The Element Encyclopedia of Birthdays. Theresa Cheung. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Theresa Cheung
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Эзотерика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007357093
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those born on this day, home needs to be their sanctuary, but, without realizing it, they can subordinate the needs of loved ones to their careers and may end up alone for lengthy periods as a result. At 40 they reach a significant turning point, when they become less reliant on achievement for a sense of self-worth and more committed to nurturing close relationships with others and just as important nurturing the relationship they have with themselves. As long as they remember that admiration isn’t the same as affection, and that periods of solitude can be a source of great creativity and strength, their destiny is to be highly respected for their integrity and to devote themselves to a cause that makes a genuine difference.

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      Tarot card, lucky numbers, days, colors: The Wheel of Fortune, 1, 3, Saturday, Sunday, blue, orange

      Born today: Boris Pasternak (novelist); Harold Macmillan (British prime minister); Laura Dern (actor)

      Potential: Creative, bold

      Dark side: Aloof, anxious


       11 FEBRUARY

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       The Birthday of the Upgrader

       “I can always find a new and better way”

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      The life lesson: is coping when you or others mess up.

      The way forward: is understanding that making mistakes is an important learning experience.

      Luck maker: Be open to learning from others. Nobody likes a “know-it-all.”

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      People born on February 11 feel they were born to help improve everyone and everything. In their minds, both people and things are always in need of an upgrade. They often have an earnest, engaging quality about them, and a real talent for finding new ways to make life easier. They do this not for material benefit or recognition, but because they believe that the less stress people have, the more they can devote themselves to meaningful pursuits. Although they prefer to motivate by example, people born on this day can be a lot of fun and have a knack for making others feel good about themselves.

      Born inventors, these people are attracted to careers in science, technology, education, invention, programming and architecture, as well as personal development. In business they make great consultants and specialists, or they may devote themselves to charity work, psychology, philosophy, the arts or personal transformation. Prone to self-indulgence, understanding the power of moderation and the mind–body link is important for their wellbeing. For self-care, meditating on an amethyst crystal or surrounding yourself with the color violet keeps your mood uplifted.

      These people tend to let their current projects absorb them, neglecting relationships. In love they need personal freedom and intellectual stimulation, and are drawn to unusual people. Thinking of themselves as improvers and educators, they should understand that not everyone appreciates their help. Sometimes the only way for people to learn is through making their own mistakes and finding their own solutions. They may get resentful if another person tries to point things out, especially if they do so in a blunt manner. It is important for them to develop their sensitivity. Before the age of 40 they are emotionally sensitive, but after that, directness takes center stage and they need to learn to channel this directness positively and sensitively. With their inventive insight into what a situation or a person needs, there is little doubt that those born on this day (as long as they can master the art of diplomacy and be less critical) can break new ground. Their destiny is to experiment with original concepts and upgrade the world in the process.

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      Tarot card, lucky numbers, days, colors: Justice, 2, 4, Saturday, Monday, blue, silver

      Born today: Thomas Edison (inventor); Julia Mossbridge (neuroscientist); Jennifer Aniston (actor)

      Potential: Progressive, inventive

      Dark side: Tactless, self-indulgent


       12 FEBRUARY

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       The Birthday of the Bold Integrator

       “I unite and heal and bring peace”

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      The life lesson: is focusing energy on one project.

      The way forward: is to understand that concentration is an essential ingredient for success and, without it, productive energy gets scattered.

      Luck maker: Have more fun. Smile and the world smiles back at you.

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      Those born on February 12 have a talent for integration. They gather all the available information and then try to synthesize and unite it to form a bold plan. They love to bring harmony and always see themselves in the role of peacekeeper, pointing others in the right direction; that direction is, of course, the one they believe to be correct. They need to recognize the importance of consensus and to understand that, although their ability to see the bigger picture qualifies them to take the lead, great leadership is not about dictatorship but about motivating others to go in the direction you want them to go.

      Born politicians and leaders, these people may consider politics, the military, the law, education or social reform, but, whatever career they choose, they are likely to rise to the top. Other work areas they may be drawn to include the arts, writing, philanthropy, charity work, anthropology, science, management, counseling, publishing, advertising, accountancy, or anything that requires their invention. Creatures of routine, when it comes to their health they might want to experiment with their food and exercise choices now and again. For self-care, practice daily meditation to help direct and focus your thoughts.

      The detached exterior and fierce devotion to work of those born on this day can make it hard for them to open up, but, when they finally do relax and let go of inhibitions, they make loyal and sensitive companions. Tenacious, confident, original, ethical and creative, these people do need to be careful not to squander their many talents in too many directions. Until their late thirties there are opportunities for them to develop greater self-awareness, but in their forties and beyond there is a focus on personal integration and purpose; in many ways, this is when they really start to shine and can courageously and tenaciously initiate and implement their innovative projects and plans. They have the charisma to lead and inspire others, and, once they have learned to be more open-minded, their destiny is to create harmony in any environment that they find themselves in, making the world a more peaceful place.

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