Conversation with Lucifer. Elena Sidelnikova. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Elena Sidelnikova
Издательство: Автор
Жанр произведения:
Год издания: 2024
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it strives to realize itself as a part and understand its difference from God. But you can only understand your difference by understanding God Himself.

      This is some kind of vicious circle.

      A circle. You all try to comprehend God by going beyond your limits. By going beyond your limits, you come into contact with other parts of God and discover that they are also not God Himself, but parts of God. Other parts of God. Then you try either to unite with other parts of God or to fight with them, trying to prove that they are the wrong parts of God. And only a small part of you comes to the realization that to comprehend God, you do not need to go outside yourself, but you can comprehend God within yourself, since we are all parts of Him.

      Yes, but if we are reflections of God, how can I comprehend God within myself if I am a reflection of His reflection and, as a reflection of reflections, distort His essence?

      You can reflect back.

      Reflect back? What does that mean?

      Remember a sunbeam. You catch the sunlight with a mirror and reflect it onto a wall. Reflect it back onto the sun. Can you imagine the power of the reflected light? The principle of reflected light is the basis of all your most powerful lasers.

      If you pass light through a magnifying lens, you can ignite what is nearby. Right now, you are like glass, letting the light pass through you and scattering it. But you can become a magnifying lens and ignite or burn something around you. Or you can become a mirror and reflect a new world from yourself. Do you understand?

      Are you saying that everything happening in the world of humans and in the world of higher beings is just different ways of perceiving light? That is, some just scatter it, some use it to harm others, some reflect and build illusory worlds, and so on?

      I am saying that you are stronger than God, but you do not realize it. What can Light alone do? It can just be, shine, reflect, and refract. But each prism can amplify or scatter this light and reflect it in its own way. It turns out that you control the Light, not the Light or Darkness controlling you, as you tend to believe.

      The term "control" is perceived by us more as manipulation and carries a negative connotation.

      Exactly. What is negative about the refraction of light? What is wrong or right about the colors of the rainbow? Which of them are dark and which are light?

      But how did the division occur?

      Some moved away from God, reflecting and condensing, while others strive to return through refinement and return along the ray. You often use this term. The Ray of Creation is a single ray, the direction of God's energy.

      The division occurred in your minds.

      So above us, in other dimensions, there is no division between light and dark?

      Let's talk about illusions. What is an illusion?

      Something that does not exist in reality.

      And what is reality?

      That which… really exists.

      See, you’re confused. What you perceive, is it reality or illusion?

      And what is an illusion?

      This is a reflection. When you look in the mirror, you're certain that you are real, and what you see in the mirror is an illusion. But the mirror also reflects what is around you. So, is what surrounds you, and what is reflected in the mirror with you, an illusion? And what is reality?

      You see and feel the world around you—is that reality? When you dream, is what you see in your dream reality or an illusion? Don’t rush to answer. Much will still need to be reconsidered.

      Look. Once, people believed that the Earth was flat and stood on three whales. You won't believe it, but that’s how it was.

      So, is reality what I believe in? How does reality differ from illusion? Illusion is a phantom, a hologram, a projection.

      A projection of what? If it's a hologram, on what basis is it created? A phantom of what or whom?

      So, are you saying that there is no single reality as such?

      Correct. If you place an obstacle, say, a plate with slits shaped like trees, in the path of a light beam, you will see projections of trees. A magic lantern. But what if the plate has slits shaped like many other objects? And if this plate is multidimensional, you get the very hologram you speak of.

      But who creates these plates? You do. It's your collective creation. By consciously or unconsciously joining the templates of collective creation.

      Then one of you, the bravest, began to assert that the Earth is actually round. And after some time, the multidimensional plate of perception readjusts. If there had been telescopes in the times when you believed the Earth was flat and stood on three whales, you would have seen this flat Earth and the whales on which it stands.

      So, everything we see, touch, hear, and perceive is only what we believe and know? And is that reality?

      What you call "reality" does not exist. Everything is a reflection and refraction of Divine Light, a myriad of images from magic lanterns, and all of this is an illusion. And by comparing reality to illusion, you are simply comparing different illusions. But which illusion is more illusory? And what is the measure of illusoriness?

      The degree of distance from the Original Light, the degree of reflection.

      Yes, but you see, it's not all linear. And remember, reflection depends on the quality of the refracting lens. Suppose the light is reflected and distorted a million times. Naturally, each reflection adds its own degree of distortion. But then this reflected light hits a lens that is very powerful and very pure. And then, despite the light arriving at this lens in a very distorted form, the purity of the lens allows it, like under a microscope, to isolate these distortions, restore the light's original qualities, and amplify it many times. That's the power of the reflector.

      You're talking about Jesus now.

      About him and many others.

      And then this purified and amplified light also begins to be reflected by other perceivers and travels through the universe. And although it is initially just the Light of God, it is already the altered Light of God. This is what is called Creation.

      So, everything is an illusion, and there is no such thing as reality?

      This is a matter of terminology. Because everything you reflect is real. But for you, at the moment, what is more real is what you believe in and thus reflect more consistently. But all of these are illusions, or your reflections of Divine Light, or your collective reflections of Divine Light. And in reality, only the Divine Light itself is real.

      Let's look at it from another angle. How do you perceive the world around you? Through specific organs of vision. You see with your eyes. Light, refracted in objects outside, hits the lenses of your eyes and is reflected onto internal visual screens. It's all the same.

      However, there are beings in your world who do not have eyes or do not see. How do they perceive the world? The same can be said about all other senses and perceptions. That is, the picture of reality perceived by you and, say, by a worm, is different, as you understand. So what, then, is reality? Moreover, there are beings who see and hear in ranges that are inaccessible to you. So which picture of the world is real? Do you understand?

      But if everything is an illusion, and everything is a reflection, and any reflection is an illusion, then does that mean I am an illusion, and you are an illusion? Exactly. But whose illusion? It turns out to be God's illusion.

      Ultimately, yes. But among God's illusions, there are also your illusions, and your human illusions.

      And the illusions of archangels, and ascended masters, and your illusion?
