The fourth industrial revolution glossarium: over 1500 of the hottest terms you will use to create the future. Alexander Chesalov. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Alexander Chesalov
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения:
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005986269
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or other requirements or constraints369.

      Data Steward is a person with data-related responsibilities as set by a Data Governance or Data Stewardship program. Often, Data Stewards fall into multiple types. Data Quality Stewards, Data Definition Stewards, Data Usage Stewards, etc.370.

      Data Subject is the person whose personal data are collected, held or processed. identified or identifiable natural person, who is the subject of personal data371.

      Data transfer rate (DTR) is the amount of digital data that is moved from one place to another in a given time. The data transfer rate can be viewed as the speed of travel of a given amount of data from one place to another. In general, the greater the bandwidth of a given path, the higher the data transfer rate372.

      Data variability describes how far apart data points lie from each other and from the center of a distribution. Along with measures of central tendency, measures of variability give you descriptive statistics that summarize your data373.

      Data veracity is the degree of accuracy or truthfulness of a data set. In the context of big data, it’s not just the quality of the data that is important, but how trustworthy the source, the type, and processing of the data are374.

      Database is an organized collection of structured information, or data, typically stored electronically in a computer system. A database is usually controlled by a database management system (DBMS). Together, the data and the DBMS, along with the applications that are associated with them, are referred to as a database system, often shortened to just database. Data within the most common types of databases in operation today is typically modeled in rows and columns in a series of tables to make processing and data querying efficient. The data can then be easily accessed, managed, modified, updated, controlled, and organized. Most databases use structured query language (SQL) for writing and querying data375.

      Database management system (DBMS) is a software package designed to define, manipulate, retrieve and manage data in a database. A DBMS generally manipulates the data itself, the data format, field names, record structure and file structure. It also defines rules to validate and manipulate this data. Database management systems are set up on specific data handling concepts, as the practice of administrating a database evolves. The earliest databases only handled individual single pieces of specially formatted data. Today’s more evolved systems can handle different kinds of less formatted data and tie them together in more elaborate ways376.

      Databus is a data-centric sharing system where applications exchange information in a virtual, global data space377.

      Data-driven decisions are decisions made based on data/information, not experience, hunches, or intuition378.

      Dataflow Processing Unit (DPU) is a programmable specialized electronic circuit with hardware accelerated data processing for data-oriented computing.

      DDI instance an XML document, marked up according to the DDI DTD. In other words, a codebook or catalog record marked up in DDI-compliant XML379.

      Debugging is the process of finding and resolving bugs (defects or problems that prevent correct operation) within computer programs, software, or systems. Debugging tactics can involve interactive debugging, control flow analysis, unit testing, integration testing, log file analysis, monitoring at the application or system level, memory dumps, and profiling. Many programming languages and software development tools also offer programs to aid in debugging, known as debuggers380.

      Decentralized applications (dApps) are digital applications or programs that exist and run on a blockchain or peer-to-peer (P2P) network of computers instead of a single computer. DApps (also called «dapps») are outside the purview and control of a single authority. DApps – which are often built on the Ethereum platform – can be developed for a variety of purposes including gaming, finance, and social media381.

      Decentralized control is a process in which a significant number of control actions related to a given object are generated by the object itself on the basis of self-government.

      Decentralized finance (DeFi) is an emerging financial technology based on secure distributed ledgers similar to those used by cryptocurrencies. The system removes the control banks and institutions have on money, financial products, and financial services382.

      Decision intelligence (DI) is a practical discipline used to improve the decision making process by clearly understanding and programmatically developing how decisions are made and how the outcomes are evaluated, managed and improved through feedback. Also, Decision intelligence is a discipline offers a framework to assist data and analytics practitioners develop, model, align, implement, track, and modify decision models and processes related to business results and performance.

      Decision Rights – the system of determining who makes a decision, and when, and how, and under what circumstances. Formalizing Decision Rights is a key function of Data Governance383.

      Decision support system (DSS) is an information system that supports business or organizational decision-making activities. DSSs serve the management, operations and planning levels of an organization (usually mid and higher management) and help people make decisions about problems that may be rapidly changing and not easily specified in advance – i.e. unstructured and semi-structured decision problems. Decision support systems can be either fully computerized or human-powered, or a combination of both. Also, Decision Support Systems is a collection of integrated technologies, software and hardware, that constitute the main support of the organization`s decision making process384.

      Decision tree is a tree-and-branch model used to represent decisions and their possible consequences, similar to a flowchart.

      Decompression is a feature that is used to restore data to uncompressed form after compression385.

      Deep Learning (also known as deep structured learning) is part of a broader family of machine learning methods based on artificial neural networks with representation learning. Learning can be supervised, semi-supervised or unsupervised. Deep-learning architectures such as deep neural networks, deep belief networks, deep reinforcement learning, recurrent neural networks and convolutional neural networks have been applied to fields including computer vision, speech recognition, natural language processing, machine translation, bioinformatics, drug design, medical image analysis, climate science, material inspection and board game programs, where they have produced results comparable to and in some cases surpassing human expert performance. Also, Deep Learning (DL) is a subfield of machine learning concerned with algorithms that are inspired by the human brain that works in a hierarchical way. Deep Learning models, which are mostly based on the (artificial)


Data Stakeholders – Text: electronic. – URL: (date of request: 10.11.2022)


Data Steward – Text: electronic. – URL: (date of request: 10.11.2022)


Data Subject – Text: electronic. – URL: (date of request: 10.11.2022)


Data transfer rate (DTR) – Text: electronic. – (date of request: 07.07.2022) URL:


Data variability – Text: electronic. – (date of request: 07.07.2022) URL:


Data veracity – Text: electronic. – (date of request: 07.07.2022) URL:


Database – Text: electronic. – (date of request: 07.07.2022) URL:


Database management system (DBMS) – Text: electronic. – (date of request: 07.07.2022) URL:


Databus – Text: electronic. – URL: (date of request: 25.02.2023)


Data-driven decisions – Text: electronic. – URL: (date of request: 25.02.2023)


DDI instance – Text: electronic. – (date of request: 07.07.2022) URL:


Debugging – Text: electronic. – (date of request: 07.07.2022) URL:


Decentralized applications (dApps) – Text: electronic. – (date of request: 07.07.2022) URL:


Decentralized finance (DeFi) – Text: electronic. – (date of request: 07.07.2022) URL:


Decision Rights – Text: electronic. – URL: (date of request: 10.11.2022)


Decision Support Systems – Text: electronic. – (date of request: 07.07.2022) URL:


Decompression – Text: electronic. – (date of request: 07.07.2022) URL: