We have thus shown that the operators
When the occupation numbers ps, pt, .. can take on any values, the kets (A-56) span the entire Fock space. Writing the previous equality for ps and ps + 1, we see that the action on all the basis kets of
(ii) Fermions
The demonstration is identical, with the constraint that the occupation numbers are 0 or 1 . As this requires no changes in the operator or state order, it involves no sign changes.
B. One-particle symmetric operators
Using creation and annihilation operators makes it much easier to deal, in the Fock space, with physical operators that are thus symmetric (§ C-4-a-β of Chapter XIV). We first study the simplest of such operators, those which act on a single particle and are called “one-particle operators”.
B-1. Definition
Consider an operator
A one-particle symmetric operator acting in the space S(N) for bosons - or A(N) for fermions - is therefore defined by:
(contrary to states, which are symmetric for bosons and antisymmetric for fermions, the physical operators are always symmetric). The operator
Using (B-1) directly to compute the matrix elements of
B-2. Expression in terms of the operators a and a†
We choose a basis {|ui〉} for the individual states. The matrix elements fkl of the one-particle operator
They can be used to expand the operator itself as follows:
B-2-a. Action of F(N) on a ket with N particles
Using in (B-1) the expression (B-4) for
The action of
with coefficients fkl. Let us use (A-7) or (A-10) to compute this ket for given values of k and l. As the operator contained in the bracket is symmetric with respect to the exchange of particles, it commutes with the two operators SN and AN (§ C-4-a-β of Chapter XIV)), and the ket can be written as:
In the summation over q, the only non-zero terms are those for which the individual state |ul〉 coincides with the individual state |um〉 occupied in the ket on the right by the particle labeled q; there are nl different values of q that obey this condition (i.e. none or one for fermions). For these nl terms, the operator |q : |uk〉 〈q : ul| transforms the state |um〉 into |ui〉, then SN (or AN) reconstructs a symmetrized (but not normalized) ket: