This ket is always the same for all the numbers q among the nl selected ones (for fermions, this term might be zero, if the state |uk〉 was already occupied in the initial ket). We shall then distinguish two cases:
(i) For k ≠ l, and for bosons, the ket written in (B-8) equals:
where the square root factor comes from the variation in the occupation numbers nk and nl, which thus change the numerical coefficients in the definition (A-7) of the Fock states. As this ket is obtained nl times, this factor becomes
For fermions, the result is zero except when, in the initial ket, the state |ul〉 was occupied by a particle, and the state |uk〉 empty, in which case no numerical factor appears; as before, this is exactly what the action of the operator
(ii) if k = l, for bosons the only numerical factor involved is nl, coming from the number of terms in the sum over q that yields the same symmetrized ket. For fermions, the only condition that yields a non-zero result is for the state |ul〉 to be occupied, which also leads to the factor nl. In both cases, the sum over q amounts to the action of the operator
We have shown that:
The summation over k and l in (B-5) then yields:
B-2-b. Expression valid in the entire Fock space
The right-hand side of (B-11) contains an expression completely independent of the space S(N) or A(N) in which we defined the action of the operator
This is the expression of one-particle symmetric operators we were looking for. Its form is valid for any value of N and the particles are no longer numbered; it contains equal numbers of creation and annihilation operators, which only act on occupation numbers.
Choosing the proper basis {|ui〉} it is always possible to diagonalize the Hermitian operator
Equality (B-11) is then simply written as:
B-3. Examples
A first very simple example is the operator
As expected, this operator does not depend on the basis {|ui〉} chosen to count the particles, as we now show. Using the unitary transformations of operators (A-51) and (A-52), and with the full notation for the creation and annihilation operators to avoid any ambiguity, we get:
which shows that:
For a spinless particle one can also define the operator corresponding to the probability density at point r0:
Relation (B-12) then leads to the “particle local density” (or “single density”) operator:
The same procedure as above shows that this operator is independent of the basis {|ui〉} chosen in the individual states space.
Let us assume now that the chosen basis is formed by the eigenvectors |Ki〉 of a particle’s momentum ħki, and that the corresponding annihilation operators are noted aki. The operator associated with the total momentum of the system can be written as:
As for the kinetic energy of the particles, its associated operator is expressed as: