the teachings of North American Indians, they are called flyers. In Christianity, they are referred to as demons, creatures, entities. What is this? Is Divine Light refracted in this way? Are we someone's food?

      You also feed. Why do you eat?

      To live, for my physical body to exist, to grow.

      You grow and change because all the programs for your body’s development are embedded in you. Your nourishment is essentially the receipt of energy. This is one of the forms of receiving the Divine Impulse from outside. You can receive it from within to continue the processes in your body, to create your body. You can receive these impulses from outside. Receiving them is what you call consuming awareness.

      When you eat an apple, you perceive the Light of God, refracted in that apple. You destroy the physical shell, the physical form of this apple, and in doing so, the Divine Impulse embedded in it is released, and you absorb it. This way, you restore a certain balance of Divine Energy that is embedded in you and expended on various processes of your vital activity.

      But this is just one of the ways to restore Divine energy within yourself and replenish it. There are various forms of energy nourishment, and you have examples of people who live off prana. A person cannot avoid drinking because water carries information about the world into their body. This is also one way of perceiving, one way of learning about changes happening outside of themselves, through their bodies. But a person can replace physical food with another way of restoring Divine Energy.

      Every created entity ultimately feeds on Divine Light, for without it, there is no life.

      But what does the expenditure of Divine Energy mean? It doesn’t disappear anywhere. And if I create only within myself, then this energy remains within me.

      Yes, but it becomes denser and less accessible for perception; it becomes separated from you. Thus, the amount of non-separated energy from you, or rather, the Divine energy enclosed within you, decreases.

      So, do certain forms exist that feed on our energy? Without our knowledge and consent?

      By opening the boundaries of your perception and not protecting yourself, you are consenting to this. In this sense, no one can do it without your knowledge.

      I don't understand. I can't see them; I've just read about them. About the fact that if the flyers didn't consume our bubbles of awareness, we would have long since reached higher levels of development.

      Everything that exists in the world interacts. You cannot change this fact. Even if you lock yourself in an impenetrable capsule, you will still be interacting with other parts of God. Interaction is the experience, perception, and creation. How you choose to interact with other parts of God is your choice, and that's where your freedom of choice lies. But other parts of you also choose their ways of interacting, perceiving, and creating. There are no limitations, no good or bad.

      By interacting with any part of God outside yourself, you absorb part of His Divine Light, refract part of Him outward, and direct Him. In other words, speaking in your language, you give something of your own outside yourself and accept something foreign into yourself. This is the process of interaction.

      The amount of Divine Light in the world does not decrease; it always exists. Moreover, it increases. God expands. Therefore, there is always enough Divine Light for everyone to live. But the balance of incoming and outgoing energy must be maintained in you as a form; otherwise, you might burst like a balloon if there is too much energy or flatten if there is too little.

      But, since you are not isolated from the outside world, energy flows constantly circulate in and out of you. This is a constant and natural process. This is how all existence functions.

      But there is something else. When you have excess energy that you are not ready for, and your balloon-body could burst, where can this excess go? Nothing disappears, and there is always someone who might need this excess energy. This is how many forms of God arose, which feed on the excess energy of those unable to consume it themselves. You call them flyers. In reality, there are many such beings, and they vary depending on the type of awareness energy they consume. Some feed on the energy of fear and anger. And there are those who feed on more subtle feelings.

      But what you call demons is something else. These are parts of God that have chosen such a form of energy exchange, such a form of obtaining Divine experience, and such a prism of refracting Divine light.

      Sounds like "forest rangers." But they feed on the awareness of all people.

      Not all. Otherwise, how would those who saw them still manage to break free from this chain?

      Does this mean that all people have excess energy of a certain quality that must be taken from them, or else their bodies will explode like balloons?

      Yes, and unfortunately, this is not the best energy for you—anger, fear. Your society is simply saturated with them. And if part of it wasn't taken from you naturally, humanity would have perished sooner. I am not speaking in condemnation. It is your choice.

      Wait a minute. So these entities were specially created by someone so that our accumulated energy would not cause us to explode? Who created them?
