The Element Encyclopedia of Birthdays. Theresa Cheung. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Theresa Cheung
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Эзотерика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007357093
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       The Birthday of the Bedazzler

       “I am born to innovate”

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      The life lesson: is to see being different as a strength, not a weakness.

      The way forward: is understanding that everyone is utterly unique; you just tend to be a little more unique than anyone else.

      Luck maker: Be yourself, everyone else is taken.

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      February 4-born always stand out. They can bedazzle others with their original thoughts and authoritative flashes of brilliance. Their methods may not always be orthodox, but their thoughts are original and their problem-solving techniques effective. Although they are admired for their sincerity and self-discipline, the logic behind their thoughts and actions is often incomprehensible, not just to others but sometimes to themselves. Their speed of thought can be exhausting and others may respond with bewilderment rather than bedazzlement. Feeling like a square peg in a round hole can make them feel insecure and they may try very hard to fit in, but this is a mistake as they shouldn’t try to win the admiration of others by limiting their greatest strength: their originality.

      Born innovators, these people are drawn toward science, technology, politics, medicine, business, entrepreneurship and entertainment. They may specialize as therapists, psychologists, doctors or natural healers, or be drawn to charity work or social reform. They can make fantastic artists, photographers, designers, architects, sculptors, painters, online influencers and podcasters, as these careers offer outlets for their originality. Innovative in everything they do, they may be drawn to alternative medicine and holistic health practices. For self-care, take off your shoes and socks and walk barefoot. Direct physical contact with the earth through “earthing” can bring feelings of calm and balance to mind, body and spirit.

      In relationships they are attracted to adventurous and unusual people like themselves. They are capable of intimacy, but acknowledging their feelings is not easy for them. They can be unempathetic and harsher on themselves than anyone else, and can also be impatient and impulsive without thinking through the impact of their actions. Fortunately, inner calm becomes more likely the older the get, and after their mid-forties they really come into their own. If people born on this day can understand that others respect and admire them far more if they are being themselves, and that they need to celebrate rather than curb their originality, their destiny is to amaze others with their honest, if occasionally eccentric, but always brilliantly innovative approach to life.

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      Tarot card, lucky numbers, days, colors: The Emperor, 4, 7, Saturday, Sunday, silver, blue

      Born today: Charles Lindbergh (aviator); Rosa Parks (activist); Betty Friedan (feminist)

      Potential: Unconventional, exciting

      Dark side: Unstable, harsh


       5 FEBRUARY

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       The Birthday of the Smooth Operator

       “I know the secret”

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      The life lesson: is to open up about how you feel.

      The way forward: is to understand that no emotion should be ignored. Every emotion has something valuable to teach you.

      Luck maker: Show your vulnerability. Admitting you have fears too will bring people closer to you.

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      Those born on February 5 are often respected for their quiet charm, razor-sharp wit and confident ability to tackle even the hardest of challenges with charm and grace. Although they come across as graceful and eloquent operators who seem to be extremely capable—sometimes to the point of overconfidence—underneath they are no less insecure than anyone else. They have simply learned to carefully hide their insecurities behind a façade, and the admiration of others means a whole lot more to them that they would care to admit, which is why they often relish the role of caretaker, advisor, supporter or educator of others.

      Born guardians, they can excel in medicine, education, law, criminology, counseling, management, politics, finance, consultancy, the clergy, social work and psychology. Their curiosity may lead them to careers in the arts, design, science, writing or research, as well as online influencing. They can be exceptional thinkers as well as speakers, and nothing thrills them more than discovering mysteries to solve. They work well in teams, either in business or sport, and when promoting a cause, but, if they are able to develop their unique ideas and skills, they have remarkable potential to excel in any chosen field. Regular health check-ups are advised, as these people find it hard to admit they are fallible and to ask others for advice, because they consider giving advice to be their own role. For self-care, watch a classic heartfelt movie, such as Titanic or Ghost, to help reconnect you with the transformative power of your heart.

      Those born on this day are happiest when surrounded by people as articulate and as intelligent as them, but, if they are starved of intellectual stimulation, they can come across as condescending at times. Fortunately, between the ages of 15 and 44 their sensitivity toward others grows, and after their mid-forties they feel even greater empathy for others. They have a tendency to think more than they feel. But when they are able to correct that head-over-heart imbalance, their destiny is to make the impossible seem possible and to use their smooth operating skills to achieve remarkable things for themselves and others.

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      Tarot card, lucky numbers, days, colors: The Hierophant, 5, 7, Saturday, Wednesday, turquoise, green

      Born today: Robert Hofstadter (physicist); Jane Geddes (golfer); Cristiano Ronaldo and Neymar (footballers)

      Potential: Articulate, versatile

      Dark side: Condescending, inconsistent


       6 FEBRUARY

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       The Birthday of the Charmer

       “I am in love with my life”

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      The life lesson: is dealing with a need to be praised.

      The way forward: is to understand