Quantum Mechanics, Volume 3. Claude Cohen-Tannoudji. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Claude Cohen-Tannoudji
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Физика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9783527822751
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      This ket is always the same for all the numbers q among the nl selected ones (for fermions, this term might be zero, if the state |uk〉 was already occupied in the initial ket). We shall then distinguish two cases:


      where the square root factor comes from the variation in the occupation numbers nk and nl, which thus change the numerical coefficients in the definition (A-7) of the Fock states. As this ket is obtained nl times, this factor becomes image. This is exactly the factor obtained by the action on the same symmetrized ket of the operator image, which also removes a particle from the state |ul〉 and creates a new one in the state |uk〉. Consequently, the operator image reproduces exactly the same effect as the sum over q.

      For fermions, the result is zero except when, in the initial ket, the state |ul〉 was occupied by a particle, and the state |uk〉 empty, in which case no numerical factor appears; as before, this is exactly what the action of the operator image would do.

      (ii) if k = l, for bosons the only numerical factor involved is nl, coming from the number of terms in the sum over q that yields the same symmetrized ket. For fermions, the only condition that yields a non-zero result is for the state |ul〉 to be occupied, which also leads to the factor nl. In both cases, the sum over q amounts to the action of the operator image.

      We have shown that:


      B-2-b. Expression valid in the entire Fock space


      Choosing the proper basis {|ui〉} it is always possible to diagonalize the Hermitian operator image and write:


      Equality (B-11) is then simply written as:



      As expected, this operator does not depend on the basis {|ui〉} chosen to count the particles, as we now show. Using the unitary transformations of operators (A-51) and (A-52), and with the full notation for the creation and annihilation operators to avoid any ambiguity, we get:


      which shows that:


      For a spinless particle one can also define the operator corresponding to the probability density at point r0:


      The same procedure as above shows that this operator is independent of the basis {|ui〉} chosen in the individual states space.


      As for the kinetic energy of the particles, its associated operator is expressed as:
