Conversation with Lucifer. Elena Sidelnikova. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Elena Sidelnikova
Издательство: Автор
Жанр произведения:
Год издания: 2024
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of your physical body. There are many cases where a hereditary disease is not actually passed from parents to children, just as there are cases where a child is born completely unlike the parents.

      They didn’t want the child to look like them?

      They didn’t form a strong intention to get that, or the intention of the incarnating Spirit was stronger and more stable.

      There are cases where a black child is born to a "white" family, and everyone explains this by genetics.

      There is still much you don’t know about genes. A gene is an informational file in the computer of creation, a program. A black child is born in a white family if someone forms that creative impulse, if someone launches the creation program.

      So, white parents wanted a black child, knowing how others would perceive this?

      It means that the parents or someone in their environment feared this for some reason. Or the Spirit itself decided to incarnate in this form.

      Why? To gain a certain experience. But it is established with us that a black father and a white woman always have a dark-skinned child, that the genes of the black race are somehow stronger.

      How can one program be stronger than another? If they are entirely different? What does “stronger” mean?

      Faster, More Viable

      The speed of creating a human child is practically the same, you know that. This confirms that the same program is working, just in different parts of it. A black father and a white mother have a black child because that's the way it's considered normal.

      But then, can't we say about all the facts of life and scientific discoveries: this is so because it's considered normal? Yes, that’s exactly right. Well, then, what other beings, besides our children, do we create?

      Every one of your stable thought forms results in creation. If only you could see the wonderful beings that little children create! From house spirits to colorful clouds and little people.

      Do children create house spirits?

      Not only children. Everyone who believes that such beings exist.

      But do they exist?

      Everything you believe in exists. Do you believe in house spirits?

      I believe there’s a common spirit or atmosphere in a house.

      Whose spirit is that? When you enter an unfamiliar house, do you feel this atmosphere there?

      Yes, often.

      Those who live in a certain space saturate that space with their creations and leave, as it were, their energetic traces in it. The air you breathe out every second is also a part of your spirit, and it fills the space around you, turning it into your home, a place where you feel most comfortable and relaxed, where you are nourished by your own energy. The same goes for all your household members.

      In other words, you create formations from yourself and your energy, which then begin to develop independently. And these formations are parts of you, created from yourself. This is the process of creation, which is the same for the Original God and all of His creations, a kind of universal creation program. But you modify this divine energy, which originally came to you as yourself, in whatever way you choose.

      So, what do I create?

      All your fantasies, fears, anxieties, desires, and perceptions imposed by external information sources—all of this exists as your creations.

      Where do they exist?

      They exist within you and outside of you. You can create your own space of perception, expanding yourself through yourself, and thereby expanding your world and the boundaries of your interaction with this world. Right now, you don’t have physical boundaries of contact, say, with other planets. Mostly, there are mental boundaries. When you expand your world and, therefore, your perception, you will be able to have energetic boundaries with the astral projections of planets. But by expanding your perception even further, you can interact with these planets using your physical body.

      But my physical body can't survive without an atmosphere or withstand the gravity of certain planets.

      How do you know that? And do you know everything about your physical body? Why is it that only a tiny part of your brain is involved in your current life activities? Because it contains the mechanisms of creation and perception of all that exists. You can unlock within yourself the knowledge and ability to understand any worlds and planets, in any forms, under any gravitational conditions. Moreover, you have mechanisms within you that can change any gravitational conditions.

      Are you talking about the Merkaba?

      The concepts you refer to as “merkaba” and “merkana” are essentially certain programs of spatial perception. You do not move into other spaces; instead, the spaces move towards you. You simply open up the possibility of perceiving them. All spaces intersect at certain points and lines. A shift in perception allows you to connect to these points and, from them, unfold the perception of that space, which is currently folded up for you within a launch button located in your brain.

      It is commonly believed that perception through the mind is inferior to perception through the heart, less complete and more distorted.

      These are merely different types of perception of Divine Light. You have all collectively introduced many mutually accepted distorting programs into your mind that you use. They are like decoders or language translation programs. You can choose to stop using these programs. One way to do this is to question everything, which means considering the possibility of multiple solutions and perceptions of various facts and situations that you find undeniable. Perception through the mind and through the heart are essentially different qualities of wave reception, different receivers of Divine Light. But some of you have heart receivers that are also quite distorted; they have forgotten what love and joy are, and for them, violence has become a way of life and a mode of perception. If you perceive the world only through the heart or only through the mind, you get an incomplete picture of perception. And beyond the mind and heart, you have many other varieties of perception.

      We have debated a lot about free will. Does it exist or not? One position is that we choose everything in our lives ourselves. Another is that the choice was initially made by some higher deity for us, and our task is to accept and submit to this choice, assuming from the start that all of this is done for our benefit. What is benefit? The best path for our development.

      But we have already discussed that there are no best or worst paths of development; there are simply different directions of movement and changes in your portion of the awareness of Divine Light. Is the path of water better than the path of air? The worst path could be conditionally recognized as the slowing of development, because stopping development entirely is impossible. But since time does not exist, the speed of development is not an essential quality or condition.

      However, it is believed that there are common development plans for the Universe, and I exist only within their frameworks and cannot violate them, as that would disrupt the plan of the Universe. It’s like if my liver cell suddenly decided to become a lung cell or live its own separate life.

      If a liver cell chooses to become a lung cell, it will become one. Why do you think you have less freedom of choice than a liver cell?

      You said that I choose how my cells will develop.

      I spoke about co-creation. You choose together. But right now, the process of your interaction, your joint choice, is not conscious for you; it’s automatic.

      For me? Are you saying that for the liver cell it is conscious?

      More than it is for you. Don’t your cells send you different signals, such as pain?

      But if all my organs are working normally, I don’t hear the signals.
