The Element Encyclopedia of Birthdays. Theresa Cheung. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Theresa Cheung
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Эзотерика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007357093
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think and talk less and do more.

      Born mystics, these people have great intuitive powers and thrive best in careers that allow them to use their powerful imagination and give them plenty of freedom. Their ability to see the bigger picture and look ahead makes them excellent designers, investors, property developers, architects, traders, planners, researchers and forecasters. Their empathy may draw them to education, the media, advertising or the arts, in particular writing, acting and music, and to New Age therapies and the world of personal growth and development. Prone to indulgence and bouts of laziness, they need to understand that too much sleep is as unhealthy as too little. For self-care, every day put your headphones on and listen to an upbeat music track that makes you want to get up and dance—for example, “Hey Ya” by Outkast.

      The profound sensitivity of those born on this day means that they can effortlessly tune into the moods of others, over-identifying with their problems and minimizing their own. It is important for them to learn where other people end and they begin, as their sensitive nature tends to attract draining, toxic people into their lives. Fortunately, although there are opportunities earlier, in their early forties they start to become more protective of their personal energy. Once they understand their powerful impact on others, and how others affect them, their destiny is to bring peace, along with a much-needed dose of fantasy, into the world.

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      Tarot card, lucky numbers, day, colors: Strength, 1, 8, Saturday, dark blues and greens

      Born today: Emanuel Swedenborg (philosopher); John Williams (composer); John Grisham (author)

      Potential: Charming, sensitive

      Dark side: Unclear, indecisive


       9 FEBRUARY

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       The Birthday of the Winning Attitude

       “Nothing can stop me”

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      The life lesson: is to be less self-critical.

      The way forward: is to talk to yourself as though you are a child, in a positive, supportive and loving way.

      Luck maker: Keep your cool when the going gets tough. Panic doesn’t solve anything.

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      February 9-born are independent and generous individuals with a unique and, at times, nonconformist perspective on life. They are shrewd observers and capable of great understanding of others’ problems, even if they have not experienced those problems themselves. Above all, they are fighters. When life knocks them down, they bounce right back with resilience, and this winning attitude can lead them to great achievements. Often sought out for their sound advice, they make great teachers and leaders, influencing and inspiring not just with words but with their example—showing others through their own actions how to rise above challenges with a winning attitude. Their inner strength can make them seem unbreakable at times, but they do possess a soft side that takes rejection and criticism to heart. They also have a tendency to act rashly; they need to remain calm under pressure.

      Born mentors, these people are perfect for advisory positions and make great educators, carers, counselors, consultants, therapists, politicians, lawyers and psychologists. They are multitalented and often have more than one career. Science, social and humanitarian reform, the arts, design, technology, property development, navigation, aviation, international business, social media or any career that involves plenty of travel and variety is ideal. Blessed with boundless energy, their secret to good health is eating little and often and avoiding alcohol and drugs. For self-care, sprinkle a few drops of jasmine oil on a handkerchief to breathe in when you feel overwhelmed. This will help you see the sunnier side of life.

      When it comes to relationships, these people need to learn to be as understanding of themselves as they are of others. Before the age of 40 they seek the approval of others, but, after that, the emphasis switches to self-love as well as a need to take the initiative in all areas of their lives. Once they are able to regard themselves more positively—and to be less harsh in their self-criticism—their destiny is to achieve the high goals they set themselves, devote themselves to a positive cause and, in the process, become an inspirational role model to those lucky enough to cross their path.

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      Tarot card, lucky numbers, day, colors: The Hermit, 2, 9, Saturday, Tuesday, turquoise, red

      Born today: Peggy Whitson (astronaut); Alice Walker (novelist); Tom Hiddleston (actor)

      Potential: Resilient, inspirational

      Dark side: Insecure, hasty


       10 FEBRUARY

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       The Birthday of Achievement

       “If I can dream it, I can do it”

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      The life lesson: is to work with others successfully.

      The way forward: is to understand that you can’t do everything alone.

      Luck maker: Fail more. There is no such thing as failure if you learn from it.

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      People born on February 10 are life’s go-getters. The pursuit of their career goals is likely to take precedence over anything else, especially in their early adult years. Their clear-sighted recognition of their aspirations, along with their ability to concentrate fully and adapt if need be, means that they are more than likely to surpass their professional goals. However, they do need to be careful that they don’t become perfectionist and obsessive in their drive to succeed. Material success isn’t likely to be their motivation, but rather gaining approval for making their mark in the right way. Integrity matters greatly to them and they aren’t likely to walk over or take advantage of others to get to where they want to be.

      Born achievers and hard workers, these people have the imagination but also the discipline, drive and determination to succeed in any career they choose. They could be a great lawyer, policeperson, politician, civil servant, executive, charity worker, entrepreneur, sportsperson, artist, researcher, pilot, social media influencer and so on. The list of career possibilities is endless, so it might be beneficial for them to try their hand at many different options. Health-wise they would benefit considerably from plenty of fresh air and exercise as well as hobbies and interests outside the workplace. For self-care, slow down. Just 10 or 15 minutes of quiet time doing nothing can make a real difference with connecting to the luck-making power of intuition.
