Quantum Mechanics, Volume 3. Claude Cohen-Tannoudji. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Claude Cohen-Tannoudji
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Физика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9783527822751
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particle density operator

      Consider the average value image of a one-particle operator image in an arbitrary N-particle quantum state. It can be expressed, using relation (B-12), as a function of the average values of operator products image:


      This expression is close to that of the average value of an operator for a physical system composed of a single particle. Remember (Complement EIII, § 4-b) that if a system is described by a single particle density operator image, the average value of any operator image is written as:


      The above two expressions can be made to coincide if, for the system of identical particles, we introduce a “density operator reduced to a single particle” image whose matrix elements are defined by:

      This reduced operator allows computing average values of all the single particle operators as if the system consisted only of a single particle:


      where the trace is taken in the state space of a single particle.



      It is however easy to choose a different normalization for the reduced density operator: its trace can be made equal to 1 by dividing the right-hand side of definition (B-24) by the factor image.

      We now extend the previous results to the case of two-particle operators.

      Consider a physical quantity involving two particles, labeled q and q′. It is associated with an operator image acting in the state space of these two particles (the tensor product of the two individual state’s spaces). Starting from this binary operator, the easiest way to obtain a symmetric N-particle operator is to sum all the image over all the particles q and q′, where the two subscripts q and q′ range from 1 to N. Note, however, that in this sum all the terms where q = q′ add up to form a one-particle operator of exactly the same type as those studied in § B-1. Consequently, to obtain a real two-particle operator we shall exclude the terms where q = q′ and define:

      The factor 1/2 present in this expression is arbitrary but often handy. If for example the operator describes an interaction energy that is the sum of the contributions of all the distinct pairs of particles, image and image corresponding to the same pair are equal and appear twice in the sum over q and q′: the factor 1/2 avoids counting them twice. Whenever image, it is equivalent to write image in the form:




      The operator written in (C-1) then becomes:

      The right-hand side of this expression starts with a product of one-particle operators, each of which can be replaced, following (B-11), by its expression as a function of the creation and annihilation operators:

