Consider the average value
This expression is close to that of the average value of an operator for a physical system composed of a single particle. Remember (Complement EIII, § 4-b) that if a system is described by a single particle density operator
The above two expressions can be made to coincide if, for the system of identical particles, we introduce a “density operator reduced to a single particle”
This reduced operator allows computing average values of all the single particle operators as if the system consisted only of a single particle:
where the trace is taken in the state space of a single particle.
The trace of the reduced density operator thus defined is not equal to unity, but to the average particle number as can be shown using (B-24) and (B-15):
This normalization convention can be useful. For example, the diagonal matrix element of
It is however easy to choose a different normalization for the reduced density operator: its trace can be made equal to 1 by dividing the right-hand side of definition (B-24) by the factor
C. Two-particle operators
We now extend the previous results to the case of two-particle operators.
C-1. Definition
Consider a physical quantity involving two particles, labeled q and q′. It is associated with an operator
The factor 1/2 present in this expression is arbitrary but often handy. If for example the operator describes an interaction energy that is the sum of the contributions of all the distinct pairs of particles,
As with the one-particle operators, expression (C-1) defines symmetric operators separately in each physical state’s space having a given particle number N. This definition may be extended to the entire Fock space, which is their direct sum over all N. This results in a more general operator
C-2. A simple case: factorization
Let us first assume the operator
The operator written in (C-1) then becomes:
The right-hand side of this expression starts with a product of one-particle operators, each of which can be replaced, following (B-11), by its expression as a function of the creation and annihilation operators:
As for the last term on the right-hand side of (C-5), it is already a single particle operator: