Quantum Mechanics, Volume 3. Claude Cohen-Tannoudji. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Claude Cohen-Tannoudji
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Физика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9783527822751
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in common relations, we introduce the notation:




      and the only non-zero combinations are:

      What are the effects on the creation and annihilation operators of a change of basis for the individual states? The operators image and aui have been introduced by their action on the Fock states, defined by relations (A-7) and (A-10) for which a given basis of individual states {|ui〉} was chosen. One could also choose any another orthonormal basis {|vs〉} and define in the same way bases for the Fock state and creation image and annihilation avs operators. What is the relation between these new operators and the ones we defined earlier with the initial basis?

      For creation operators acting on the vacuum state |0〉, the answer is quite straightforward: the action of image on |0〉 yields a one-particle ket, which can be written as:

      This result leads us to expect a simple linear relation of the type:

      with its Hermitian conjugate:



      Furthermore, it is straightforward to show that the creation operators commute (or anticommute), as do the annihilation operators.

       Equivalence of the two bases

      (i) Bosons

      Relations (A-7) and (A-17) lead to:

      where, on the right-hand side, the ni first particles occupy the same individual state ui the following nj particles, numbered from ni + 1 to ni + nj, the individual state uj, etc. The equivalent relation in the second basis can be written:




      we obtain:

