The Element Encyclopedia of Birthdays. Theresa Cheung. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Theresa Cheung
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Эзотерика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007357093
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card, lucky numbers, days, colors: The Hierophant, 6, 7, Saturday, Friday, blue, lilac

      Born today: Edith Wharton (author); Neil Diamond (singer); Benjamin Lincoln (officer)

      Potential: Exciting, glamorous

      Dark side: Vain, insecure


       25 JANUARY

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       The Birthday of Purpose

       “I love myself more today than yesterday”

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      The life lesson: is finding your direction or purpose.

      The way forward: is to think about what you love to do, find out what you are good at, and then discover how doing what you love and are good at can help others.

      Luck maker: Try to make things better, not perfect.

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      January 25-born come into this world with a powerful sense of destiny. They feel as if they have been sent with a purpose and will feel unfulfilled until they find it, but once they discover their mission, their disciplined approach assures their success. They focus all their energy on their goals, but, because they are empathetic, their goals tend to be for the good of others rather than for themselves alone. They are at their happiest when they are totally immersed in a project, but their over-involvement is never at the expense of their individuality. Eccentric by choice, they refuse to conform; personal freedom is extremely important to them.

      Born achievers, the greatest danger for these people is to be without direction, drifting from project to project. Choice of career is crucial as, once they have settled on a direction, they can excel in any profession. Social services, healing and the caring professions are a natural fit, but their curious and organized personality suits writing, sociology, counseling, psychology, politics, music, the arts, writing, finance, sales, marketing and technology. They also make fine inventors. Keeping a favorable attitude toward themselves through positive thinking, as well as a healthy diet and lifestyle, helps them avoid a tendency toward feeling insecure about themselves and resulting self-destructive behavior. For self-care, give yourself a kiss on the back of one of your wrists as a symbolic reminder of the life-changing importance of self-love.

      These people love the idea of finding a soul mate—someone who completes them—but they are unlikely to find a partner until they learn to complete themselves first. It is vitally important for them to come to terms with who they are and to feel comfortable with their personality, because when they do they are an unstoppable force. Turning points for greater emotional identity are the late twenties and then the late fifties. Once they learn to love and trust themselves, their destiny is to share their sense of original and progressive purpose with the world in a way that truly sets them apart.

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      Tarot card, lucky numbers, days, colors: The Chariot, 7, 8, Saturday, Monday, blue, green

      Born today: Virginia Woolf (author); Alicia Keys (singer); Robert Burns (poet)

      Potential: Profound, individual

      Dark side: Impatient, self-defeating


       26 JANUARY

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       The Birthday of the Last Word

       “I light up the way ahead”

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      The life lesson: is your inability to cope when your authority or ideas are questioned.

      The way forward: is to take on board different viewpoints from your own, because others can sometimes see what you miss.

      Luck maker: Learn to listen.

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      People born on January 26 are enterprising individuals with a commanding presence. They love to spearhead new trends and their determination and success-orientated approach give them the potential to turn all their dreams into reality. Their insistence on always having the last word makes them excellent leaders. The one thing they really don’t like is having their authority questioned. They are not known for their patience and are prone to making snap decisions without consulting others, which can cause them trouble; their bluntness can also truly upset others. Once they are able to recognize the importance of compromise and considering the impact of their words and actions on others, their down-to-earth resilient approach, dynamic energy and bold originality guarantee their success and the undying loyalty of others.

      Born leaders and motivators, these driven people can go far if they avoid power struggles. Their ability to spot opportunities makes them great CEOs, managers, consultants, life coaches, agents, advertisers, financial advisors and managers, but their individuality and natural authority may also find a home in the world of the law, the media, music and entertainment. An early-to-bed, early-to-rise lifestyle that avoids extremes benefits their health the most. For self-care, smile warmly at someone today for no other reason than to acknowledge your shared humanity.

      Natural flirts, these people need to avoid getting involved with people for the wrong reasons; for example, because they feel they can help them climb the ladder of success. They are usually found where the party or the action is and are great at networking, but to lead a fulfilled life they must nurture their inner life and the quality of their relationships. Fortunately, after the age of 25, and then again at the age of 55, they tend to shift toward becoming more inner-focused and less externally orientated. Once they have learned the importance of compromise, and to motivate people through a spirit of cooperation rather than dictatorship, their destiny is to be right up there at the forefront of inspirational new trends and ideas.

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      Tarot card, lucky numbers, day, colors: Strength, 8, 9, Saturday, green, purple

      Born today: Eddie van Halen (musician); Ellen DeGeneres (comedian); José Mourinho (football manager)

      Potential: Enterprising, dynamic

      Dark side: Opinionated, domineering


       27 JANUARY

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       The Birthday